Zhuqing Wang Professor, Doctoral Supervisor,Team Leader Lab of Prof. Zhuqing Wang
Zhuqing Wang, male, Doctor, is currently a specially-appointed researcher and doctoral supervisor of the School of Mechanical Engineering of Sichuan University. He is the leader of the "MEMS Innovation Team for Integrating Perception and Medical Detection" of Sichuan University, the leader of the MEMS and Intelligent Sensor Innovation Center of Sichuan University, the independent PI professor of the "Medical+Manufacturing" platform of Sichuan University, and the innovation leader of Sichuan Tianfu Emei Plan. Professor Zhuqing Wang has 14 years of overseas study and work experience, engaged in MEMS medical device research and product development as a researcher and assistant professor (10 years of experience). He has been committed to the research of MEMS sensor and biomedical detection chip based on MEMS technology for a long time, which belongs to the field of biomedicine and high-performance medical devices in the ten key areas of Made in China 2025. It aims to develop high-performance diagnosis and treatment devices and mobile health detection products for intelligent medicine by using MEMS and multi-disciplines such as biology, materials, physics and chemistry. He has undertaken and participated in several state-level school-enterprise cooperative R&D and product development projects in Japan, with a total project fund of more than 326 million yuan. The MEMS variable lens for fundus disease detection developed by him as the first technical leader of the project has been transformed into a product by Canon Company and put on sale. Another research result of urine detection chip has completed the principle verification and prototype development, and is cooperating with the company for product transformation. He has published 45 academic papers, including 35 SCI papers and more than 20 SCI papers with impact factor 2 or above. He has applied for 5 Japanese invention patents for related research results. He has presented more than 10 times at top international conferences on MEMS related fields such as IEEE Transducers, Biosensors, IEEE NEMS and μTAS.
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1. Micro Electro Mechanical Systems(MEMS) 2. Microsensors, Chip Manufacturing, Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) 3. Magnetic-acoustic-optical-electrical-thermal multi-field coupling perception 4. Development of medical products based on MEMS technology for health information detection 5. IoT sensor system integrated on MEMS chip for smart medicine