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  1. Shi, X. * †; Li. Q. †; Dai, Z.; Tran, A.A.; Feng, S.; Ramirez, A.D.; Lin, Z.; Wang, X.; Chow, T.T.;  Chen, J.; Kumar, D.; McColloch, A.; Reiter, J.F.; Huang, E.J.; Seiple, I. *;  Huang, B.* Label-retention expansion microscopy. J. Cell Biol. 2021220,  e202105067.  [bioRxiv 2019]

  2. Zhao, X.; Garcia, J. Q.; Tong, K.; Chen, X.; Yang, B.; Li, Q.; Dai, Z.; Shi, X.; Seiple, I. B.; Huang, B.; Guo, S. Polarized endosome dynamics engage cytoplasmic Par-3 that recruits dynein during  asymmetric cell division. Science Advance, 2021, 7, eabg1244.

  3. Cai, L.; Seiple, I. B.*; Li, Q.*  Modular chemical synthesis of streptogramin and lankacidin antibiotics. Acc. Chem. Res. 2021, 54, 1891–1908.

  4. Li, Q.*; Seiple, I. B. Modular synthesis of streptogramin antibiotics. Synlett 2020, 32, 647–654.  (Corresponding author).

  5. Li, Q.; Pellegrino, J.; Lee, D. J.; Tran, A. T.; Chaired, H. A.; Wang, R.; Park, J. E.; Ji, K.; Chow, D.; Zhang, N.; Brilot, A. F.; Biel, J. T.; van Zundert, G.; Borrelli, K.; Shinabarger, D.; Wolfe, C.; Murray, B.; Mülle, E.; Chesneau, O.;Jacobson, M. P.; Fraser, J. S.; Seiple, I. B. Synthetic group A streptogramin antibiotics that overcome resistance. Nature 2020. 586, 145–150. Featured in Nature News & ViewsUCSF NewsNature Asia, C&E News, BioArt, and Also see the ChemRxiv preprint.

  6. Li, Q.; Seiple, I. B. A Concise Route to Virginiamycin M2. Tetrahedron 2019, 75, 3309-3318. (Special issue in honor of Prof. Ryan Shenvi’s Tetrahedron Young Investigator Award).

  7. Seiple, I. B.; Li, Q. Method of Making Streptogramin Compositions and the Use Thereof. PCT/US2018/044708.

  8. Hu, L.; Li, Q.; Yao, L.; Xu, B.; Wang, X.; Liao, X. Enantioselective and Divergent Syntheses of Alstoscholarisine A, E and their Enantimers. Org. Lett. 2018, 20, 6202-6205. (equal contribution).

  9. Li, Q.; Seiple, I. B. Modular, Scalable Synthesis of Group A Streptogramin Antibiotics. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 13304-13307.

  10. Li, Q.; Xia, T.; Yao, L.; Deng, H.; Liao, X. Enantioselective and Diastereoselective Azo-coupling/Iminium-Cyclization: A Unified Strategy for the Total Synthesis of (-)-Psychotriasine and (+)-Pestalazine B. Chem. Sci. 2015, 6, 3599-3605. Featured in Xmol.

  11. Li, Q.; Li, G.; Ma, S.; Feng, P.; Shi, Y. An Approach to the Skeleton of Aspidophylline A. Org. Lett. 2013, 15, 2601-2603.