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Simulations of Ground Motions for Mw 7.9 Nepal Earthquake J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-10-25 M. NagaTejasri, S.T.G. Raghukanth, Himanshu Mittal
This paper focuses on developing a model for the Indian region to simulate ground motion using the spectral element method. The topography, bathymetry, and the 3-dimensional material properties are...
New Methodology for Assessing Seismic Ground Vulnerability Based on Microtremor and Taiwan Seismic Intensity Scale J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-10-21 Po-Hsiang Liu, Jian-Hong Wu
The Taiwan Ground Deformation Index (TGDI) is proposed to quantify site vulnerability using a non-linear soil deformation model, PGA parameters from the Taiwan seismic intensity scale, and microtre...
Investigation of Seismic Behavior of Slope Supported by Pile-Anchor Structure with Dampers J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-10-21 Xuecheng Liu, Jianlin Shen, Xuanming Ding, Changjie Zheng, Jiyu Ren, Qiang Ou
The pile-anchor structure has been widely studied by global researchers. However, there is still little research on seismic optimization measures considering energy dissipation. In this research, t...
Threshold of Saturation Degree of Unsaturated Sand to Cause Liquefaction Considering the Sample Volumetric Strain: Modelization and Experimental Laboratory Investigation J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-10-21 K. H. Tran, Y. Shamas, W. Huang, S. Imanzadeh, S. Taibi, J. M. Fleureau, M. Hattab, H. Souli, E. Rivoalen
This paper aims to determine a non-liquefiable domain corresponding to the threshold of saturation degree where liquefaction does not occur under cyclic loading. To determine this threshold, sample...
Damage Analysis of High-Speed Railway Bridge-Track System with Unequal Pier Heights Under Near-Fault Earthquake Based on FK-FE Method J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-10-20 Zhihui Zhu, Yongjiu Tang, Zhenning Ba, Yu Qin
Canyons have a significant influence on near-fault earthquakes, and near-fault earthquakes exhibit strong amplitude and large spatial variability. In turn, this causes the damage and deformation of...
Seismic Stability Evaluation of Landfill Veneer Cover Systems Using Modified Pseudo-Dynamic Method J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-10-14 Soujanya Dabbiru, B. Munwar Basha
This study evaluates the seismic stability of veneer cover systems, addressing the sliding failure (SF) and uplifted-floating failure (UF) caused by retained water. The modified pseudo-dynamic (MPD...
Source Modeling of Deep Plate Boundary 2021 Miyagi Earthquake (Mw7.0) Employing Modified Semi-Empirical Technique with Site Effects: A Step Forward Towards Hazard Mitigation J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-10-14 Sonia Devi, Pal Suraj Kumar, Sandeep, Kumar Parveen, Monika, Himanshu Mittal
The source modeling of 2021 Miyagi earthquake (Mw7.0) offers a significant tool to understand the initial evaluation of M9 earthquake cycle in this region. This article seeks to simulate the 2021 M...
Seismic Vibration Control of Multiple-Degrees-of-Freedom Steel Structures Through Optimal Impact Mass Dampers J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-10-09 Roberto Andreotti, Oreste S. Bursi, Khalid M. Mosalam
A novel device based on the energy transfer concept, named impact mass damper (IMD), is presented for the mitigation of large structural vibrations due to horizontal seismic excitations. To achieve...
Quantifying Seismic Damage in RC Walls with Image Analysis J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-10-03 Qisen Chen, Bo Yu, Bing Li
This study presents an image-assisted method for seismic damage evaluation of RC walls, integrating image processing, feature ranking, and machine learning. The method utilizes features from surfac...
Nonlinear Seismic Response of an Alluvial Basin Modelled by Spectral Element Method: Implementation of a Davidenkov Constitutive Model J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-10-03 Zhenning Ba, Jingxuan Zhao, Qiaozhi Sang, Jianwen Liang
A subroutine incorporating soil nonlinearity is presented using SPECFEM3D Cartesian, an open-access Spectral Element Method (SEM)-based code for full waveform simulation. Specifically, the adaptive...
Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Enhancing Ductility of Reinforced Concrete Columns with Substandard Lap Splices Using Hollow Steel Section Collars J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-09-30 Pochara Kruavit, Ali Ejaz, Anil C Wijeyewickrema, Anat Ruangrassamee
Hollow steel section (HSS) collars with significant flexural stiffness in addition to their axial stiffness are proposed to prevent brittle lap splice failures. Experimental program on five full-sc...
Machine Learning-Based Estimation of Reinforced Concrete Columns Stiffness Modifiers for Improved Accuracy in Linear Response History Analysis J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-10-03 Ahed Habib, M. Talha Junaid, Samir Dirar, Samer Barakat, Zaid A. Al-Sadoon
This study examines machine learning to estimate the stiffness modifiers of rectangular reinforced concrete columns. It involves training and validating these models on experimental data. The extre...
A Framework for High-Fidelity and Efficient Collapse Fragility Estimation of Structures Using Cluster Analysis J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-09-24 Bali Liu, Jinjun Hu, Yiheng Liu
A clustering-based framework that can select a smaller number of ground motions from the entire ground motion set for collapse fragility estimation of structures while preserving the accuracy is pr...
Full-Azimuth Quantitative Identification of Near-Fault Pulse-Like Ground Motions Based on M&P Wavelet J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-09-27 Yingbin Zhang, Xiaoyu Ding, Xiaocong Yuan, Jing Liu, Shihao Zhang, Yibing Zhang
Quantitative characterization and proper parameterization of pulse-like ground motions have been a challenge for earthquake engineering research. The azimuth of the pulse-like ground motion has a g...
A Machine Learning-Based Framework for Estimating Fragility Parameters in RC/MR Frames Considering Seismic, Structural, and Site Attributes J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-09-17 Zohreh Jabari Salmi, Mohammad Iman Khodakarami, Farhad Behnamfar
This study investigates applying machine learning (ML) algorithms to estimate seismic fragility curves of reinforced concrete moment-resisting frames. The goal is to achieve computationally efficie...
Quantification of Site City Interaction Effects on Responses of Buildings and Basin Under Earthquake Loading J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-09-13 Lav Joshi, J. P. Narayan
The paper presents quantification of site-city-interaction (SCI) effects on buildings and free-field motion under earthquake loading. The obtained reduction in the response of buildings in wide ban...
Analytical Model for the In-Plane Lateral Capacity of Unreinforced Masonry Walls Based on Effective Compression Zone Failure Mechanism J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-09-13 Ngoc Hieu Dinh, Sang-Hyun Park, Seung-Hee Kim, Kyoung-Kyu Choi, Yail J. Kim
This study proposes a simplified theoretical model to predict the in-plane lateral capacity of unreinforced masonry (URM) walls, addressing limitations in current design guidelines based on semi-em...
Research and Modification on the Park-Ang Damage Index for Railway Rectangular Piers J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-09-11 Linbai Shen, Yu Hong, Zhida Zhou, Qianhui Pu, Kailai Deng
This study addressed the issue of distortion in evaluating the seismic damage state of railway bridge piers using the original Park-Ang damage index. By constructing a parameterized co-simulation p...
Dynamical Collapse of Masonry Arches Under Sequences of Impulses of Horizontal Acceleration J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-09-04 Simona Coccia, Mario Como
A new formulation of the seismic response of the masonry arch hit by sequences of impulses of horizontal acceleration, of assigned intensity and duration, is the subject of the paper. After a preli...
Liquefaction-Induced Failure of Demirköprü Bridge Pile Foundation and Retaining System Following the February 6 Kahramanmaraş Earthquake Sequence J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-08-27 Soner Ocak, Kemal Onder Cetin
February 6, 2023, Kahramanmaraş-Türkiye earthquakes caused widely scattered damage in southeastern Türkiye. In this manuscript, liquefaction-induced failure of the Demirköprü bridge is discussed. T...
