Family Policies in Low Fertility Countries: Evidence and Reflections Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-12-20 Anne H. Gauthier, Stuart Gietel‐Basten
Family policies, defined as measures designed to support families with children, are part of modern welfare states. They range from punctual measures provided at the birth of a child to measures aimed at making it easier for parents to combine work and family responsibilities. The actual goal of these measures varies largely, being explicitly pronatalist in some cases while embracing a more equalitarian
Human Population and the Biosphere Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-12-18 Aisha Dasgupta, Partha Dasgupta
The neglect of population in national and international discourses on environment and development has led to a misleading picture of policy options. This article reconstructs the language in which extreme poverty and economic development are discussed by deploying recent advances in our understanding of the population–consumption–biosphere nexus. The new perspective is applied to examine both the global
John RennieShortDemography and the Making of the Modern World: Public Policies and Social ForcesNewcastle upon Tyne: Agenda Publishing, 2024. 171 pp. Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 Sarah Walters
Editors' Note on the December 2024 Issue Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-12-11 Raya Muttarak, Joshua Wilde
PDR Archives: A Fifty‐Year Chronology Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-12-11
Authors’ Response to “‘Supply‐Side Versus Demand‐Side Unmet Need: Implications for Family Planning Programs’: A Comment” Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-12-10 Leigh Senderowicz, Nicole Maloney
“Supply‐Side Versus Demand‐Side Unmet Need: Implications for Family Planning Programs”: A Comment Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-12-06 Mahesh Karra
I review a study by Senderowicz and Maloney (2022), which proposes an approach to classifying women's reasons for not using contraception as either being driven by supply‐side factors or by a lack of demand. Using Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data from seven countries, the authors conclude that most unmet need can be attributed to demand‐side reasons for non‐use. I replicate the analysis and
Rising Female‐Headed Households: Shifts in Living Arrangements or Heightened Gender Symmetry? Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-12-05 Rita Trias‐Prats, Albert Esteve
Censuses and surveys predominantly report men as heads of households or reference persons despite women carrying out most domestic and care work. Recent evidence, however, suggests that an increasing number of households are headed by women. Using data from the newly released CORESIDENCE database, which includes over 770 data points from 156 countries worldwide spanning from 1960 to 2021, this study
A Narrative Review of the Impact of Public Family Planning Policies and Programs on the Contraceptive Transition in Low‐ and Middle‐Income Countries Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-12-04 Jocelyn E. Finlay
In this paper, I provide a narrative review of the literature addressing the contribution of public family planning programs and policies to the contraceptive transition in low‐ and middle‐income countries. I address the long‐running debate between economists and demographers who examine the relative contribution of preferences compared to programs to fertility decline, but I steer the paper towards
Foreword Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-12-03 John Casterline, Suzana Cavenaghi
Senderowicz and Maloney (2022): Comment, Rejoinder, and Erratum Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-12-03 Raya Muttarak, Joshua Wilde
Intensive Kinship, Development, and Demography: Why Pakistan has the Highest Rates of Cousin Marriage in the World Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-11-27 Mary K. Shenk, Saman Naz, Theresa Chaudhry
Pakistan has the highest rates of consanguinity in the world, with nearly two‐thirds marrying cousins. To understand this pattern, we adopt the theoretical framework of intensive and extensive kinship that allows us to predict correlates of consanguineous marriages and logically connect patterns in Pakistan with those in other regions. Using data from the Punjab Consanguinity Survey, we examine indicators
Karl Mannheim on the Problem of Generations Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-11-27
Beyond Economics and Culture: A Demographic Perspective on Contraceptive Theory Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-11-27 Nathalie Sawadogo, Hervé Bassinga, Adèle M. Ngo Bayong Ngock, Zhuang Han, Sarah C. Giroux, Parfait M. Eloundou‐Enyegue
Theories of contraception and fertility are currently dominated by economic and cultural arguments. A demographic perspective can usefully expand these theories through “addition,” “explication,” and “reconciliation.” The addition is about drawing attention to salient demographic forces that have previously been underconsidered whether these forces operate at the macro, meso, or microlevels. Explication
Economic Foundations of Contraceptive Transitions: Theories and a Review of the Evidence Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-11-27 Mahesh Karra, Joshua Wilde
We review the foundations of the economic development–contraception nexus, focusing on the pathways through which economic factors drive contraceptive adoption and change. We investigate the channels through which the relationship between economic development and contraceptive dynamics is mediated. Using global data, we document the correlations between economic development and contraception transitions
Teen Unions and Intimate Partner Violence in South America Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-11-26 ORSOLA TORRISI
