Non-perturbative cathodoluminescence microscopy of beam-sensitive materials Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-03-05 Malcolm Bogroff, Gabriel Cowley, Ariel Nicastro, David Levy, Yueh-Chun Wu, Nannan Mao, Tilo H. Yang, Tianyi Zhang, Jing Kong, Rama Vasudevan, Kyle P. Kelley, Benjamin J. Lawrie
Cathodoluminescence microscopy is now a well-established and powerful tool for probing the photonic properties of nanoscale materials, but in many cases, nanophotonic materials are easily damaged by the electron-beam doses necessary to achieve reasonable cathodoluminescence signal-to-noise ratios. Two-dimensional materials have proven particularly susceptible to beam-induced modifications, yielding
High-efficiency generation of bi-functional holography with metasurfaces Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-19 Changhong Dai, Tong Liu, Dongyi Wang, Lei Zhou
Holography is a highly desired technology in modern photonics, yet setups for traditional generating methods suffer from complexity and bulky sizes. While metasurface-based holography exhibits advantages of compactness and easy-fabrication, most meta-holograms realized so far exhibit only single functionality, with a few multifunctional ones suffering from imbalances of efficiency and device-thickness
Improving quantum metrology protocols with programmable photonic circuits Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-19 Alberto Muñoz de las Heras, Diego Porras, Alejandro González-Tudela
Photonic quantum metrology enables the measurement of physical parameters with precision surpassing classical limits by using quantum states of light. However, generating states providing a large metrological advantage is hard because standard probabilistic methods suffer from low generation rates. Deterministic protocols using non-linear interactions offer a path to overcome this problem, but they
Luminescence thermometry based on photon emitters in nanophotonic silicon waveguides Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-18 Kilian Sandholzer, Stephan Rinner, Justus Edelmann, Andreas Reiserer
The reliable measurement and accurate control of the temperature within nanophotonic devices is a key prerequisite for their application in both classical and quantum technologies. Established approaches use sensors that are attached in proximity to the components, which only offers a limited spatial resolution and thus impedes the measurement of local heating effects. Here, we, therefore, study an
Tunable holographic metasurfaces for augmented and virtual reality Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-15 Akeshi Aththanayake, Andrew Lininger, Cataldo Strangi, Mark A. Griswold, Giuseppe Strangi
Augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) is transforming how humans interact with technology in a wide range of fields and industries, from healthcare and education to entertainment. However, current device limitations have impeded wider integration. Tunable holographic metasurfaces represent a promising platform for revolutionizing AR/VR devices by precisely controlling light at the subwavelength scale
Role of complex energy and momentum in open cavity resonances Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-15 DongJun Kang, Eun Su Jeon, SeokJae Yoo
Complex power, also known as alternating current (AC) power, is a well-established concept in an electric circuit composed of resistive and reactive elements. On the other hand, the role of complex power in optics has been elusive. In this work, we reveal that the complex energy and momentum determine the resonance frequency and the decay rate of open cavity resonance, the so-called quasinormal modes
Enhanced photoluminescence of strongly coupled single molecule-plasmonic nanocavity: analysis of spectral modifications using nonlocal response theory Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-15 Yoshitsugu Tomoshige, Mamoru Tamura, Tomohiro Yokoyama, Hajime Ishihara
Plasmonic nanocavities with highly localized fields in their nanogaps significantly enhance light–matter interactions at the nanoscale, surpassing the diffraction limit. Strong coupling between a plasmonic nanocavity and a molecule forms hybrid upper and lower branch states, resulting in Rabi splitting (RS) in optical spectra. However, scattering and absorption spectra often fail to unambiguously distinguish
Bound polariton states in the Dicke–Ising model Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-15 Juan Román-Roche, Álvaro Gómez-León, Fernando Luis, David Zueco
We present a study of hybrid light–matter excitations in cavity QED materials using the Dicke–Ising model as a theoretical framework. Leveraging linear response theory, we derive the exact excitations of the system in the thermodynamic limit. Our results demonstrate that the cavity can localize spin excitations, leading to the formation of bound polaritons, where the cavity acts as an impurity of the
