Gender & SocietyIF:7.2所属领域关注
International Political SociologyIF:3.5所属领域关注
Journal of Health and Social BehaviorIF:6.3所属领域关注
Rural SociologyIF:2.3所属领域关注
Social ForcesIF:3.3所属领域关注
Sociological Methods & ResearchIF:6.5所属领域关注
Sociological ScienceIF:2.7所属领域关注
Sociology of EducationIF:3.3所属领域关注
The Sociological ReviewIF:2.1所属领域关注
Work, Employment and SocietyIF:2.7所属领域关注
Ageing & SocietyIF:2.3所属领域关注
Agricultural & Rural Studies所属领域关注
American Journal of Cultural SociologyIF:0.9所属领域关注
Annals of Tourism ResearchIF:10.4所属领域关注
Annual Review of Law And Social ScienceIF:2.4所属领域关注
Body & SocietyIF:0.9所属领域关注
British Journal of Sociology of EducationIF:2.2所属领域关注
Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de Méthodologie SociologiqueIF:0.9所属领域关注
Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologieIF:1.1所属领域关注
Changing Societies & PersonalitiesIF:0.4所属领域关注
Chinese Sociological ReviewIF:2.2所属领域关注
Community, Work & FamilyIF:1.9所属领域关注
Comparative SociologyIF:0.6所属领域关注
Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social PolicyIF:0.4所属领域关注
Cosmopolitan Civil Societies: An Interdisciplinary JournalIF:0.5所属领域关注
Deviant BehaviorIF:1.7所属领域关注
Distinktion: Journal of Social TheoryIF:1.4所属领域关注
Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on RaceIF:1.6所属领域关注
Economic And Social ReviewIF:0.2所属领域关注
Economy and SocietyIF:4.0所属领域关注
Ethnic and Racial StudiesIF:2.1所属领域关注
European Sociological ReviewIF:3.1所属领域关注
Humanities & Social Sciences CommunicationsIF:2.731所属领域关注
International Journal of SociologyIF:1.8所属领域关注
International Journal of Sociology and Social PolicyIF:1.2所属领域关注
International Review of SociologyIF:1.0所属领域关注
International Social WorkIF:1.2所属领域关注
International Studies in Sociology of EducationIF:1.4所属领域关注
Japanese Journal of SociologyIF:1.7所属领域关注
Journal for the Scientific Study of ReligionIF:2.3所属领域关注
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social SimulationIF:2.2所属领域关注
Journal of Classical SociologyIF:1.0所属领域关注
Journal of Contemporary EthnographyIF:1.6所属领域关注
Journal of Cultural EconomyIF:1.9所属领域关注
Journal of Immigrant & Refugee StudiesIF:1.3所属领域关注
Journal of Intercultural StudiesIF:1.0所属领域关注
Journal of Law and SocietyIF:1.3所属领域关注
Journal of Rural StudiesIF:5.1所属领域关注
Latino StudiesIF:0.7所属领域关注
Law & Society ReviewIF:2.3所属领域关注
Multicultural PerspectivesIF:0.5所属领域关注
Nations and NationalismIF:1.5所属领域关注
Nature Cities所属领域关注
Population and Development ReviewIF:4.6所属领域关注
Progress in Human GeographyIF:6.3所属领域关注
Qualitative ResearchIF:3.2所属领域关注
Race and Social ProblemsIF:2.8所属领域关注
Research in Social Stratification and MobilityIF:2.7所属领域关注
Rural SocietyIF:1.1所属领域关注
Secularism & NonreligionIF:1.7所属领域关注
Social Choice and WelfareIF:0.5所属领域关注
Social CurrentsIF:1.8所属领域关注
Social DevelopmentIF:1.6所属领域关注
Social Indicators ResearchIF:2.8所属领域关注
Social Psychological and Personality ScienceIF:4.3所属领域关注
Social Science QuarterlyIF:1.8所属领域关注
Society and Mental HealthIF:3.0所属领域关注
Sociologica-International Journal for Sociological DebateIF:1.0所属领域关注
Sociological ForumIF:1.8所属领域关注
Sociological InquiryIF:2.2所属领域关注
Sociological MethodologyIF:2.4所属领域关注
Sociological PerspectivesIF:2.2所属领域关注
Sociological SpectrumIF:1.9所属领域关注
Sociology CompassIF:3.1所属领域关注
Sociology of Health & IllnessIF:2.7所属领域关注
Sociology of Race and EthnicityIF:1.8所属领域关注
Sociology of Sport JournalIF:2.0所属领域关注
South African Review of SociologyIF:0.5所属领域关注
Teaching SociologyIF:1.0所属领域关注
The American Journal of Economics and SociologyIF:0.9所属领域关注
The British Journal of SociologyIF:2.7所属领域关注
The Sociological QuarterlyIF:1.2所属领域关注
Thesis ElevenIF:1.0所属领域关注