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Effect of heat input on microstructural characteristics and fatigue property of heat-affected zone in a FH690 heavy-gauge marine steel Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-24 Y. Bai, X. Guo, X.J. Sun, G.Y. Liu, Z.J. Xie, X.L. Wang, C.J. Shang
We demonstrated here the effect of welding heat input on the microstructure characteristics and fatigue behavior of the multi-pass welded joint of a FH690 grade ultra-heavy steel plate. The welded joint with a heat input of ∼15 kJ/cm exhibited higher ultimate fatigue stress (407 MPa at endurance limit of 107 cycles) than that of ∼50 kJ/cm. Moreover, the welded joint with a heat input of ∼15 kJ/cm fractured
A stacked cylinder approach for standardized high-throughput uniaxial fatigue characterization Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-24 Grant West, Wenjia Gu, David Walker, Derek H. Warner
Despite the critical importance of mechanical reliability in our modern economy, the prediction of fatigue failures remains a challenging endeavor. Traditional fatigue testing methods are not only slow and costly but also plagued by high variability, making it difficult to calibrate predictive models for real-world utilization. Towards addressing this challenge, we present a uniaxial mechanical fatigue
A new methodology for analysing the fatigue behaviour of filled natural rubber using rotating shear deformation experiments and FEM analysis Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-22 M. Abdelmoniem, B. Yagimli, M. Barkhoff, F. Duisen
Understanding the fatigue behaviour of natural rubber is crucial for designing rubber components such as chassis and motor mounts. These components experience multiaxial loading during operation, which affects both mechanical behaviour and lifetime, for instance, due to self-heating or strain-induced crystallisation. In this study, a new methodology is introduced to analyse the fatigue behaviour of
Fatigue crack propagation behavior of 2195 Al-Li alloy plate at low temperature Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-20 Yingzhi Li, Cunsheng Zhang, Zinan Cheng, Zijie Meng, Liang Chen, Guoqun Zhao
Great attention has been attached to Al-Li alloys due to their excellent performance for aerospace structural components, which endure low-temperature environments and cyclic loads, posing intense demands on the fatigue resistance of materials. In this work, the fatigue crack propagation (FCP) behaviors at low temperatures (−80 °C) of as-rolled 2195 Al-Li alloy have been investigated and compared with
A phase-field length scale insensitive model for fatigue failure in brittle materials Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-20 Ayyappan Unnikrishna Pillai, Mohammad Masiur Rahaman
This article proposes a novel phase-field length scale insensitive model for fatigue failure in brittle materials. In the proposed model, we incorporate a necessary fatigue-related parameter to define the fatigue threshold energy as a function of the fracture strength and make the mechanical response of a material insensitive to the phase-field length scale. In the proposed model, we derive the governing
The influence of phase angle on the TMF crack initiation behaviour and damage mechanisms of a single-crystal superalloy Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-16 Jonathan Jones, Alberto Gonzalez Garcia, Mark Whittaker, Robert Lancaster, Nicholas Barnard, Sean John, Joseph Doyle, Julian Mason-Flucke
Thermo-mechanical fatigue (TMF) is a complex damage mechanism considered to be one of the key issues limiting the service lives of hot section components in a gas turbine engine. Turbine blades and nozzle guide vanes are particularly susceptible to this form of material degradation, which results from the simultaneous cycling of mechanical and thermal loads. In this research, a series of TMF tests
Multiaxial fatigue of a titanium alloy under complex loading with asymmetric paths Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-15 Tonghui Wang, Yanrong Wang, Dasheng Wei
Multiaxial fatigue under complex asymmetric loading paths has gained significant attention because it better represents the actual loading conditions of engineering components. However, research on this topic remains limited. In this study, a definition of the multiaxial fatigue stress ratio is proposed by identifying the peak and valley points of complex loading paths. Subsequently, the Walker mean
Effect of simulated body fluid on the fatigue resistance of 3D-printed PLA and PLA-wood structures under cyclic bending loading Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Morteza Kianifar, Mohammad Azadi, Fatemeh Heidari