Nanophotonic device design based on large language models: multilayer and metasurface examples Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-15 Myungjoon Kim, Hyeonjin Park, Jonghwa Shin
Large language models (LLMs) have gained significant prominence in language processing, demonstrating remarkable performance across a wide range of tasks. Recently, LLMs have been explored in various scientific fields beyond language-based tasks. However, their application in the design of nanophotonic devices remains less explored. Here, we investigate the capabilities of LLMs to address nanophotonic
Polarization-independent narrowband photodetection with plasmon-induced thermoelectric effect in a hexagonal array of Au nanoholes Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-15 Sehyeon Kim, San Kim, Jae-Young Kim, Tae-In Jeong, Munki Song, Seungchul Kim
Photodetectors are crucial for modern technologies such as optical communications, imaging, autonomous vehicles, and machine vision. However, conventional semiconductor-based photodetectors require additional filtering systems due to their broad spectral response, leading to increased costs and complexity. Here, we present a narrow spectral response photodetector using hexagonally arranged plasmonic
Tunable meta-device for large depth of field quantitative phase imaging Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-15 Jialuo Cheng, Zihan Geng, Yin Zhou, Zhendong Luo, Xiaoyuan Liu, Yinuo Xiang, Junxiao Zhou, Mu Ku Chen
In traditional optical imaging, image sensors only record intensity information, and phase information of transparent samples such as cells and semiconductor materials is hard to obtain. Quantitative phase imaging techniques are crucial for obtaining detailed phase information, but current methods often require complex interferometric setups or mechanical adjustments, limiting their practical applicability
Enhanced terahertz magneto-plasmonic effect enabled by epsilon-near-zero iron slot antennas Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-14 Hyoung-Taek Lee, Hoyeol Lee, Jeonghoon Kim, Miju Park, Changhee Sohn, Hyeong-Ryeol Park
Terahertz magneto-plasmonics plays a crucial role in platforms for isolation and sensing applications, operating at terahertz frequencies. In spite of recent efforts to enhance magneto-optic effects using metasurfaces, the mechanism for optimizing these effects remains unclear in the terahertz regime. Here we investigate terahertz magneto-optic effects using 100 nm-thick iron slot antennas with varying
Sensing with quantum light: a perspective Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-14 Animesh Datta
I present my perspective on sensing with quantum light. I summarise the motivations and methodology for identifying quantum enhancements in sensing over a classical sensor. In the real world, this enhancement will be a constant factor and not increase with the size of the quantum probe as is often advertised. I use a limited survey of interferometry, microscopy and spectroscopy to extract the vital
All-optical control of charge-trapping defects in rare-earth doped oxides Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-14 Leonardo V. S. França, Shaan Doshi, Haitao Zhang, Tian Zhong
Charge-trapping defects in crystalline solids play important roles in applications ranging from microelectronics, optical storage, sensing and quantum technologies. On one hand, depleting trapped charges in the host matrix reduces charge noise and enhances coherence of solid-state quantum emitters. On the other hand, stable charge traps can enable high-density optical storage systems. Here we report
Sub-MHz homogeneous linewidth in epitaxial Y2O3: Eu3+ thin film on silicon Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-13 Diana Serrano, Nao Harada, Romain Bachelet, Anna Blin, Alban Ferrier, Alexey Tiranov, Tian Zhong, Philippe Goldner, Alexandre Tallaire
Thin films provide nanoscale confinement together with compatibility with photonic and microwave architectures, making them ideal candidates for chip-scale quantum devices. In this work, we propose a thin film fabrication approach yielding the epitaxial growth of Eu3+ doped Y2O3 on silicon. We combine two of the most prominent thin film deposition techniques: chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and molecular
Programmable photonic unitary circuits for light computing Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-13 Kyuho Kim, Kunwoo Park, Hyungchul Park, Sunkyu Yu, Namkyoo Park, Xianji Piao
