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官方霖 西安交通大教授、博导,瓯江实验室研究员/Co-PI,中国毒理学会药物依赖专业委员会常务委员,中国药物滥用防治协会成瘾与脑科学分会常务委员,英国MRC基金、国家自然科学基金、国家公派留学基金评委    


头衔:西安交通大学 教授,博导;瓯江实验室研究员/Co-PI;中国毒理学会药物依赖专业委员会常务委员、中国药物滥用防治协会成瘾与脑科学分会常务委员、英国MRC基金、国家自然科学基金、国家公派留学基金评委。




2001.09-2006.07 西安交通大学临床医学学士

2006.09-2012.06 西安交通大学法医学博士

2012.07-2015.08 西安交通大学 讲师

2013.05-2015.08 美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学 博士后

2015.09-2022.10 西安交通大学 副教授

2022.11-至今 西安交通大学 教授,博导

2023.8-至今 瓯江实验(Oujiang Laboratory) 研究员/Co-PI


主持国家、省部级项目20项,以第一/通讯作者发表American Journal of PsychiatryMolecular PsychiatryBriefings in bioinformaticsBMC MedicinePsychiatry Research SCI 论文 38 篇(包括 5  ESI 高被引论文),授权国家发明专利1项,专利转化1项。曾荣获陕西省青年科技奖、陕西青年科技标兵、陕西省科学技术奖(二等),并入选陕西省青年科技新星、陕西省杰出青年创新能力计划等人才计划。


12020-062021-12 陕西省科技创新平台与人才计划-青年杰出人才专项(30 万)

22018-012021-12 基于基因组遗传信息网络的甲基苯丙胺诱导精神障碍关键易感基因的筛选及其作用机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(55万)

32022-012024-12 冰毒成瘾机制与干预,陕西省重点研发计划项目(80万)

42022-012025-12 肠道微生物通过TNF-α调控星形胶质细胞TRAIL表达参与甲基苯丙胺所致精神障碍的机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(55万元)

52023-012025-12 法医学精准鉴识,国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金(200 万)

52024-012026-12 成瘾精神障碍分子机制与转化研究创新团队,陕西省科技创新团队(100 万)


(1)Lin, Y., Li, L., Guan, F., & Yin, D. (2023). Editorial: Comorbidity in patients with psychiatric disorders: Epidemiological and molecular perspectives. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13, 1108922.

(2)Jiang, Z., Zhang, T., Han, W., Xiao, J., Zhang, W., Wang, X., Liu, J., Yang, Y., Yang, C., Guan, F., Li, T., & Rice, J. P. (2023). Identification of PROK2 gene polymorphisms as predictors of methamphetamine use disorder risk and indicators of craving scale in the Chinese Han population. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1217382.

(3)Cui, L. B., Wang, X. Y., Fu, Y. F., Liu, X. F., Wei, Y., Zhao, S. W., Gu, Y. W., Fan, J. W., Wu, W. J., Gong, H., Lin, B. D., Yin, H., Guan, F., & Chang, X. (2023). Transcriptional level of inflammation markers associates with short-term brain structural changes in first-episode schizophrenia. BMC medicine, 21(1), 250.

(4)Wang, H., Ma, Y., Wang, X., Zhang, W., Han, W., Liu, H., Li, M., Xiao, J., Wei, H., Wang, C., Sindhwani, S., Zhang, T., Guan, F., & Rice, J. P. (2022). Evaluation of Adenosine A2A receptor gene polymorphisms as risk factors of methamphetamine use disorder susceptibility and predictors of craving degree. Psychiatry research, 316, 114790.

(5)Shen, C., Li, H., Li, M., Niu, Y., Liu, J., Zhu, L., Gui, H., Han, W., Wang, H., Zhang, W., Wang, X., Luo, X., Sun, Y., Yan, J., & Guan, F. (2022). DLRAPom: a hybrid pipeline of Optimized XGBoost-guided integrative multiomics analysis for identifying targetable disease-related lncRNA-miRNA-mRNA regulatory axes. Briefings in bioinformatics, 23(2), bbac046.

(6)Xiao, J., Ma, Y., Wang, X., Wang, C., Li, M., Liu, H., Han, W., Wang, H., Zhang, W., Wei, H., Zhao, L., Zhang, T., Lin, H., & Guan, F. (2022). The Vulnerability to Methamphetamine Dependence and Genetics: A Case-Control Study Focusing on Genetic Polymorphisms at Chromosomal Region 5q31.3. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13, 870322.

(7)Guan, F., Ni, T., Zhu, W., Williams, L. K., Cui, L. B., Li, M., Tubbs, J., Sham, P. C., & Gui, H. (2022). Integrative omics of schizophrenia: from genetic determinants to clinical classification and risk prediction. Molecular psychiatry, 27(1), 113–126.

(8)Zhu, L., Wu, F., Yan, Z., He, L., Wang, S., Hu, H., Goh, E. L. K., Zhu, Y., Guan, F., & Chen, T. (2022). A novel microRNA, novel-m009C, regulates methamphetamine rewarding effects. Molecular psychiatry, 27(9), 3885–3897.

(9)Ni, T., Zhu, L., Wang, S., Zhu, W., Xue, Y., Zhu, Y., Ma, D., Wang, H., Guan, F., & Chen, T. (2022). Medial prefrontal cortex Notch1 signalling mediates methamphetamine-induced psychosis via Hes1-dependent suppression of GABAB1 receptor expression. Molecular psychiatry, 27(10), 4009–4022.

(10)Zhao, L. R., Zhang, J. B., Han, W., Zhu, L., Chen, T., & Guan, F. L. (2022). Application Prospect of Integrative Omics in Forensic Identification of Methamphetamine-Associated Psychosis. Fa yi xue za zhi, 38(5), 650–656.