Random Scattering Effect of SV Waves by a 3D Sedimentary Basin Considering Geotechnical Parameter Uncertainty J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-08-21 Si-Bo Meng, Wei Jin, Wen-Xuan Li, Zhong-Xian Liu, Zhen-En Huang
This study investigated the random scattering effect in sedimentary basins with uncertain geotechnical parameters under vertical SV waves using multiplicative dimensional reduction method. The infl...
Experimental Study on a Damage-Control and Repairable Fully Precast Beam-Column Joint J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-08-19 Yanxia Ye, Zongbin Wang, Qi Kang, Simin Ma, Hua Huang, Yoshihiro Ito
A novel joint with a splice lap was proposed, which was damage-control and repairable fully precast beam-column joint (DRBJ) connected by energy-dissipating connecting steel plates to remarkably di...
Examining the Effect of Structural Characteristics of Antakya Building Stock on the Damage Level After the Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-08-19 Anil Ozdemir
This study examines the structural characteristics and post-earthquake damage status of 2790 buildings in Antakya downtown after the Kahramanmaraş earthquakes.The study reveals how structural featu...
Effect of Lead Core Heating on Residual Displacements of Lead Rubber Bearings Under Bi-Directional Earthquake Excitations J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-08-19 Ahmet Simsek, Gökhan Ozdemir, Ufuk Yazgan
This paper investigates the variation in residual displacements (RDs) of lead rubber bearings (LRBs) subjected to bi-directional earthquake excitations when lead core heating effect is of concern. ...
Seismic Performance of Cylindrical Liquid Storage Tanks in the 2023 Kahramanmaras Earthquakes: A Case Study of a Self-Supported Oil Storage Tank J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-08-14 A.C. Saka, E. S. Kaya, E. Uckan
This paper covers the seismic performance of liquid tanks due to 2023 Türkiye earthquakes and a case study of a moderately damaged self-supported tank is studied. Typical types of damage were slosh...
Seismic Performance of Industrial Buildings During the 2023 Kahramanmaras, Turkey Earthquakes J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-08-14 Aydin Demir, Halil Sezen
This study investigates the structural performance of industrial buildings following the February 6, 2023, earthquakes in Kahramanmaras, Turkey, focusing mainly on industrial zones. Causes of damag...
Experimentally Calibrated Numerical Modeling for Performance-Based Seismic Design of Low-Frequency Rocking Electrical Cabinets J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-08-14 Roberto J. Merino, Derek Rodriguez, Simone Peloso, Emanuele Brunesi, Daniele Perrone, Andre Filiatrault, Roberto Nascimbene
In this paper, the performances of two electrical cabinet specimens during shake table tests are described in detail in terms of the observed damage and their measured peak transient responses. The...
Development of Fragility Curves and Assessment of Mass Irregular Structures with Fixed Base and Base Isolated Under Multiple Earthquakes J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-08-09 Pavan Kumar Thippa, R. K. Tripathi, Govardhan Bhat
Structures are usually built to withstand the mainshock, aftershocks offer extra difficulties. Aftershocks frequently occur following an earthquake result in multiple earthquakes, therefore they ar...
Regional Seismic Damage Prediction of Buildings Based on Bayesian Network and Community Information Database: A Case Study in Shanghai J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-08-09 Yunyun Jin, Chaolie Ning, Jie Li
The development of the Community Information Database (CID) provides an opportunity to enhance the accuracy of predicting regional seismic damage. The CID includes fundamental attributes of buildin...
Time-Domain Analysis for Rayleigh Wave Scattering by Complex Terrain of Alpine Valley J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-08-08 Yuwang Liang, Fengxi Zhou, Xiaolin Cao, Yong Wang, Rui Luo
In this paper, a time-domain solution for Rayleigh wave scattering from a complex site of Alpine Valley is presented based on the scaled boundary finite element method (SBFEM). Both the near-field ...