Unitarity serves as a fundamental concept for characterizing linear and conservative wave phenomena in both classical and quantum systems. Developing platforms that perform unitary operations on light waves in a universal and programmable manner enables the emulation of complex light–matter interactions and the execution of general-purpose functionalities for wave manipulations, photonic computing
All-optical nonlinear activation function based on stimulated Brillouin scattering Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-13 Grigorii Slinkov, Steven Becker, Dirk Englund, Birgit Stiller
Optical neural networks have demonstrated their potential to overcome the computational bottleneck of modern digital electronics. However, their development towards high-performing computing alternatives is hindered by one of the optical neural networks’ key components: the activation function. Most of the reported activation functions rely on opto-electronic conversion, sacrificing the unique advantages
Localizing axial dense emitters based on single-helix point spread function and compressed sensing Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-13 Hanzhe Wu, Danni Chen, Yihong Ji, Gan Xiang, Yanxiang Ni, Heng Li, Bin Yu, Junle Qu
Among the approaches in three-dimensional (3D) single molecule localization microscopy, there are several point spread function (PSF) engineering approaches, in which depth information of molecules is encoded in 2D images. Usually, the molecules are excited sparsely in each raw image. The consequence is that the temporal resolution has to be sacrificed. In order to improve temporal resolution and ensure
Overcoming stress limitations in SiN nonlinear photonics via a bilayer waveguide Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-13 Karl J. McNulty, Shriddha Chaitanya, Swarnava Sanyal, Andres Gil-Molina, Mateus Corato-Zanarella, Yoshitomo Okawachi, Alexander L. Gaeta, Michal Lipson
Silicon nitride (SiN) formed via low pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) is an ideal material platform for on-chip nonlinear photonics owing to its low propagation loss and competitive nonlinear index. Despite this, LPCVD SiN is restricted in its scalability due to the film stress when high thicknesses, required for nonlinear dispersion engineering, are deposited. This stress in turn leads to
Curved geometric-phase optical element fabrication using top-down alignment Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-13 Gayeon Park, Minseok Kim, Kanghee Won, Seok Ho Song
Advanced optical technologies, such as next-generation displays and holographic systems, demand high efficiency, lightweight designs, compact dimensions, and compatibility with curved and thin substrates. However, current optical devices for virtual and augmented reality displays, such as surface relief and holographic gratings, face challenges like light scattering, low optical efficiency, and limited
Efficient non-Hermitian wave-modulation protocol with a rapid parametric jump Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-13 Seung Han Shin, Yu Sung Choi, Yae Jun Kim, Jae Woong Yoon
Non-Hermitian photonic wave modulators utilizing exceptional points (EPs) was previously proposed as a potential approach to realize high-performance and compact optical modulators. However, their practical implementation has been restricted by their substantial footprint size limit due to stringent adiabatic conditions near EPs. Here, we demonstrate a principle for efficient wave modulation through
1,550-nm photonic crystal surface-emitting laser diode fabricated by single deep air-hole etch Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-13 Myeongeun Kim, Ye-Seong Song, Lakjong Jeong, Tae-Yun Lee, Hyo Seok Choi, In Kim, Myungjae Lee, Heonsu Jeon
Photonic crystal surface-emitting lasers (PCSELs) are promising light sources with numerous advantages, including vertical emission, single-mode operation, and high output power. However, the fabrication of PCSEL devices requires advanced techniques, such as wafer bonding or epitaxial regrowth, to form a photonic crystal (PhC) structure close to the central waveguide layer. This process is not only
A programmable platform for photonic topological insulators Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-13 Stuart Love, Mohamad Hossein Idjadi, Farshid Ashtiani, Howard (Ho-Wai) Lee, Andrea Blanco-Redondo
In the past decade, the field of topological photonics has gained prominence exhibiting consequential effects in quantum information science, lasing, and large-scale integrated photonics. Many of these topological systems exhibit protected states, enabling robust travel along their edges without being affected by defects or disorder. Nonetheless, conventional topological structures often lack the flexibility