This study presents the effect of immersion in Simulated Body Fluid (SBF) on the fatigue behavior of Polylactic Acid (PLA) and PLA-wood composites. For the degraded fatigue tests, the testing specimens were 28 days submersed in 10X SBF, weighed, and then fatigue experiments were done. The immersed samples gained weight due to water absorption. Additionally, mineral deposits grew on their external shells
Investigation of fretting fatigue performance for IN718 dovetail joint in very high cycle regime Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-11 Zeshuai Shen, Zhiyong Huang, Jian Wang, Liangqi Zheng, Hongjiang Qian, Qingyun Zhu
This study investigated the fracture mechanisms of dovetail joints under very high cycle fretting fatigue (VHCFF) loading and predicted the short crack propagation behavior through experiment and simulation. Dovetail specimens designed and manufactured using Inconel 718 superalloy are tested at room temperature (RT) and high temperature (650 °C). The scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron backscatter
Basal slip gradual softening in nanoprecipitate-strengthened RE-Mg alloy under cyclic loading Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-10 Yao Chen, Wei Li, Fulin Liu, Lang Li, Chao He, Yongjie Liu, Qiang Chen, Qingyuan Wang
Nanoprecipitates typically strengthen alloys by blocking dislocation movement, but herein, they can be sheared off continually during fatigue. Cyclic slip irreversibility accumulates continually, with the local shear strain reaching ετ = 57.6 %. We reveal that dislocations slipping on the basal plane experience different critical resolved shear stress (CRSS) as they pass through the β′-nanoprecipitates
Creep-fatigue damage evolution in a nickel-based superalloy: An experiment-inspired modeling approach for life prediction Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-10 Chandan Kumar, Praveen Kumar
Creep-fatigue experiments were conducted on IN740H, a γʹ-lean Ni-based superalloy, at 750 °C with a strain ratio of −1, a strain amplitude of either 0.3 or 0.5 %, and a dwell period at the maximum strain of 0, 120 and 600s. Results indicate that the number of cycles to failure decreased with the dwell period, although overall rupture time increased. Grain boundary fracture was more prevalent at higher
Comparison of experimental and numerical fatigue life of austenitic stainless steel components at 300 °C with idealized and scanned weld geometries Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-10 Georg Veile, Julius Lotz, Jürgen Rudolph, Elen Regitz, Marek Smaga, Stefan Weihe, Tilmann Beck
Accurately predicting the fatigue life of welded components remains a challenging task. This work compares different geometric approaches, such as scanned or idealised weld geometries, using energy-based and strain-based fatigue damage parameters. Gradient effects have also been successfully considered and investigated. In addition to the analytical calculation using the damage parameters, the fatigue
Transferability of anomaly data to fatigue properties of PBF-LB AlSi10Mg parts with different volumes Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-10 G. Minerva, M. Awd, A. Koch, F. Walther, S. Beretta
Fatigue of metallic materials produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion has been extensively studied for both standard testing specimens and application relevant components. However, fatigue properties of specimens and components suffer from large scatter, mainly due to the presence of volumetric anomalies, residual stresses and surface roughness. Therefore, the transferability from specimens to components
Fatigue notch sensitivity of laser direct energy deposited versus wrought Ti-6.5Al-3.5Mo-1.5Zr-0.3Si alloy Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-08 Jun Cao, Feixiang Weng, Shuquan Zhang, Huaming Wang, Jikui Zhang
The notch, such as hole and chamfer, is unavoidable for aircraft structural components. Stress concentration induced by notch is the leading cause of fatigue failure. It is significant for structural integrity and safety assessment to clarify the intrinsic mechanism causing the difference in fatigue notch sensitivity. The notch fatigue fracture behavior of TC11 samples, fabricated by laser direct energy
Effect of carbon nanotube buckypapers on interlaminar fracture toughness of thermoplastic composites subjected to fatigue tests Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-08 Luis Felipe de Paula Santos, Francisco Maciel Monticeli, Bruno Ribeiro, Michelle Leali Costa, René Alderliesten, Edson Cocchieri Botelho
Three-phase composites, especially those composed of high performance thermoplastics, have not been properly investigated with respect to their interlaminar fracture toughness. Therefore, this study investigates effect on the interlaminar fracture toughness by adding carbon nanotube buckypaper (BP), tested under cyclic loading in mode I and II. BP weakened the interlaminar fracture toughness in mode