Spurious Response Due to Linear Interpolation of Input Load and Some Remedies J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-08-05 Theodore L. Chang, Chin-Long Lee
This study focuses on the analytical identification and quantification of one type of spurious responses in the context of response history analysis. The spurious response is caused by linear inter...
Study on Seismic Behavior and Component Vulnerability of Corroded RC Shear Walls Subjected to Flexural Shear Failure J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-07-29 Yue Zheng, Xi Kang, Hongyu Chen, Yuanjun Jin, Lu Yang
The impact of corrosion degree, axial compression ratio, reinforcement ratio of longitudinal bar and horizontal distribution rebar, and stirrup of boundary column on seismic performance of RC shear...
Nonlinear Seismic Analysis of Concrete Dams Using ABAQUS-Based Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-07-29 Yunlong Liu, Denghong Chen, Ziyue Pan, Haowen Hu, Yunhui Liu
The scaled boundary finite element method (SBFEM) is implemented in ABAQUS through the user subroutine interface. The accuracy of the proposed method and computer program are verified by using two ...
Seismic Performance of Precast Concrete Exterior Beam-Column Joint with Disc Spring Devices J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-07-29 Zhimeng Wang, Guohua Xing, Jiao Huang, Zhaoqun Chang, Da Luo
To improve the seismic performance of precast concrete reinforced frame structures which are widely used worldwide, and enable a certain repairable function for the precast structure after an earth...
Inelastic Spectra to Predict Constant-Damage Energy Factor of Structures Under Near-Fault Pulse-Type Ground Motions J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-07-25 Bali Liu, Jinjun Hu, Lili Xie, Changhai Zhai
A simple relationship is proposed to construct constant-damage energy factor (γDI) spectra of single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) oscillators with different levels of damage, expressed by the Park-Ang ...
Effect of Drained Multi-Directional Loads on Liquefaction Resistance of Granular Material J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-07-25 Xiang Li, Yunming Yang, Juntian Wang, Enlong Liu, Haisui Yu
It is well recognized that the liquefaction resistance is closely related to the consolidation stress in soils. However, previous studies investigated the effects of unidirectional consolidation lo...
Effect of Partially Infill Walls on the Lateral Response of Reinforced Concrete Frames J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-07-24 Birendra Nath Singha, Goutam Mondal
This study uses the finite element method to investigate partially infilled reinforced concrete frames under monotonic loading. A FE model of a fully infilled frame was validated against an existin...
A Practice-Oriented Approach for Seismic and Energy Performance Upgrading of Existing Buildings J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-07-23 Rita Couto, Gianrocco Mucedero, Rita Bento, Ricardo Monteiro
Recent studies have focused on identifying the optimal seismic and energy upgrading interventions, among different alternatives, for poorly performing existing buildings. Most of such studies use d...
Seismic Scenario Losses Estimation Based on the Vulnerability of Pre-Code Masonry Buildings in the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-07-17 V. Bernardo, A. Campos Costa, P. Candeias, A. R. Carvalho, A. Costa
The metropolitan area of Lisbon is the region of Portugal with the highest seismic risk, given the coexistence of moderate-to-high hazard with high population density and building stock exposure. T...
Defining Design Parameters for Controlled Rocking Braced Frames to Control Seismic Losses J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-07-10 MirAmir Banihashemi, Lydell Wiebe
Controlled rocking braced frames (CRBFs) are a self-centering lateral force-resisting system aimed at reducing structural damage potential. Previous research has shown that relatively low design fo...
Propagation of Modelling Uncertainties for Seismic Risk Assessment: The Effect of Sampling Techniques on Low-Rise Non-Ductile RC Frames J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-07-02 Andrea Miano, Hossein Ebrahimian, Fatemeh Jalayer, Dimitrios Vamvatsikos, Andrea Prota
Quantifying the impact of modelling uncertainty on seismic performance assessment of existing buildings is non-trivial when considering the partial information available on material properties, con...