All-optical switch exploiting Fano resonance and subwavelength light confinement Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-13 Quentin Saudan, Dagmawi A. Bekele, Meng Xiong, Kresten Yvind, Michael Galili, Jesper Mørk
We propose and experimentally demonstrate a small-mode volume bowtie cavity design for all-optical switching applications using a waveguide-cavity structure that exploits asymmetric Fano resonance lineshapes. The bowtie cavity has a mode volume that is five times smaller than conventional (H0-type) photonic crystal point-defect cavities enabling higher nonlinearity and faster switching. Blue and red-detuned
Artificial intelligence driven Mid-IR photoimaging device based on van der Waals heterojunctions of black phosphorus Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-13 Ziqian Wang, Huide Wang, Chen Wang, Yushuo Bao, Weiying Zheng, Xiaoliang Weng, Yihan Zhu, Yi Liu, Yule Zhang, Xilin Tian, Shuo Sun, Rui Cao, Zhe Shi, Xing Chen, Meng Qiu, Hao Wang, Jun Liu, Shuqing Chen, Yu-Jia Zeng, Wugang Liao, Zhangcheng Huang, Haiou Li, Lingfeng Gao, Jianqing Li, Dianyuan Fan, Han Zhang
Mid-infrared (Mid-IR) photodetection and imaging are pivotal across diverse applications, including remote sensing, communication, and spectral analysis. Among these, single-pixel imaging technology is distinguished by its exceptional sensitivity, high resolution attainable through the sampling system, and economic efficiency. The quality of single-pixel imaging primarily depends on the performance
Empowering nanophotonic applications via artificial intelligence: pathways, progress, and prospects Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-13 Wei Chen, Shuya Yang, Yiming Yan, Yuan Gao, Jinfeng Zhu, Zhaogang Dong
Empowering nanophotonic devices via artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized both scientific research methodologies and engineering practices, addressing critical challenges in the design and optimization of complex systems. Traditional methods for developing nanophotonic devices are often constrained by the high dimensionality of design spaces and computational inefficiencies. This review highlights
Transverse orbital angular momentum and polarization entangled spatiotemporal structured light Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Hsiao-Chih Huang, Kefu Mu, Hui Min Leung, Chen-Ting Liao
Intra-system entanglement occurs between non-separable modes within the same system. For optical systems, the various degrees of freedom of light represent different modes, and the potential use of light to create higher dimensional classical entangle states offers a promising potential to drive new technological developments. In this work, we present experimental results demonstrating the orthogonality
Enhanced optical encryption via polarization-dependent multi-channel metasurfaces Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Minghao Ning, Haozong Zhong, Zhen Gu, Ling-En Zhang, Ning Qu, Jun Ding, Tao Li, Lin Li
Optical encryption offers a powerful platform for secure information transfer, combining low power consumption, high-speed transmission, and intuitive visualization. Metasurfaces, with their unprecedented ability to manipulate light across multiple degrees of freedom within quasi-two-dimensional nanostructures, are emerging as promising devices for advanced encryption. However, encryption capacity
Multimodal Purcell enhancement and optical coherence of Eu3+ ions in a single nanoparticle coupled to a microcavity Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Timon Eichhorn, Nicholas Jobbitt, Sören Bieling, Shuping Liu, Tobias Krom, Diana Serrano, Robert Huber, Ulrich Lemmer, Hugues de Riedmatten, Philippe Goldner, David Hunger
Europium-doped nanocrystals constitute a promising material for a scalable future quantum computing platform. Long-lived nuclear spin states could serve as qubits addressed via coherent optical transitions. In order to realize an efficient spin-photon interface, we couple the emission from a single nanoparticle to a fiber-based microcavity under cryogenic conditions. The spatial and spectral tunability
Neural network-based analysis algorithm on Mueller matrix data of spectroscopic ellipsometry for the structure evaluation of nanogratings with various optical constants Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-11 Juwon Jung, Nagyeong Kim, Kibaek Kim, Jongkyoon Park, Yong Jai Cho, Won Chegal, Young-Joo Kim
Accurate and fast characterization of nanostructures using spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) is required in both industrial and research fields. However, conventional methods used in SE data analysis often face challenges in balancing accuracy and speed, especially for the in situ monitoring on complex nanostructures. Additionally, optical constants are so crucial for accurately predicting structural
