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罗康特博士现为北师港浸大应用翻译专业助理教授。他是香港城市大学翻译学博士,香港中文大学(深圳)同声传译文学硕士。 教学 Principles and Methods of Translation Introductory Interpreting Translation of Legal and Government Documents Communication and Translation General Interpreting English for Translators




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Yan, J. X., & Luo, K. (corresponding author) (2023 forthcoming). Audio description and interpreting training: A comparison of assessment criteria from the perspective of learners. Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice. (Indexed: SSCI & AHCI) Yan, J. X. & Luo, K. (2022). Chinese audio description training in a tertiary-level interpreting program: Learner-perceived difficulties and coping strategies. In X. Li, J, Xu, & W, Li (Eds.), The Digitalization of International Chinese Education (《数字化国际中文教育》)(pp. 461-476). Beijing: Tsinghua University Press. Yan, J. X., & Luo, K. (corresponding author) (2022). Introducing Audio Describer Training in University Interpreting Classes. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 116(3), 425-432. (Indexed: SSCI) Luo, K. & Yan, J. X. (2021). Auteur Description in Audio Description: Theories and Practice (作者口述影像的理论与实践). East Journal of Translation(《东方翻译》), (72), 67-72. (in Chinese) Yan, J. X. & Luo, K. (2019). Translation Studies in the New Age: The Importance of Audio Description Theories and Practice (新时代的翻译研究:口述影像理论与实践的重要性). East Journal of Translation (《东方翻译》), (60), 8-12+24. (in Chinese)
