Acta AstronauticaIF:3.1所属领域本刊介绍/投稿指南关注
Aerospace Science and TechnologyIF:5.0所属领域本刊介绍/投稿指南关注
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic SystemsIF:5.1所属领域本刊介绍/投稿指南关注
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular TechnologyIF:6.1所属领域本刊介绍/投稿指南关注
Journal of Aerospace EngineeringIF:1.5所属领域关注
Journal of Guidance, Control, and DynamicsIF:2.3所属领域关注
Mechanical Systems and Signal ProcessingIF:7.9所属领域本刊介绍/投稿指南关注
Progress in Aerospace SciencesIF:11.5所属领域本刊介绍/投稿指南关注
Chinese Journal of AeronauticsIF:5.3所属领域关注
International Journal of Aerospace EngineeringIF:1.1所属领域本刊介绍/投稿指南关注
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace EngineeringIF:1.0所属领域关注
The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space SciencesIF:3.7所属领域关注