Ultrasensitive metasurface sensor based on quasi-bound states in the continuum Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-11 Ning Li, He Chen, Yunxia Zhao, Yongtian Wang, Zhaoxian Su, Yin Liu, Lingling Huang
The quasi-bound state in the continuum (quasi-BIC) of dielectric metasurface provides a crucial platform for sensing, because its almost infinite Q-factor can greatly enhance the interactions between light waves and the analytes. In this work, we proposed an ultrasensitive all-dielectric metasurface sensor composed of periodic rectangular amorphous silicon pillars on a quartz substrate. By breaking
Broadband perfect Littrow diffraction metasurface under large-angle incidence Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-08 Jingyuan Zhu, Siliang Zhou, Tao He, Chao Feng, Zhanshan Wang, Siyu Dong, Xinbin Cheng
Littrow diffraction devices are commonly used in the laser field (e.g., laser resonators and spectrometers), where system integration requires larger incidence angles and perfect broadband efficiency. Compared to traditional diffraction devices, which struggle to manipulate light paths under large-angle incidence, metasurfaces has the potential to enhance the broadband efficiency. Despite quasi three-dimensional
Electrochemically modulated single-molecule localization microscopy for in vitro imaging cytoskeletal protein structures Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-08 Chenghong Lei, Dehong Hu
A new concept of electrochemically modulated single-molecule localization super-resolution imaging is developed. Applications of single-molecule localization super-resolution microscopy have been limited due to insufficient availability of qualified fluorophores with favorable low duty cycles. The key for the new concept is that the “On” state of a redox-active fluorophore with unfavorable high duty
Photonic neural networks at the edge of spatiotemporal chaos in multimode fibers Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-08 Bahadır Utku Kesgin, Uğur Teğin
Optical computing has gained significant attention as a potential solution to the growing computational demands of machine learning, particularly for tasks requiring large-scale data processing and high energy efficiency. Optical systems offer promising alternatives to digital neural networks by exploiting light’s parallelism. This study explores a photonic neural network design using spatiotemporal
Data-efficient prediction of OLED optical properties enabled by transfer learning Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-08 Jeong Min Shin, Sanmun Kim, Sergey G. Menabde, Sehong Park, In-Goo Lee, Injue Kim, Min Seok Jang
It has long been desired to enable global structural optimization of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) for maximal light extraction. The most critical obstacles to achieving this goal are time-consuming optical simulations and discrepancies between simulation and experiment. In this work, by leveraging transfer learning, we demonstrate that fast and reliable prediction of OLED optical properties
Realizing electronically reconfigurable intrinsic chirality: from no absorption to maximal absorption of any desirable spin Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-08 Muhammad Ismail Khan, Tayyab Ali Khan, Moustafa Abdelbaky, Alex M. H. Wong
Circular dichroism – the spin-selective absorption of light – finds diverse applications in medicine, antennas and microwave devices. In this work, we propose and experimentally demonstrate an ultrathin electronically reconfigurable chiral metasurface which exploits the intrinsic symmetries of the meta-molecule to realize any spin absorption based on the handedness of the chirality chosen. We construct
Electrodynamics of photo-carriers in multiferroic Eu0.75Y0.25MnO3 Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-07 Yue Huang, Rolando V. Aguilar, Stuart A. Trugman, Sang-Wook Cheong, Yuan Long, Min-Cheol Lee, Jian-Xin Zhu, Priscila F.S. Rosa, Rohit P. Prasankumar, Dmitry A. Yarotski, Abul Azad, Nicholas S. Sirica, Antoinette J. Taylor
Understanding and controlling the antiferromagnetic order in multiferroic materials on an ultrafast time scale is a long standing area of interest, due to their potential applications in spintronics and ultrafast magnetoelectric switching. We present an optical pump-terahertz (THz) probe study on multiferroic Eu0.75Y0.25MnO3. The optical pump predominantly excites the d-d transitions of the Mn3+ ions
Scaled transverse translation by planar optical elements for sub-pixel sampling and remote super-resolution imaging Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-07 Qi Zhang, Xin Xu, Yinghui Guo, Yuran Lu, Qiong He, Mingbo Pu, Xiaoyin Li, Mingfeng Xu, Fei Zhang, Xiangang Luo
