文献分享 |Immunity|多组学分析揭示了硒在控制克罗恩病T细胞分化中的关键作用 -
文献分享 |Chem Sci|AlphaFold加速了基于人工智能的药物发现进程:高效地发现了一种新型CDK20小分子抑制剂 -
文献分享 | Cell Metabolism |巨噬细胞的代谢支持维持结肠上皮的稳态 -
文献分享 | nature communications |昼夜节律的破坏促进了雄性果蝇中多巴胺能神经元的退化 -
文献分享 | Taylor & Francis |急性肾损伤后小管细胞通过自噬产生FGF2促进成纤维细胞活化和肾纤维化 -
文献分享 |Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis |The histone deacetylase inhibitor belinostat ameliorates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in mice by inhibiting TLR2/MyD88 and HDAC3/ NF-κB p65-mediated neuroinflammation -
文献分享 | ACS NANO LETTERS |益生菌配备原位矿化纳米催化剂和靶向生物涂层,用于多管齐下治疗炎症性肠病 -
文献分享 | Cell Reports |Exercise Alleviates Obesity-Induced Metabolic Dysfunction via Enhancing FGF21 Sensitivity in Adipose Tissues -
文献分享 | journal of nanobiotechnology | 5-氨基水杨酸从偶氮还原酶反应性聚合物前药中缓释用于长期结肠靶向结肠炎治疗 -
文献分享 |Nature Immunology |Distinct microbial and immune niches of the human colon -
文献分享 |Gut|Prostaglandin E2 receptor PTGER4- expressing macrophages promote intestinal epithelial barrier regeneration upon inflammation -
文献分享 |Journal of Hepatology |Single-cell atlas of the liver myeloid compartment before and after cure of chronic viral hepatitis -
文献分享 | Mol Syst Biol | 基于AlphaFold的分子对接预测用于抗生素发现的基准研究 -
文献分享|nature ageing|Age-, sex- and proximal–distal-resolved multi-omics identifies regulators of intestinal aging in non-human primates -
文献分享 | Gastroenterology | HNF4 Regulates Fatty Acid Oxidation and is Required for Renewal of Intestinal Stem Cells in Mice. -
文献分享 | nature biomedical engineerin | 通过从聚合物胶束中释放丁酸酯治疗小鼠花生过敏和结肠炎