Precocious exits from adolescence via early union formation are often argued to represent a strong risk factor for intimate partner violence (IPV) victimization. However, causal evidence for this claim is scant. This study examines the impact of teen union formation (before age 18) on experiences of IPV in Brazil and Colombia, where early family transitions are common and levels of interpersonal violence
Comparisons of Global Population Projections Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-11-26
The UN's Pact for the Future and the Declaration on Future Generations Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-11-26
Child Death and Mothers’ Subsequent Mental Health in a High‐Mortality African Community Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-11-24 Emily Smith‐Greenaway, Abigail Weitzman, Eric Lungu
Despite declines in child mortality rates, experiencing a child death remains a common feature of motherhood in many contemporary African populations. Yet, we lack population insights into the consequences of child death for mothers’ well‐being in the high‐mortality regions where it concentrates. Contrasting an extensive psychology literature on the severe and long‐lasting consequences of child death
Revisiting Women's Empowerment and Contraception Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-11-14 Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, Zeba Sathar
This essay explores and reviews the literature from low‐ and middle‐income countries on the pathways of influence between women's empowerment and reproductive outcomes, specially focusing on contraception, and points to some outstanding gaps. We adopt a framework that assesses the influence of contextual factors, notably kinship structures, and marriage systems, on women's empowerment and agency and
The Globalization of International Migration? A Conceptual and Data‐Driven Synthesis Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-11-12 Jasmine Trang Ha, Jack DeWaard, Guy Abel, Kazumi Tsuchiya, Jessie Pinchoff, Christopher Levesque, Kobie Price
Although the globalization of international migration is commonly accepted as a general tendency in contemporary migration patterns (de Haas, Castles, and Miller 2020, 9), the corresponding body of empirical evidence is mixed and fragmented. Our review of global migration patterns over the past half‐century highlights how the theories, expectations, and ultimately findings may vary depending on the
Contraceptive Change and Fertility Transition Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-11-08 Vladimíra Kantorová, John Bongaarts
Over the past half‐century, most countries have made progress through their demographic transitions with continuing declines in mortality and fertility. The major driver of fertility decline has been the adoption of contraception by women of reproductive age who increasingly desire smaller families. This paper documents the massive changes in contraceptive behavior that have occurred since 1970 at
The Next 2 Billion: Can the World Support 10 Billion People? Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-11-06 David Lam
The UN projects that world population will peak at 10.3 billion in 2084, a 2.1 billion increase from 2024. Can the world provide food, water, and other resources to 10.3 billion people? How will additional population exacerbate resource challenges and worsen climate change? This paper analyzes these questions by looking at the last 60 years and by simulating the future impact of population growth and
Progress Stalled? The Uncertain Future of Mortality in High‐Income Countries Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-11-05 Jennifer Beam Dowd, Antonino Polizzi, Andrea M. Tilstra
Steady and significant improvements in life expectancy have been a bright spot for human progress for the last century or more. Recently, this success has shown signs of faltering in some high‐income countries, where mortality improvements have slowed or even reversed since the early 2010s. Combined with the large mortality shock of the COVID‐19 pandemic, guaranteed forward progress feels less certain
The Potential of Internal Migration to Shape Rural and Urban Populations Across Africa, Asia, and Latin America Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-11-05 Ashira Menashe‐Oren, Philippe Bocquier
Subnational divergence in the age and sex structures of populations can have far‐stretching consequences for development: from marriage markets to the potential for violence to economic growth. With urbanization and the demographic transition still underway, rural and urban populations continue to differ across low‐ and middle‐income countries. We examine the extent by which internal migration contributes
Beyond Stocks and Surges: The Demographic Impact of the Unauthorized Immigrant Population in the United States Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-10-29 Jennifer Van Hook
Stock estimates of the US unauthorized foreign‐born population are routinely published, but less is known about this population's dynamics. Using a series of residual estimates based on 2000 Census and 2001–2022 American Community Survey (ACS), I estimate the components of change for the unauthorized immigrant population from 2000 to 2022 by region and country of origin. Further, I develop and present
Older Adults’ Descendants and Family Networks in the Context of Global Educational Expansion Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-10-28 Rachel Margolis, Mara Getz Sheftel, Haowei Wang, Raeven Faye Chandler, Lauren Newmyer, Ashton M. Verdery
Family networks are key to understanding the well‐being of older adults because kin provide instrumental and financial support, help manage health and disability, and encourage social integration. Two momentous societal changes have shaped the families of contemporary older adults: the first and second demographic transitions and global educational expansion. The intersection of these two processes
