IEEE Transactions on Transportation ElectrificationIF:7.2所属领域关注
IEEE Vehicular Technology MagazineIF:5.8所属领域本刊介绍/投稿指南关注
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and PracticeIF:6.3所属领域关注
Transportation Research Part B: MethodologicalIF:5.8所属领域关注
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging TechnologiesIF:7.6所属领域关注
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and EnvironmentIF:7.3所属领域关注
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation ReviewIF:8.3所属领域关注
Vehicular CommunicationsIF:5.8所属领域本刊介绍/投稿指南关注
Economics of TransportationIF:2.2所属领域关注
European Transport Research ReviewIF:5.1所属领域本刊介绍/投稿指南关注
IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation SystemsIF:4.6所属领域关注
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent VehiclesIF:14.0所属领域关注
IET Intelligent Transport SystemsIF:2.3所属领域本刊介绍/投稿指南关注
International Journal of Micro Air VehiclesIF:1.5所属领域本刊介绍/投稿指南关注
International Journal of Rail TransportationIF:3.4所属领域关注
Journal of Intelligent Transportation SystemsIF:2.8所属领域本刊介绍/投稿指南关注
Journal of Transport & HealthIF:3.2所属领域关注
Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A SystemsIF:1.8所属领域关注
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - TransportIF:1.0所属领域关注
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile EngineeringIF:1.5所属领域关注
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid TransitIF:1.7所属领域关注
Railway Engineering ScienceIF:4.4所属领域关注
Ships and Offshore StructuresIF:1.7所属领域本刊介绍/投稿指南关注
The Journal of NavigationIF:1.9所属领域关注
Transportation LettersIF:3.3所属领域关注
Transportation Planning and TechnologyIF:1.3所属领域本刊介绍/投稿指南关注
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research BoardIF:1.6所属领域关注
Transportation ScienceIF:4.4所属领域关注
Transportmetrica A: Transport ScienceIF:3.6所属领域关注
Transportmetrica B: Transport DynamicsIF:3.3所属领域关注
Urban Rail TransitIF:1.7所属领域关注
Vehicle System DynamicsIF:3.5所属领域本刊介绍/投稿指南关注