Fatigue life and performance evaluation of wearable flexible thermoelectric devices under thermomechanical loads Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-08 Shifa Fan, Yuanwen Gao, Zhiqiang Li
Wearable flexible thermoelectric generators (WFTEGs) offer a promising solution for integrating power sources with electronics in wearable technologies. However, the longevity of these devices is compromised by fatigue propagation in brittle thermoelectric materials due to internal cracks. This study presents a three-dimensional (3D) numerical model of WFTEGs with through-thickness cracks, accounting
Cyclic deformation behavior of medium-manganese transformation-induced plasticity steel at elevated temperatures: Mechanical tests and microstructural characterization Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-07 Juan Zhang, Zhicheng Song, Zongxi Wu, Xingmin Huang, Qianhua Kan
Medium-manganese transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP) steel, a new generation advanced high-strength steel, exhibits a combination of excellent strength and plasticity. Due to the TRIP effect, the cyclic deformation behavior and mechanisms of the steel are more complicated, especially at elevated temperatures. In this work, the monotonic and cyclic deformation of Fe-0.4C-7Mn-3.2Al steel were investigated
High-cycle fatigue properties of hot-rolled bonding titanium-clad bimetallic steel Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-07 Huiyong Ban, Chenyang Huang, Yongjiu Shi, Letian Hai
The corrosive marine environment brings significant challenges to traditional steel materials, prompting the exploration of alternative solutions in terms of advanced structural materials, such as titanium-clad (TC) bimetallic steel. This paper presents an experimental investigation into the basic mechanical properties and high-cycle fatigue behaviour of hot-rolled bonding TC bimetallic steels with
Dwell-fatigue behaviour of additively manufactured Ti6242 alloy via LPBF and HIPPING Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-07 Atasi Ghosh, Saem Ahmed, Sureddy Tejanath Reddy, Gyan Shankar
Ambient-temperature, low-cycle dwellfatigue, conventional low-cycle fatigueand creeptests have beenperformed on additively manufactured and Hot Isostatic Pressed (HIPPED) Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Moalloy.The low-cycle dwellfatigue life comparedwith the low-cycle fatiguelife showed a dwell debit of 5. The factor decrease in thelow-cycle dwellfatiguelifefrom the low-cycle fatiguelife remain almost same withdecreasing
A modified fatigue life prediction model considering residual stresses relaxation and microhardness distribution for surface strengthening materials Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-07 Ling Ju, Kai-Shang Li, Lv-Yi Cheng, Hang-Hang Gu, Run-Zi Wang, Xian-Cheng Zhang, Shan-Tung Tu
In this paper, a fatigue life prediction model of surface strengthening materials is proposed by considering dominant surface integrity parameters. The maximum residual stress and maximum microhardness of the surface strengthening materials are determined as the dominant parameters for the development of fatigue life prediction model according to the correlation analysis between surface integrity parameters
Study on fatigue properties of polyamide 6 modified carbon fiber reinforced composites Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-07 Na Zhang, Yunguo Fu, Wenzheng Jiang, Yukang Sun, Zheng Zhang, Deming Zhao, Shengye Li, Chengrui Di, Kun Qiao
The incorporation of a toughening agent in the production of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) can mitigate crack propagation inside the matrix, which is significant for enhancing the product’s fatigue life. This study presents the preparation of T300 carbon fiber reinforced epoxy resin composite utilizing a wet toughening process, incorporating the thermoplastic monomer Polyamide 6 (PA6) into
Study on shear fatigue damage behavior and evolution of Fe-Pb thin walled heterogeneous welded material components under hot isostatic pressure Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-07 Siyuan Ding, Jianhua Liu, Jinfang Peng, Hechang Li, Bo Li, Minhao Zhu
For the first time, 45 steel and Pb were welded to form Fe-Pb thin-walled heterogeneous welding material components, which can be used in heavy-duty and radiation resistant environments. This study conducted comparative shear fatigue tests under different alternating loads under the conditions of hot isostatic pressing (HIP) control technology. The experimental results are as follows: after HIP treatment
Isothermal and thermomechanical fatigue of 316H stainless steel: Damage mechanism and life prediction Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-07 Jingyu Yang, Yiming Zheng, Fang Wang, Kang Wang, Xi Yuan, Xu Chen, Bingbing Li
