tao tan OJLAB, PI Associate Professor of Wenzhou Medical University Associate Professor OUJIANG LABORATORY
Professor Tan is one of the leading international researchers in the fields of neurodevelopment and psychiatric disorders, stress, and neuroregulation, especially in the field of neuroelectrophysiology (with more than 15 years of in-depth research experience). He has published 38 international leading SCI papers, in which he has been the corresponding author/first author (including co-first author) in a variety of famous, classic or authoritative academic journals, such as Molecular Psychiatry (IF=16, Nature subjournal,first district top), Biological psychiatry (IF=13.4, first district top), Cell Reports (IF=9.4, Cell sub-journal,first district top), Schizophrenia bulletin (IF=9.3, first district top), etc. A total of 15 papers were published. Professor Tan has a very solid and leading work foundation, and has a leading grasp and understanding of the latest development frontier of the above directions. His achievements have been widely recognized by international colleagues and have very good and realistic clinical application prospects. Professor Tan was invited to serve as a member or guest editor of Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience (IF=3.56) and Frontiers in Psychiatry (IF=5.6). Review experts of many international SCI journals, including Research (IF=11.04). At the same time, as the project leader, he has presided over 7 projects supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. He has participated in 4 NIH projects and 8 National Natural Science Foundation of China projects.
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​Research interests: 1. Autism neurobiology mechanism; 2. The stress of the neural circuits; 3. New noninvasive nerve stimulation technology in regulating role in the nervous/mental illness; 4. Apply Patch - seq technology parsing the brain, and expand its application in nervous/mental illness.