High resolution imaging represents a relentless pursuit within the field of optical system. Multi-frame super-resolution (SR) is an effective method for enhancing sampling density, while it heavily relies on sub-pixel scale displacement of a bulky camera. Based on the symmetric transformation of quadratic-phase metasurface, we propose scaled transverse translation (STT) utilizing planar optical elements
Freeform thin-film lithium niobate mode converter for photon-pair generation Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 Changhyun Kim, Munseong Bae, Minho Choi, Sangbin Lee, Myunghoo Lee, Chihyeon Kim, Hojoong Jung, Haejun Chung, Hyounghan Kwon
Thin-film lithium niobate (TFLN) has emerged as a promising platform for integrated photonics due to its exceptional material properties. The application of freeform topology optimization to TFLN devices enables the realization of compact designs with complex functionalities and high efficiency. However, the stringent fabrication constraints of TFLN present significant challenges for optimization,
Building photonic links for microwave quantum processors Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 Han Zhao
Optical photons play unique role in transmitting information over long distances. Photonic links by the optical fiber networks compose the backbone of today’s global internet. Such fiber optics can also provide the most cost-effective quantum channels to distribute quantum information across distant stationary nodes in future large-scale quantum networks. This prospect motivates the recent emerging
Nanoscale resolved mapping of the dipole emission of hBN color centers with a scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscope Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 Iris Niehues, Daniel Wigger, Korbinian Kaltenecker, Annika Klein-Hitpass, Philippe Roelli, Aleksandra K. Dąbrowska, Katarzyna Ludwiczak, Piotr Tatarczak, Janne O. Becker, Robert Schmidt, Martin Schnell, Johannes Binder, Andrzej Wysmołek, Rainer Hillenbrand
Color centers in hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) are promising candidates as quantum light sources for future technologies. In this work, we utilize a scattering-type near-field optical microscope (s-SNOM) to study the photoluminescence (PL) emission characteristics of such quantum emitters in metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy grown hBN. On the one hand, we demonstrate direct near-field optical excitation
W-band frequency selective digital metasurface using active learning-based binary optimization Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 Young-Bin Kim, Jaehyeon Park, Jun-Young Kim, Seok-Beom Seo, Sun-Kyung Kim, Eungkyu Lee
The W-band is essential for applications like high-resolution imaging and advanced monitoring systems, but high-frequency signal attenuation leads to poor signal-to-noise ratios, posing challenges for compact and multi-channel systems. This necessitates distinct frequency selective surfaces (FSS) on a single substrate, a complex task due to inherent substrate resonance modes. In this study, we use
Spectral Hadamard microscopy with metasurface-based patterned illumination Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 Yongjae Jo, Hyemi Park, Seho Lee, Inki Kim
Hadamard matrices, composed of mutually orthogonal vectors, are widely used in various applications due to their orthogonality. In optical imaging, Hadamard microscopy has been applied to achieve optical sectioning by separating scattering and background noise from desired signals. This method involves sequential illumination using Hadamard patterns and subsequent image processing. However, it typically
Simultaneous control of three degrees of freedom in perfect vector vortex beams based on metasurfaces Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 Siyang Li, Yaqin Zheng, Changda Zhou, Guoli He, Zhonghong Shi, Haoyang Li, Zhang-Kai Zhou
The perfect vector vortex beams (PVVBs) have played an important role in various fields due to their advantages of unique vortex features, flexible polarization distribution and multiple degrees of freedom (DoFs). The simultaneous and precise control over multiple DoFs, such as the polarization distribution, beam shape and position which greatly influence various characteristics of PVVBs, holds paramount
Frequency-comb-referenced multiwavelength interferometry for high-precision and high-speed 3D measurement in heterogeneous semiconductor packaging Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 Jun Hyung Park, Dae Hee Kim, Huy Hoang Chu, Ji Won Hahm, Guseon Kang, Dongil Lee, Seyong Song, Mingu Kang, Seung-Woo Kim, Young-Jin Kim
