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近日,南京财经大学食品科学与工程学院张莫然(第一作者)、陆颖健教授(通讯作者)和孙静(通讯作者)等在LWT - Food Science and Technology》在线发表了题为“Rapid and visual detection of Listeria monocytogenes based on polymerase spiral reaction in fresh-cut fruit”的研究论文。

广泛传播的食源性致病菌单增李斯特菌在免疫系统受损者、老年人和孕妇中的致死率很高。需要一种简单易用的方法来鉴定单增李斯特菌。一种名为聚合酶螺旋反应(PSR)的独特恒温核酸扩增技术已被广泛用于食源性致病菌的鉴定。在这项研究中,利用 PSR 结合羟基萘酚蓝(HNB),建立了一种简单直观的方法来鉴定鲜切水果中的单增李斯特菌。经过优化,发现该系统的主要成分-甜菜碱、dNTP 和 MgSO4 分别为 0.5 M、1.0 mM 和 6 mM。六株非单增李斯特菌株被用来测试该检测方法的特异性。在 65 °C 条件下进行 50 分钟的 PSR 检测表明,单增李斯特菌的检测能力可低至每管 1 × 10^-4 纳克/微升 DNA 和每克鲜切水果 5.1 × 10^1 CFU。值得注意的是,这种方法的灵敏度比 PCR 方法(1 × 10^-3 纳克/微升)高出 10 倍。为了检测单增李斯特菌,PSR 检测法被设计成快速、准确、有效且无需仪器。这种创新的检测方法为研究人员鉴定有害微生物提供了一个全新的视角。

Fig. 1. a. PSR optimization of betaine; b. PSR optimization of dNTP; c. PSR optimization of MgSO4; d. PSR optimization of primers proportion (main primers: accelerating primers).

Fig. 2. a. Analytical sensitivity of PSR by fluorescence curve; b. Analytical sensitivity of PSR by 2% agarose gel electrophoresis. (Lane 1-6:100 ng/μL, 10−1 ng/μL, 10−2 ng/μL, 10−3 ng/μL, 10−4 ng/μL, 10−5 ng/μL; Lane M: 2000 bp Marker; Lane N: Negative control); c. Analytical sensitivity of PSR by HNB. (Tube 1–6: 100 ng/μL, 10−1 ng/μL, 10−2 ng/μL, 10−3 ng/μL, 10−4 ng/μL, 10−5 ng/μL); d. Analytical sensitivity of PCR by 2% agarose gel electrophoresis (Lane 1–6: 100 ng/μL, 10−1 ng/μL, 10−2 ng/μL, 10−3 ng/μL, 10−4 ng/μL, 10−5 ng/μL; Lane M: 2000 bp Marker; Lane N: Negative control).

Fig. 3. a. Analytical specificity of PSR by fluorescence curve; b. Analytical specificity of PSR by 2% agarose gel electrophoresis (Lane 1–6: L. monocytogenesS. aureusS. typhimuriumS. enteritidisB. cereusS. flexneri; Lane M: 2000 bp Marker; Lane N: Negative control); c. Analytical specificity of PSR by HNB (Tube 1–6: L. monocytogenesS. aureusS. typhimuriumS. enteritidisB. cereusS. flexneri; Tube N: Negative control).

Fig. 4. a. PSR detection of L. monocytogenes from artificial contamination samples by fluorescence curve; b. PSR detection of L. monocytogenes from artificial contamination samples by 2% agarose gel electrophoresis (Lane 1–6: 5.1 × 106 CFU/g, 5.1 × 105 CFU/g, 5.1 × 104 CFU/g, 5.1 × 103 CFU/g, 5.1 × 102 CFU/g, 5.1 × 101 CFU/g, 5.1 × 100 CFU/g; Lane M: 2000 bp Marker; Lane N: Negative control); c. PSR detection of L. monocytogenes from artificial contamination samples by HNB (Tube 1–6: 5.1 × 106 CFU/g, 5.1 × 105 CFU/g, 5.1 × 104 CFU/g, 5.1 × 103 CFU/g, 5.1 × 102 CFU/g, 5.1 × 101 CFU/g, 5.1 × 100 CFU/g; Tube N: Negative control).