In-phase and out-of-phase thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) tests with the temperature cycling from 300 °C to 650 °C were carried out on 316H stainless steel. The isothermal fatigue (IF) tests at 650 °C were performed for comparison. A wide range of strain amplitudes from 0.185 % to 1.0 % were used. Results showed that TMF loading resulted in the more pronounced cyclic hardening than IF loading, and the
Microstructural origins of cycle hardening behaviors and fracture mechanisms of 304L stainless steel during low-cycle fatigue Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 Wei Jiang, Shaojia Shi, Heng Wang, Kang Wei, Yonghao Zhao
Low-cycle fatigue behaviors of 304L stainless steel were investigated under different strain amplitudes (0.25 %, 0.3 %, 0.4 %, 0.5 %) and number of cycles to establish the relationship between macro-properties and micro-mechanisms. In all cases of strain amplitude, the 304L stainless steel displays a slight degree of cycle softening subsequent to the initial hardening in the cyclic stress–strain response
The coupling effects of oxidation and temperature on the low cycle fatigue deformation behavior of CM 247 DS LC alloy Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-06 S. Chandra, N. Paulose, R.K. Rai
The role of environmental degradation, particularly oxidation, on the low cycle fatigue response of rotating blades of aero-engine operating at significantly high temperatures is extremely important as it adversely affects its performance. The present work investigates the coupling effect of prior cyclic oxidation and temperature on the low cycle fatigue (LCF) fatigue behaviour of CM 247 DS LC Ni-based
A cyclic elasto-plastic constitutive model based on physics informed neural network of a pure polycrystalline copper under uniaxial loading Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Tao Hu, Wenqing Zheng, Hai Xie, Tengwu He, Miaolin Feng
A cyclic elasto-plastic constitutive model based on physics informed neural network is constructed to describe the cyclic hardening as well as non-Massing behaviors of oxygen free highly conductive copper under fully reversed strain-controlled loading. By translating and rotating the data points, the tension branch and compression branch in stress–strain hysteresis loop are unified. Internal variables
An elastoplastic analysis of fretting crack nucleation: Correlation between critical distance and grain size Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-01 Hugo Lannay, Siegfried Fouvry, Bruno Berthel, Camille Gandiolle, Pierre Arnaud
This study investigates the influence of microstructural size and stress gradients on crack nucleation in ferrite-pearlite steel under cylinder/plane fretting conditions. An experimental and numerical approach establishes a critical distance that correlates with grain size, revealing a significant distinction between elastic and elastoplastic behaviour. The results indicate that the optimal critical
Equivalent initial damage sizes for PBF-LB Ti-6Al-4V notched geometries Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-01 Zlatan Kapidžić, Stefan B. Lindström, Johan Moverare, Thomas Lindström, Carl-Johan Thore, Daniel Leidermark, Manja Franke
We propose a fracture mechanics based method for determination of equivalent initial damage size (EIDS) distribution in as-built additively manufactured (AM) Ti-6Al-4V notched geometries. The crack growth model is shown to correctly capture the effect of the stress raisers and load ratio on the fatigue life of notched specimens. Results of constant amplitude fatigue tests on notched round bar specimens
Influence of micro-shot peening and traditional shot peening on fatigue performance and fracture behaviors of Ti-6Al-4V alloy Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-31 Dongdong Ji, Haodong Chen, Jiwang Zhang, Kaixin Su, Xingyu Chen
Ti-6Al-4V alloy is subjected to complex environmental conditions, often requiring enhanced fatigue performance in engineering applications. This study provides a comparative analysis of the effects of micro-shot peening (MSP) and traditional shot peening (TSP) on the fatigue performance of Ti-6Al-4V alloy. The results indicate that TSP specimens develop a work-hardened layer with high hardness and
Enhanced strength but deteriorated fatigue crack propagation behaviors of an aviation Al-Li alloy sheet caused by solid-solution time extension Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-31 Xu-feng Cai, Hui Xiang, Zhen-zhen Liu, Guang-jun Zeng, Tian-le Liu, Zhi-min Cai, Hua Zhou, Bao Qi, Dan-Yang Liu, Jin-feng Li