Gender Differences in the Migration Process: A Narrative Literature Review Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-10-11 Athina Anastasiadou, Jisu Kim, Ebru Sanlitürk, Helga A. G. de Valk, Emilio Zagheni
Migration scholars agree that migration is a highly gendered process. While the literature on this topic is increasing, the knowledge produced remains fragmentary and has not been synthesized systematically yet. This literature review aims at summarizing the current findings of quantitative migration research comparing migration patterns between genders and highlighting gaps and patterns in the literature
Reconsidering the Relationship Between Educational Hypogamy and Intimate Partner Violence: Evidence from India Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-10-11 Roshan K. Pandian
Past research suggests that the expansion of women's education reduces their exposure to intimate partner violence (IPV) due to attitudinal changes and women's greater access to resources. The IPV literature also suggests that educational hypogamy (women marrying men with less education) increases IPV as women face backlash associated with gender‐status inconsistencies. However, existing research has
COVID‐19 Pandemic and Women's Age at Marriage: New Evidence From India Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-10-09 Deepshikha Batheja, Abhik Banerji, Amit Summan, Ramanan Laxminarayan, Arindam Nandi
A rich literature has documented the relationship between age at marriage and girls’ health and educational outcomes. The upheaval caused by the pandemic on household decision‐making has been hypothesized to have influenced the age of marriage, but the direction of impact is unclear. On the one hand, the pandemic may have increased the age at marriage if lockdown policies and negative income shocks
Fertility Desires and Contraceptive Transition Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-10-07 Sara Yeatman, Christie Sennott
Fertility desires are fundamental to understanding contraceptive use, yet the relationship between the two remains unclear and is the subject of much debate in demography. To understand the macrolevel relationship between fertility desires and contraceptive transition in low‐ and middle‐income countries, we introduce a conceptual model that articulates the microlevel processes through which a desire
Reflections on the Value of Anthropology for Understanding Population Processes Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-10-04 Daniel Jordan Smith
In this commentary—written to celebrate, but also evaluate, the relationship between anthropology and demography at the 50th anniversary of the journal—I focus on the insights gained and the challenges posed by applying anthropological theory and utilizing ethnographic methods in population studies. Population and Development Review has been the venue of choice for many anthropologists because it has
Societal Upheaval and the Contraceptive Transition Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-10-03 Mathias Lerch
Human development and family planning programs since the 1970s have led to a fast‐rising prevalence of modern contraceptive means at the global level. However, countries with rising but still low levels of contraceptive use experienced an increasing number of societal upheavals, including armed conflicts, sudden and high‐intensity natural disasters, as well as dramatic effects of health epidemics.
Fertility Transitions in Low‐ and Middle‐Income Countries: The Role of Preferences Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-10-03 John Bongaarts
Since the mid‐twentieth century, the Global South has experienced unprecedently rapid and pervasive changes in reproductive behavior with fertility declining from high pre‐transitional levels to below 3 births per woman in most low‐ and middle‐income countries (LMICs). Over time a rough consensus has been reached on major theories about the causes of these declines. However, a controversy remains about
Forecasting Population in an Uncertain World: Approaches, New Uses, and Troubling Limitations Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-10-03 Ronald Lee
The long human lifespan enables long run forecasts of population size and age distribution. New methods include biodemographic research on upper limits to life expectancy and incorporation of early experiences affecting later life mortality such as smoking, obesity, and childhood health shocks. Some fertility forecasts incorporate education and quantum‐tempo insights. Statistical time series and Bayesian
Alignment, Anticipation, Adaptation, or Lagging Behind? Age‐Based Regulations in Assisted Reproduction and Late Fertility Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-10-01 Marie‐Caroline Compans
This paper focuses on age restrictions on access to infertility treatments and eligibility for their public reimbursement, exploring their relevancy in contexts of rising late birth rates (40+). I explore how age‐based reimbursement policies for in vitro fertilization treatments have responded to these fertility trends in 27 high‐income countries and in which regulatory frameworks for medically assisted
New Data Sources for Demographic Research Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-10-01 Casey F. Breen, Dennis M. Feehan
We are in the early stages of a new era of demographic research that offers exciting opportunities to quantify demographic phenomena at a scale and resolution once unimaginable. These scientific possibilities are opened up by new sources of data, such as the digital traces that arise from ubiquitous social computing, massive longitudinal datasets produced by the digitization of historical records,