As Moore’s law approaches its physical limits, the semiconductor industry has begun to focus on improving I/O density and power efficiency through 2.5D/3D packaging. Heterogeneous integration, which combines integrated circuit blocks from different linewidth processes into a single package, is central to these developments. To ensure stable connections with high yield in the back-end processes, high
Visible transparency modulated cooling windows using pseudorandom dielectric multilayers Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 Seok-Beom Seo, Jong-Goog Lee, Jae-Seon Yu, Jae-Hyun Kim, Serang Jung, Gumin Kang, Hyungduk Ko, Run Hu, Eungkyu Lee, Sun-Kyung Kim
The increasing global temperatures have escalated the demand for indoor cooling, thus requiring energy-saving solutions. Traditional approaches often integrate metal layers in cooling windows to block near-infrared (NIR) sunlight, which, albeit effective, lack the broad modulation of visible transmission and lead to heat accumulation due to sunlight absorption. Here, we address these limitations by
Baseline-free structured light 3D imaging using a metasurface double-helix dot projector Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 Zicheng Shen, Yibo Ni, Yuanmu Yang
Structured light is a widely used 3D imaging method with a drawback that it typically requires a long baseline length between the laser projector and the camera sensor, which hinders its utilization in space-constrained scenarios. On the other hand, the application of passive 3D imaging methods, such as depth from depth-dependent point spread functions (PSFs), is impeded by the challenge in measuring
Temporal and spatiotemporal soliton molecules in ultrafast fibre lasers Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 Ding Mao, Zichuan Yuan, Ke Dai, Yue Chen, Huihui Ma, Qiang Ling, Jiancheng Zheng, Yusheng Zhang, Daru Chen, Yudong Cui, Zhipei Sun, Boris A. Malomed
Ultrafast fibre lasers, characterized by ultrashort pulse duration and broad spectral bandwidth, have drawn significant attention due to their vast potential across a wide range of applications, from fundamental scientific to industrial processing and beyond. As dissipative nonlinear systems, ultrafast fibre lasers not only generate single solitons, but also exhibit various forms of spatiotemporal
Variational approach to multimode nonlinear optical fibers Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 Francesco Lorenzi, Luca Salasnich
We analyze the spatiotemporal solitary waves of a graded-index multimode optical fiber with a parabolic transverse index profile. Using the nonpolynomial Schrödinger equation approach, we derive an effective one-dimensional Lagrangian associated with the Laguerre–Gauss modes with a generic radial mode number p and azimuthal index m. We show that the form of the equations of motion for any Laguerre–Gauss
Robust multiresonant nonlocal metasurfaces by rational design Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-03 Stephanie C. Malek, Chloe F. Doiron, Igal Brener, Alexander Cerjan
Dielectric metasurfaces supporting optical resonances have become a promising platform for quantum and nonlinear optics. However, resonant metasurfaces remain limited in their capacity to independently control the behavior of many distinct resonances despite efforts in computational optimization and inverse design. In this work, we overcome longstanding limitations by introducing a generalized rational
Spatiotemporal optical vortex reconnections of loop vortices Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-03 Jordan Adams, Andy Chong
Reconnections of spatiotemporal optical vortices have been shown to occur between line vortices. Here, we show that reconnections also occur between spatiotemporal loop vortices in optical waves. As optical loop vortices propagate in a media with spatial diffraction and material group velocity dispersion, unique reconnections occur. The birth and death of loops can occur, with certain loop vortices
High-efficiency radiation beyond the critical angle via phase-gradient antireflection metasurfaces Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-31 Xiaoxuan Ma, Hainan He, Runqi Jia, Hongchen Chu, Yun Lai
Total internal reflection generally occurs at incident angles beyond the critical angle, confining electromagnetic waves in dielectrics with higher refractive indices. In this work, we present a metasurface-based solution to transform such total reflection into high-efficiency transmission. We demonstrate that a phase-gradient antireflection metasurface designed on the dielectric surface not only compensates
A general model for designing the chirality of exciton-polaritons Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-31 Ping Bai, Siying Peng