The fatigue crack propagation (FCP) property and strength in T8-aged Al-Li alloy sheets with varying solid-solution time were investigated and the influence mechanism of the secondary phase on fatigue crack initiation was revealed. The results demonstrate that both grain dimension and recrystallization texture of the alloys with different solid-solution time are similar, but the average diameter of
Effect of tempered sorbite/bainite microstructures on fatigue crack propagation and closure in Fe-Cr-Mo-Mn steel Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-31 Ning Guo, Kuantao Sun, Bingtao Tang, Fu Guo, Guangchun Xiao, Jilai Wang
The large-scale wind power spindles are prone to fatigue failure under cyclic loading, particularly, due to microstructure inhomogeneity of tempered large-scale forgings, it is of great significance to explore the influence of non-uniform tempered sorbite/bainite (TS/B) on fatigue crack propagation and closure effects. In this paper, the fatigue crack propagation behavior of coarse TS/B and fine TS/B
Creep-fatigue behavior of a friction stir welding 7050-T7451 aluminum alloy: Microstructure evolution and microscopic damage mechanisms Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-30 Huan Wang, Weifeng Xu, Yanfei Wang, Hongjian Lu
Creep-fatigue behavior of a friction stir welding (FSW) Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy at different temperatures was investigated. The results show that creep damage is much higher than fatigue damage when a holding time is introduced at the peak load. After creep-fatigue, η’ and η phases are reprecipitated in the weld nugget zone (WNZ) and coarsen with increasing temperature. When the creep-fatigue temperature
Facet cracking mechanism of Ti-2Al-2.5Zr alloy under high-cycle fatigue loadings at room temperature and 350°C Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-28 Jingtai Yu, Bingbing Li, Zuoliang Ning, Xiang Guo, Jun Wu, Gang Chen
The interesting phenomenon of facet cracking of Ti-2Al-2.5Zr alloy exposed to high-cycle fatigue (HCF) loading at the high temperature of 350 °C was reported for the first time. Moreover, the HCF tests at room temperature were also conducted for comparison. The crack nucleation mechanisms with essential differences at both room and elevated temperatures were comparatively studied based on the elaborate
Fatigue behaviors and cellular damages of bead-welded foam of poly(ether-b-amide) under cyclic compression Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-28 Ping Zhu, Johannes Meuchelböck, Chao Qiu, Quanxiao Dong, Xia Dong, Dujin Wang, Volker Altstädt, Holger Ruckdäschel
Two polymer foams with density of 0.10 and 0.13 g/cm3 (F10 and F13) respectively were fabricated by steam-welding of expanded beads, obtained from super-critical foaming of poly(ether-b-amide). The compression fatigue behaviors were first characterized by step-increase strain tests up to −60 %, with an increment of 10 %. The stress relaxation rates during every one thousand cycles of compression was
Damage analysis of CVI SiCf/SiCm ceramic matrix composites under thermal shock Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-27 Xiaopeng Hu, Qing Liu, Liang Chen, Sai Liu, Jinwei Guo, Wang Zhu
The low density, high strength, and excellent high-temperature resistance of ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) determine their significant application value in the extreme environments of advanced aero-engines. In this paper, the thermal shock performance and internal damage evolution of CMCs materials are investigated by X-ray computed tomography (XCT), infrared thermal imaging and acoustic emission
Influence of the eutectic interface on the fatigue behaviour of friction stir spot welds of aluminum with copper Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-27 E. Tognoli, K. Schricker, E. Bassoli, J.P. Bergmann
The development of hybrid bonds between copper and aluminum is being pursued for reasons of cost, functionality, and weight, particularly in the field of electromobility, to achieve near net-zero emissions. Joining aluminum to copper is a challenge, as interfacial intermetallic compounds have a negative impact on the strength, ductility, and electrical properties of the joint. The development of brittle
Influence of sintering process on high temperature cyclic deformation behavior and fatigue creep damage mechanism of sintered silver Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-26 Dao-Hang Li, Wen-Jing Xu, Tian-Yi Liu, Bowen Zhang, Yi Liu, Yun-Hui Mei
In this paper, the influence of sintering process on the high temperature cyclic deformation behavior and fatigue creep damage mechanism of sintered silver is revealed. Under cyclic shear loading at high temperatures, quasi cleavage fracture that symbolizes creep damage is induced in sintered silver, leading to a decrease in its fatigue life. With the increase of sintering temperature/time, the material