Health Transitions and the Rise of Modern Contraceptive Prevalence: Demand, Access, and Choice Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-09-28 Jamaica Corker, Ann Biddlecom, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi‐Shavazi, Alex Ezeh, Rodolfo Gómez Ponce de León
Improvements in health and mortality, known as the health transition, played important roles in the rise of modern contraceptive prevalence across countries. We describe key mechanisms and selected research evidence that show how health transitions helped shape contraceptive transitions around the world. Mechanisms include how decreases in child mortality rates affect the motivation to use contraception
Recognizing Identity Fluidity in Demographic Research Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-09-25 Aliya Saperstein
Standard demographic research has typically constrained the existence of identity fluidity, assuming that demographic categories such as race or ethnicity and sex or gender should be static across the life course and measuring them as such. However, recent research and changes in data collection practices highlight the limitations of this approach by demonstrating fluidity in both racial and gender
Rethinking City Population Growth: How Reclassification Matters Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-09-17 Alfredo Alessandrini, Christoph Deuster, Lewis Dijkstra, Daniela Ghio, Fabrizio Natale
City populations grow due to natural change, migration, and areas that are reclassified as part of a city. Because a time series of city boundaries was not available, most analyses ignore reclassification. This paper measures reclassification in a harmonized and transparent manner by applying a new harmonized definition of cities, towns, and rural areas, called the degree of urbanization, to gridded
Progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals, Halfway to 2030 Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-09-11
Jonathan Swift on People and Poverty Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-09-11
HeinDe Haas, How Migration Really Works: A Factful Guide to the Most Divisive Issue in Politics, Basic Books, 2023. 464 p., $35.00. Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-09-04 Jennifer Van Hook
Medically Assisted Reproduction and Partnership Stability Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-09-02 Alina Pelikh, Hanna Remes, Niina Metsä‐Simola, Alice Goisis
Despite the increasing use of medically assisted reproduction (MAR) in modern societies, there is limited evidence on whether conceiving with MAR or remaining involuntarily childless after MAR is associated with partnership stability. While older age, the more advantaged socioeconomic position of women undergoing MAR and their strong fertility intentions could lead to higher partnership stability,
How Family Dynamics Shape Income Inequality Between Families With Young Children: The Case of Sweden, 1995–2018 Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-08-30 Sunnee Billingsley, Pilar Gonalons‐Pons, Ann‐Zofie Duvander
Increased gender equality in the labor market and the home are both cited as stabilizers to income inequality between households, but shifts in the economic organization of families over the life course instead appear to amplify household income inequality. Using the case of Sweden, where men have taken longer parental leave in recent years and the age at parenthood continues to advance, we analyze
Mortality Convergence in Europe? Spatial Differences in Life Expectancy Gains Between 1995 and 2019 Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-08-07 Markus Sauerberg, Florian Bonnet, Carlo Giovanni Camarda, Pavel Grigoriev
The conventional approach to gauging mortality convergence in Europe relies on life expectancy estimates () at the national level. However, mortality can differ within countries significantly. To better apprehend whether Europe's mortality patterns have been converging or diverging over recent decades, we must shift our focus to regional mortality data. Using data from statistical offices, we present
Digital Trace Data and Demographic Forecasting: How Well Did Google Predict the US COVID‐19 Baby Bust? Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-07-30 Joshua Wilde, Wei Chen, Sophie Lohmann, Jasmin Abdel Ghany
At the onset of the first wave of COVID‐19 in the United States, the pandemic's effect on future birthrates was unknown. In this paper, we assess whether digital trace data—often touted as a panacea for traditional data scarcity—held the potential to accurately predict fertility change caused by the COVID‐19 pandemic in the United States. Specifically, we produced state‐level, dynamic future predictions
Birth Intention Status and Infant Mortality: Fixed‐Effects Analysis of 60 Countries Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-07-30 Heini Väisänen, Ewa Batyra
Most studies on the impact of birth intentions on children's well‐being do not separate risks of infant mortality associated with pregnancy intention status from the risks that are associated with sociodemographic characteristics. There is a lack of studies taking a multicountry comparative perspective. We analyzed 60 Demographic and Health Surveys in Asia, the Americas, and Africa to examine the association
Revolving Doors: How Externalization Policies Block Refugees and Deflect Other Migrants across Migration Routes Population and Development Review (IF 4.6) Pub Date : 2024-07-23 Alice Mesnard, Filip Savatic, Jean‐Noël Senne, Hélène Thiollet
Migrant destination states of the Global North generally seek to stem irregular migration while remaining committed to refugee rights. To do so, these states have increasingly sought to externalize migration control, implicating migrant origin and transit states in managing the movement of persons across borders. But do externalization policies actually have an impact on unauthorized migration flows