(11)Guan, F., Han, W., Ni, T., Zhao, L., Li, X., Zhang, B., & Zhang, T. (2021). Genetic Polymorphisms of RGS14 and Renal Stone Disease. Archives of medical research, 52(3), 332–338.

(12)Wang, Y., Zhang, J., Deji, C., Fan, J., Miao, X., Li, S., Zeng, X., & Guan, F. (2021). Differential perturbations of gut microbial profiles and co-occurrence networks among phases of methamphetamine-induced conditioned place preference. Journal of neuroscience research, 99(11), 2860–2873.

(13)Li, W., Zhang, C. Y., Liu, J., Guan, F., Shao, M., Zhang, L., Liu, Q., Yang, Y., Su, X., Zhang, Y., Xiao, X., Luo, X. J., Li, M., & Lv, L. (2021). Identification of a Risk Locus at 7p22.3 for Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder in East Asian Populations. Frontiers in genetics, 12, 789512.

(14)Liu, J., Li, S., Li, X., Li, W., Yang, Y., Guo, S., Lv, L., Xiao, X., Yao, Y. G., Guan, F., Li, M., & Luo, X. J. (2021). Genome-wide association study followed by trans-ancestry meta-analysis identify 17 new risk loci for schizophrenia. BMC medicine, 19(1), 177.

(15)Guo, S., Liu, J., Li, W., Yang, Y., Lv, L., Xiao, X., Li, M., Guan, F., & Luo, X. J. (2021). Genome wide association study identifies four loci for early onset schizophrenia. Translational psychiatry, 11(1), 248.

(16)Zhao, L. R., Xiao, J., Shang, Q., Li, T., Liu, X. S., & Guan, F. L. (2021). Application of CD83 and HSF5 to Identify Antemortem and Postmortem Skin Burns. 应用CD83和HSF5鉴别生前与死后皮肤烧伤. Fa yi xue za zhi, 37(5), 627–631.

(17)Guan, F., Zhang, T., Han, W., Zhu, L., Ni, T., Lin, H., Liu, D., Chen, G., Xiao, J., & Li, T. (2020). Relationship of SNAP25 variants with schizophrenia and antipsychotic-induced weight change in large-scale schizophrenia patients. Schizophrenia research, 215, 250–255.

(18)Qi, X., Guan, F., Cheng, S., Wen, Y., Liu, L., Ma, M., Cheng, B., Liang, C., Zhang, L., Liang, X., Li, P., Chu, X., Ye, J., Yao, Y., & Zhang, F. (2021). Sex specific effect of gut microbiota on the risk of psychiatric disorders: A Mendelian randomisation study and PRS analysis using UK Biobank cohort. The world journal of biological psychiatry : the official journal of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry, 22(7), 495–504.

(19)Zhu, Y., Zou, C., Zhang, J., Jiang, W., Guan, F., Tang, K., Li, S., Li, G., Wang, J., & Ke, Z. (2020). Dynamically Monitoring the Clonal Evolution of Lung Cancer Based on the Molecular Characterization of Circulating Tumor Cells Using Aptamer Cocktail-Modified Nanosubstrates. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 12(5), 5671–5679.

(20)Guan, F., Ni, T., Han, W., Lin, H., Zhang, B., Chen, G., Zhu, L., Liu, D., & Zhang, T. (2020). Evaluation of the relationships of the WBP1L gene with schizophrenia and the general psychopathology scale based on a case-control study. American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics, 183(3), 164–171.

(21)Cheng, S., Guan, F., Ma, M., Zhang, L., Cheng, B., Qi, X., Liang, C., Li, P., Kafle, O. P., Wen, Y., & Zhang, F. (2020). An atlas of genetic correlations between psychiatric disorders and human blood plasma proteome. European psychiatry : the journal of the Association of European Psychiatrists, 63(1), e17.

(22)Guan, F., Han, W., Ni, T., Zhao, L., Zhang, B., Li, M., Luo, X., Zhang, L., Li, X., Sun, W., & Zhang, T. (2020). Risk of gastric ulcer contributed by genetic polymorphisms of PSCA: A case-control study based on Chinese Han population. Gene, 757, 144941.

(23)Qi, X., Guan, F., Wen, Y., Li, P., Ma, M., Cheng, S., Zhang, L., Liang, C., Cheng, B., & Zhang, F. (2020). Integrating genome-wide association study and methylation functional annotation data identified candidate genes and pathways for schizophrenia. Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry, 96, 109736.

(24)Ni, T., Li, Y., Wang, R., Hu, T., Guan, F., Zhu, L., Han, W., & Chen, T. (2019). The potential involvement of miR-204-3p-axon guidance network in methamphetamine-induced locomotor sensitization of mice. Neuroscience letters, 707, 134303.

(25)Liu, D., Zhu, L., Ni, T., Guan, F. L., Chen, Y. J., Ma, D. L., Goh, E. L. K., & Chen, T. (2019). Ago2 and Dicer1 are involved in METH-induced locomotor sensitization in mice via biogenesis of miRNA. Addiction biology, 24(3), 498–508.

(26)Han, W., Zhang, T., Ni, T., Zhu, L., Liu, D., Chen, G., Lin, H., Chen, T., & Guan, F. (2019). Relationship of common variants in CHRNA5 with early-onset schizophrenia and executive function. Schizophrenia research, 206, 407–412.

(27)Zhang, T., Liu, P., Zhang, Y., Wang, W., Lu, Y., Xi, M., Duan, S., & Guan, F. (2019). Combining information from multiple bone turnover markers as diagnostic indices for osteoporosis using support vector machines. Biomarkers : biochemical indicators of exposure, response, and susceptibility to chemicals, 24(2), 120–126.