Damage simulation and experimental verification of thermomechanical fatigue in nickel-based single crystal turbine blades considering the influence of transverse crystal orientation Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-26 Bin Zhang, Xitong Jin, Yan Zhao, Xunxun Hu, Ziang Wang, Yuancao Li, Haiyan Liu, Dianyin Hu, Rongqiao Wang
Due to the complexity of loads and structures, as well as the uncertainty of transverse crystal orientation, accurately predicting thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) damage in nickel-based single crystal turbine blades remains a challenge. In this paper, a slip-based damage model reflecting the coupling of creep damage and low-cycle fatigue damage was employed to describe the in-phase thermomechanical
Withdrawal notice to “Artificial neural networks – Assisted very-high-cycle corrosion fatigue of completion string” [Int. J. Fatigue 193 (2025) 108796] Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-24 Zhenyu Zhu, Hailong Kong, Yongyou Zhu, Mattias Calmunger, Guocai Chai, Qingyuan Wang, Wei Feng
Fretting fatigue strength evaluation of scaled press-fitted railway axle containing a circumferential groove defect Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-24 Yihui Dong, Dongfang Zeng, Hai Zhao, Pingbo Wu, Ye Song, Xiang Li, Liantao Lu
Fretting fatigue cracks can occur in the wheel seat of railway axles, posing a risk to safe operation. This study investigates the critical crack depth that ensures the fatigue strength of railway axles remains within acceptable limits. Fretting fatigue tests were performed on scaled press-fitted axles with circumferential groove defects of varying depths. Results showed that as the defect depth increased
Low cycle fatigue and creep-fatigue interaction behavior of C630R ferritic/martensitic heat-resistant steel at high temperature Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-23 Kailun Ding, Zhengxin Tang, Xikou He, Xitao Wang, Jinshan He
The low-cycle fatigue (LCF) and creep-fatigue interaction (CFI) characteristics of 630R ferritic/martensitic heat-resistant steel at 630 °C have been examined. The LCF tests were conducted within a strain range of 0.3 % to 1.0 %. CFI assessments were conducted using trapezoidal waveforms with varying strain amplitudes and load holding durations. The progression of cyclic stress, hysteresis curves,
Effect of compressive residual stress and surface morphology introduced by shot peening on the improvement of fretting fatigue life of TC4 Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-23 Xiyuan Zhang, Dasheng Wei, Xiang Liu, Jiayu Xiao, Shun Yang
Fretting fatigue is a common phenomenon between contacting components that significantly reduces the life of the specimen due to stress concentration and surface wear. Shot peening is a widely used surface strengthening technique that improves fatigue life by introducing surface hardening and residual stress fields. This study employed a bridge-type pad and flat specimen test setup to investigate the
Machine learning model for predicting the influence of crystallographic orientation on thermomechanical fatigue of Ni-base superalloys Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-23 Rohan Acharya, Alexander N. Caputo, Richard W. Neu
Ni-base superalloys used in gas turbine blades are often directionally-solidified (DS) or single-crystal (SX) to minimize grain boundaries and enhance creep resistance. However, their anisotropic elastic properties cause significant variability in mechanical response depending on the loading direction, particularly for components with complex geometries. Predicting thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) and
A comprehensive analysis of fatigue in wood and wood products Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-22 Changxi Yang, Mostafa Abdelrahman, Ani Khaloian-Sarnaghi, Jan-Willem van de Kuilen
Fatigue failures pose significant challenges across various engineering disciplines. Wood, due to its low carbon emissions and high strength-to-weight ratio, has been gaining attention in engineering applications. The fatigue behavior of wood is complex due to its heterogeneous, anisotropic, and viscoelastic nature. This research explores essential insights into the fatigue behavior of wood, with a
Mechanisms of fatigue crack growth in 7050-T6 aluminium alloy Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-21 L.P. Borrego, J.S. Jesus, R. Branco, J.A.M. Ferreira, F.V. Antunes, D.M. Neto, E.R. Sérgio
Fatigue crack growth (FCG) is usually associated with cyclic plastic deformation at the crack tip. However, this damage mechanism loses dominance for relatively low stress intensity factor ranges (ΔK), and a lower boundary must be considered in numerical modelling. So far, the definition of this lower boundary and its variation with the stress ratio remain unclear This paper studies FCG in CT specimens
