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Innovative Method for the Analysis of Dexpanthenol in Hair Care Products.
Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-07 , DOI: 10.5740/jaoacint.18-0053
Caryn L Weiss 1 , Mark R Fairchild 1 , Brian Stanton 1 , Bertil S Nshime 1 , Paul D Parkanzky 1

Background: Dexpanthenol is a widely used humectant in hair care products, especially anti-hairfall products. The hair care industry is highly regulated in East Asia and treats products containing the combination of dexpanthenol, zinc pyrithione, and nicotinamide (vitamin B₃) as quasi-drugs. Objective: Because dexpanthenol lacks a UV chromophore, existing methodologies for analysis in finished products include pretreatments and/or HPLC-UV analysis at low wavelengths at which poor signal-to-noise is observed. These time-consuming methods lack the robustness needed for routine use in quality laboratories. This has resulted in the need for a simple, fast, accurate, and robust UHPLC-MS method to quantify dexpanthenol in hair care products that could be easily adapted in quality laboratories. Methods: The MS detection was performed in positive ion mode with data acquired in single-ion recording for dexpanthenol (206.14 m/z), dexpanthenol-d6 (212.29 m/z), and Leucine Enkephalin acetate salt (556.28 m/z). Quantitation was performed using peak area ratio of dexpanthenol to the internal standard. Results: The resulting linear curve R² was 0.9998 with sample precision RSDs <2.5%. The accuracy recoveries were within 2% and the robustness results were within 3% of the nominal conditions. Conclusions: The resulting method for the quantitation of dexpanthenol is fast, accurate, and robust in the range of 170.24-1024.5 ng/mL in shampoo and conditioner, which is easily adaptable in quality laboratories. Highlights: This study determined optimal sample preparation and UHPLC-MS conditions to quantify dexpanthenol in finished hair care products.



背景:右泛醇是在护发产品(尤其是抗脱发产品)中广泛使用的保湿剂。护发行业在东亚受到严格监管,并将含有右泛醇,巯氧吡啶锌和烟酰胺(维生素B₃)的组合的产品视为准药物。目的:由于右泛醇缺乏紫外线生色团,因此成品中现有的分析方法包括预处理和/或低波长下的HPLC-UV分析,在该波长下观察到较差的信噪比。这些耗时的方法缺乏质量实验室常规使用所需的鲁棒性。因此,需要一种简单,快速,准确且耐用的UHPLC-MS方法来定量护发产品中的右旋泛醇,而该方法很容易在质量实验室中进行调整。方法:MS检测是在正离子模式下进行的,其中以单离子记录的方式获得了dexpanthenol(206.14 m / z),dexpanthenol-d6(212.29 m / z)和亮氨酸脑啡肽乙酸盐(556.28 m / z)的数据。使用右泛醇与内标的峰面积比进行定量。结果:线性曲线R²为0.9998,样品精密度RSD <2.5%。精度回收率在标称条件的2%以内,鲁棒性结果在3%以内。结论:所制得的右旋泛醇的定量方法在洗发剂和护发素中的定量结果为170.24-1024.5 ng / mL,快速,准确且可靠,很容易在质量实验室中应用。重点:这项研究确定了最佳的样品前处理方法和UHPLC-MS条件,以定量成品护发产品中的地芬太尼。