Chirality of exciton-polaritons can be tuned by the chirality of photons, excitons, and their coupling strength. In this work, we propose a general analytical model based on coupled harmonic oscillators to describe the chirality of exciton-polaritons. Our model predicts the degree of circular polarization (DCP) of exciton-polaritons, which is determined by the DCPs and weight fractions of the constituent
Theoretical understanding of water splitting by analyzing nanocatalyst photoabsorption spectra Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-31 Prince Gollapalli, Maytal Caspary Toroker
Photons can be used to either monitor or induce catalysis by acting as photoexcited holes or quasi particles, which aid in water splitting reaction leading to a major step towards sustainable energy. However, the mechanism of catalysis using nanocatalysts under photo-illumination is not fully understood because of the complexity involved in three major steps during the oxygen evolution reaction: photoabsorption
Dynamically tunable robust ultrahigh-Q merging bound states in the continuum in phase-change materials metasurface Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-31 Hui Ren, Jietao Liu, Zengxuan Jiang, Lingyun Zhuang, Botao Jiang, Chunhao Xu, Bo Cheng, Guofeng Song
Bound states in the continuum (BICs) are localized states within the radiative continuum that exhibit high quality-factor (Q-factor) resonance, which significantly boosts light–matter interactions. However, out-of-plane radiation losses can arise from inherent material absorption and inevitable technological imperfections during fabrication process. Merging BICs have been introduced as a solution to
Space-time couplings in ultrashort lasers with arbitrary nonparaxial focusing Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-31 Spencer W. Jolly, Marianna Lytova, Simon Vallières, François Légaré, Steve MacLean, François Fillion-Gourdeau
Space-time separability is commonly assumed in the theoretical description of laser beams. However, recent progresses have demonstrated that this assumption often breaks down for ultrashort realistic pulses, giving rise to spatio-temporal effects that modify both the spatial and temporal characteristics of the laser field. In this work, we introduce semi-analytical and numerical diffraction integral
Harnessing in-plane optical anisotropy in WS2 through ReS2 crystal Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-30 Soyeong Kwon, Tae Keun Yun, Peiwen J. Ma, SungWoo Nam
In this work, we explore how the optical properties of isotropic materials can be modulated by adjacent anisotropic materials, providing new insights into anisotropic light-matter interactions in van der Waals heterostructures. Using a WS2/ReS2 heterostructure, we systematically investigated the excitation angle-dependent photoluminescence (PL), differential reflectance, time-resolved PL, and power-dependent
Metalens formed by structured arrays of atomic emitters Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-30 Francesco Andreoli, Charlie-Ray Mann, Alexander A. High, Darrick E. Chang
Arrays of atomic emitters have proven to be a promising platform to manipulate and engineer optical properties, due to their efficient cooperative response to near-resonant light. Here, we theoretically investigate their use as an efficient metalens. We show that, by spatially tailoring the (subwavelength) lattice constants of three consecutive two-dimensional arrays of identical atomic emitters, one
Observation of replica symmetry breaking in filamentation and multifilamentation Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-30 André C. A. Siqueira, G. Palacios, Jessica E. Q. Bautista, Anderson M. Amaral, Albert S. Reyna, Edilson L. Falcão-Filho, Cid B. de Araújo
We report the experimental observation and characterization of Replica Symmetry Breaking (RSB) manifestation while analyzing the transverse intensity profile of laser pulses in filamentation experiments using sapphire crystal and distilled water, excited by a femtosecond laser centered at 800 nm. The RSB arises from the competition between self-focusing and plasma defocusing, subject to local fluctuations
Dielectric metasurface-assisted terahertz sensing: mechanism, fabrication, and multiscenario applications Nanophotonics (IF 6.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-30 Xueer Chen, Shanshan Xin, Qing Liu, Yihan Meng, Daquan Yu, Ming Lun Tseng, Longfang Ye
Terahertz (THz) technology has attracted significant global interest, particularly in sensing applications, due to its nonionizing feature and sensitivity to weak interactions. Recently, owing to the advantages of low optical loss and the capability to support both electric and magnetic high-quality factor (high-Q) resonances, dielectric metasurfaces have emerged as a powerful platform for multiscenario