Multiaxial fatigue model describing crack growth behavior and its application in welded structures of railway frames Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-20 Zhe Zhang, Bing Yang, Feng Feng, Shiqi Zhou, Long Yang, Shoune Xiao, Guangwu Yang
Welded joints are typically key regions for crack initiation and propagation, making it especially important to study their fatigue behavior under different loading conditions. This study extends the classic mode I Christopher-James-Patterson (CJP) model and proposes a multiaxial CJP model tailored for welded structures. The study incorporates parameters that drive and resist crack propagation, defining
Assessment of binder test methods for detecting cracking susceptibility in asphalt mixtures Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-20 Hui Chen, Dheeraj Adwani, Namuundari Zorigtbaatar, Fujie Zhou, Pravat Karki
Asphalt binders are crucial in roadway construction, significantly influencing the performance and durability of asphalt mixtures. Even with identical mix designs, the performance of these mixtures can vary depending on the Performance Grade (PG) of the binder used. This study aims to identify and evaluate test methods for assessing binder quality, specifically in terms of cracking resistance. Twenty
Controllable kilohertz impact fatigue loading functioned by cyclic stress wave of Hopkinson tension bar and its application for TC4 titanium alloy Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-19 Jianping Yin, Chenxu Zhang, Ruoheng Sun, Yilun Hu, Yinggang Miao, Yulong Li
Engineering materials are occasionally subjected to high-frequency impact fatigue in service. However, there are still gaps in the loading techniques that hinder the acquisition of sufficient experimental data. In this work, we developed a novel loading methodology based on stress wave guidance to achieve controllable impact fatigue of ∼ 1 kHz frequency. Hopkinson tension bar was modified first by
Microstructure and fatigue life prediction of centrifugal investment casting IN713C alloy supercharger turbine Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-19 Yanyun Sun, Huarui Zhang, Fuwei Wang, Shoubin Zhang, Rui Zhang, Junpin Lin, Ying Cheng, Hu Zhang
This study quantified the relationship between the microstructural characteristics and the fatigue life of the IN713C alloy turbocharger turbines prepared using centrifugal investment casting. The samples were obtained directly from the components for fatigue testing experiments to reveal the fatigue fracture mechanisms of different microstructures. The results showed that fatigue cracks at the root
A TCD-based statistical method to assess the impact of surface roughness and pores on the fatigue strength of LPBF Inconel 718 specimens Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-18 Lorenzo Romanelli, Ciro Santus, Giuseppe Macoretta, Michele Barsanti, Bernardo Disma Monelli, Ivan Senegaglia, Adrian Hugh Alexander Lutey, Hossein Rajaei, Cinzia Menapace, Matteo Benedetti
The aim of this study is to model the impact of surface roughness and pores on the fatigue strength of plain and V-notched specimens made of Inconel 718 under as-built and machined conditions and produced by laser powder bed fusion (LPBF). Combining fractographic analyses with the Gumbel and the exponential distribution functions, the statistical analyses of the diameters of the pores and of their
High-R Notched HCF performance of macrozones in Ti-6Al-4V Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-18 Yan Gao, Nigel Martin, Jamie Moschini, David Dye
The hypothesis is examined that the macrozones that can occur in large Ti-6Al-4V forgings, in combination with the effects of stressed volume and sustained loads, can result in a debit in high cycle fatigue (HCF) performance, which would be of concern in jet engine applications. Here, the effect of placing a notch root in hard vs. soft oriented macrozones, i.e. {0002} parallel or perpendicular to the
Correction of erroneous normal stress calculation for critical plane based fatigue criteria Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-18 Jana Christine Faes, Tien Dung Dinh, Nicolas Lammens, Wim Van Paepegem
Fatigue criteria for nonproportional loading often rely on the premise that damage initiates on the plane with the highest shear stress range. Due to the reciprocity of shear stress, at least two equivalent planes in 3D space can be found. Among these, the most critical plane is determined by its normal stress, as tensile stress on the crack surface facilitates damage formation. Many loading scenarios