Seismic Response Simulation of a Reinforced Concrete Wall-Frame Building That Collapsed During the February 2023 Kahramanmaras Earthquake J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-07-01 Cem Tura, Kutay Orakcal, Koichi Kusunoki, Alper Ilki
In this study, the seismic response of a newly constructed RC building, which suffered collapse-level damage during the February 6, 2023 Kahramanmaras earthquake, is simulated through nonlinear res...
Seismic Fragility Analysis of a Multi-Tower Super High-Rise Building Under Near-Fault Ground Motions J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-06-30 Xingliang Ma, Zhen Liu, Xingyuan Xiao
Earthquake damage to engineering structures often occur in near-fault areas. Near-fault ground motion is characterized by high-energy velocity pulses, long action period, and strong destructiveness...
Evaluation of Seismic Demand on Nonstructural Elements Based on Shake-Table Testing of Full-Scale 2-Story Steel Moment Frame J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-06-28 Su-Chan Jun, Cheol-Ho Lee, Chang-Jun Bae, Bong-Ho Cho
A shake table test using a full-scale 2-story steel moment frame was conducted to investigate the peak floor acceleration (PFA) and the peak component acceleration (PCA), which directly affect the ...
Intelligent Hysteresis Modeling for Capturing Structural Features via Multi-Physics Guided Neural Network and Its Earthquake Resistant Test J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-06-28 Chen Liu, Huiyong Guo, Jin Di, Kaixuan Zheng
The hysteresis model simplifies the relationship between resilience and deformation in seismic performance analysis of structural components. However, accurately capturing structural performance po...
“Earthquake Response of the Transportation Infrastructure in the Region Affected by the February 6 Türkiye Earthquakes’’ Part I-Roads, Railroads and Ports J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-06-26 Nurdan Memisoglu Apaydin
On February 6, 2023, two devastating earthquakes with magnitudes larger than 7,5 occurred in Türkiye, within the nine hours of each other. Damage was observed on inter-provincial roads, railroads a...
Post-Earthquake Damage Assessment: Field Observations and Recent Developments with Recommendations from the Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes in Türkiye on February 6th, 2023 (Pazarcık M7.8 and Elbistan M7.6) J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-06-26 Julide Yuzbasi
This study investigates the effects of the February 6, 2023, earthquakes in Türkiye, measuring 7.8 and 7.6 magnitudes (Mercalli intensities XI and X). It comprehensively assesses their impact, alon...
Efficient Analysis of Unlined Elliptic Tunnels: An Approximate Method for Dynamic Response to Incident Plane SH Waves J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-06-25 Baitao Sun, Jing Guo, Yufeng Zhang, Fuqing Chu
Dynamic analysis of underground structures, such as tunnels, is crucial to ensure their safety and stability during seismic loading. This paper proposes a more general method of large elliptic arc ...
Hysteretic Performance Analysis of Prefabricated Steel-Concrete Composite Edge Joints Considering Floor Composite Effects J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-06-25 Diancheng Lu, Yuqing Shang, Chenglong Wu, Xiujun Wang, Yunchang Huang
This study conducts quasi-static tests and finite element (FE) analysis by using ABAQUS software to examine the effects of floor combination effect (FCE) on the seismic behavior of a novel type of ...
A Seismic Site Factor Adjustment Framework for Sloping Grounds and Its Application to Charleston, South Carolina J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-06-24 Vishnu Saketh Jella, Nadarajah Ravichandran
Ground motions and seismic site factors for the design and analysis of infrastructure systems are typically computed based on one-dimensional (1-D) site response analysis, assuming the ground surfa...
Risk-Targeted Seismic Design Maps with Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainty in Tehran and Surrounding Areas J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-06-24 Alireza Zarrineghbal, Hamid Zafarani, Mohammad Rahimian, Seyed Mostafa Jalalalhosseini, Mohammad Khanmohammadi
This study aims to introduce a risk-targeted probabilistic model that facilitates seismic design hazard mapping. Here, we investigate how to incorporate hazard regional variations and different str...