Retarded fatigue crack growth in Fe–15Mn–10Cr–8Ni–4Si via reversible γ ↔ ε transformation Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-18 Fumiyoshi Yoshinaka, Takahiro Sawaguchi, Susumu Takamori, Satoshi Emura, Digvijay Singh
Crack growth and closure behavior in Fe–15Mn–10Cr–8Ni–4Si steel were investigated. The steel showed slower crack growth compared with SUS316. This was mainly due to the pronounced effect of crack closure. The gradual cyclic hardening in the Fe–15Mn–10Cr–8Ni–4Si steel have enhanced the effect of plasticity-induced crack closure compared with that in SUS316. Additionally, the rough fracture surface consisting
Residual stress relaxation of railway gradient S38C steel during fatigue crack growth by neutron imaging and diffraction Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-17 Feifei Hu, Tianyu Qin, Yuhua Su, Lunhua He, Ni Ao, Joseph Don Parker, Takenao Shinohara, Shengchuan Wu
The S38C steel axles show excellent fatigue resistance due to large-depth compressive residual stress (CRS) along the axial direction. However, residual stress (RS) relaxation may occur in case of a fatigue crack, which results in a reduced damage tolerance and a shortened service lifetime. Destructive methods cannot retain the residual stress and associated retardation effect of cracks. To tackle
Fatigue crack propagation in functionally graded bi-material steel obtained through wire-arc additive manufacturing Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-16 J.L. Galán Argumedo, A. Suresh, Z. Ding, V. Bertolo, T.E. Reinton, A.C. Riemslag, M.J.M. Hermans, V.A. Popovich
This study concentrates on the fatigue crack propagation behaviour of a high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steel and austenitic stainless (AS) steel bi-material part, as obtained by wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM). Due to partial mixing in the weld pool, the first layer of AS steel laid onto the previously deposited HSLA steel results in a diluted interface layer of distinct chemical and microstructural
Orientation-related fatigue crack initiation behavior at twin boundary of Inconel 718 in vacuum environment of 650 ℃ Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-16 Lanzhou Liu, Yifei Gao, Xin Chen, Zhanbin Liu, Xuan Ren, Mingliang Zhu
Complicated interaction of twin boundary with dislocation plays a pivotal role in mechanical properties. In this study, the effect of TB on the fatigue crack initiation of Inconel 718 superalloy was investigated in vacuum environment of 650 ℃. A three-point bending fatigue test with preprocessed plate specimen was applied to trigger multi-source crack initiation. Plenty of slip band patterns and crystallographic
Accelerating phase transformation in a non-equiatomic CoCrNi alloy under low-cycle fatigue deformation Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-16 Z.Y. Li, H.Q. Liu, Z.Y. Ni, S.Y. Peng, Y.Z. Tian
Stacking fault energy (SFE) plays a key role in the deformation mechanisms and mechanical behavior of metallic materials. However, the low-cycle fatigue (LCF) behavior of low SFE materials remains unclear. This work presents the monotonic tensile and LCF behaviors of Co35Cr42Ni23 alloy with very low SFE. In contrast to the dislocation-dominated deformation mechanism in equiatomic CoCrNi alloy, planar
Heat build-up and thermo-mechanical fatigue life optimization of aircraft tire using deformation index concept Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-14 Zixu Shen, Qian Wang, Peng Li, Xiaolin Li, Fanzhu Li
Aircraft tires are a critical component for the takeoff, landing, and taxiing of an aircraft. Under high-speed and heavy-load conditions, aircraft tires are subjected to huge stresses and remarkable heat build-up. Improving tire safety and service life is crucial. The deformation index can be used to judge the control modes of different components of the tire, such as strain control, stress control
Corrigendum to “High cycle fatigue performance and corresponding fracture behaviors of GH4169 studs formed by thread warm rolling process” [Int. J. Fatigue 193 (2025) 108808] Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-13 Yanli Lu, Liyuan Hu, Ting Li, Gang Ran, Xiaowei Yi, Yukun Sun, Zhenyang Kong, Kuangshi Yan, Rui Hu, Hong Wang
Experimental study on long-term fatigue behavior of piezoelectric energy harvesters under high and low-frequency vibration excitation Int. J. Fatigue (IF 5.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-12 Ping Yang, Ahmad Zhafran Ahmad Mazlan
The strain distribution along the cantilever piezoelectric energy harvester (PEH) beam is nonuniform, which would induce fatigue damage at the root of the cantilever in the long run, and cause failure in the piezoelectric material. In this study, fatigue vibration experiments are repeated to determine and analyse fatigue characteristics and output performance changes of the improved structures under