Deep Neural Network for Distinguishing Microseismic Signals and Blasting Vibration Signals Based on Deep Learning of Spectrum Features J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-06-10 Shuai Liu, Rui-Sheng Jia, Xiao-Bo Hao, Peng-Cheng Liu, Yan-Hui Deng, Hong-Mei Sun
Similar waveforms and overlapping frequency ranges make distinguishing blasting vibrations and microseismic signals challenging, causing interference with coal mine microseismic monitoring systems....
Experimental Study on Seismic Performance of CRTS II Slab-Type Ballastless Track Lateral Block of HSRs J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-06-10 Yulin Feng, Jinping Li, Binbin He, Wangbao Zhou, Lizhong Jiang, Bitao Wu
The seismic performance of the CRTS II slab ballastless track lateral block (TLB) for high-speed railways (HSRs) is revealed for the first time. Nine test models of the main beam-TLB are constructe...
Frictional Fault Strength Analysis of Palu-Koro and Matano Faults, Sulawesi, Indonesia, from Earthquake Focal Mechanism Data J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-06-06 Dian Kusumawati, David P. Sahara, Nanang T. Puspito, Mudrik R. Daryono, Andri D. Nugraha, Muhamad Sadly, Bambang S. Prayitno, Daryono Daryono, Nova Heryandoko, Supriyanto Rohadi
Sulawesi’s complex tectonic setting generates active Palu-Koro and Matano faults. Understanding earthquake mechanic is important for mitigation purpose. We performed fault strength analysis by exam...
Two-Scale Probabilistic Seismic Fragility Assessment for a Prestressed Concrete-Steel Hybrid Wind Turbine Tower with Incremental Dynamic and Multiple Stripe Analysis J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-06-04 Zeyu Li, Bin Xu, Ye Zhao
To evaluate the seismic performance of a prestressed concrete-steel hybrid (PCSH) wind turbine tower, the seismic fragility curves based on incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) and multiple stripe an...
Simulation of Near-Fault Pulse-Like Ground Motion and Investigation of Seismic Response Characteristics in Subway Stations J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-06-03 Qingjun Chen, Xi Chen, Zhipeng Zhao
The availability of reasonable input ground motions is a prerequisite for investigating the seismic response of near-fault structures. Currently, realistic near-fault pulse-like seismic records are...
A Novel Method for the Seismic Resilience Assessment of Railway Stations Based on Quantitative Indices J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-05-30 Jiayu Song, Haiwang Gao, Yi Pan, Junpeng Jiang
A novel method for assessing the seismic resilience of railway stations is introduced. With this method, a railway station is divided into five constituent systems. The structural components, nonst...
Seismic Fragility and Reliability of Base-Isolated Structures with Regard to Superstructure Ductility and Isolator Displacement Considering Degrading Behavior J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-05-28 Arman Delaviz, Saman Yaghmaei-Sabegh, Omid Souri
The present study investigates the effects of the degradation of mechanical properties (pinching, stiffness degradation, and strength degradation) in load-deformation relationship of the superstruc...
Comparative Analysis of Concentrically Braced Frames with FeSMA and Steel BRBs Under Long-Duration Earthquakes J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-05-28 Canxing Qiu, Aifang Zhang, Xiuli Du
Owing to high fatigue life, the iron-based shape memory alloy (FeSMA) buckling-restrained braces (BRBs) are emerging as a promising candidate against long-duration earthquakes. However, the corresp...
Dimension-Reduction Representation of Multivariate Mainshock-Aftershock Ground Motions Based on Measured Records J. Earthq. Eng. (IF 2.5) Pub Date : 2024-05-27 Yunmu Jiang, Zhangjun Liu, Xinxin Ruan, Zixin Liu
This study proposes an integrated dimension-reduction representation strategy for simulating multivariate mainshock-aftershock stochastic ground motions based on measured motion records. The strate...