博士学位:2008/9 - 2012/12,安徽理工大学,环境工程
硕士学位:2003/9 - 2006/6,安徽理工大学,环境工程
学士学位:1999/9 - 2003/6,安徽理工大学,环境工程
2014/12 - 至今,安徽理工大学,地球与环境学院,副教授
2008/12 - 2012/12,安徽理工大学,地球与环境学院,讲师
2006/6 - 2008/12,安徽理工大学,地球与环境学院,助教
1、YANG Jinxiang, LI Xiaolong, Hu Youbiao, et al. Enrichment Characteristics of Heavy Metal Cadmium in Woody Plants System. Journal of Chemists and Chemical Engineering, 2015, 17: 283−286
2、YANG Jinxiang, LI Xiaolong, Gao Liangkin, et al. Study on Spatial Migration Law of Heavy Metal Copper in Soil-Ligustrum lucidum Plant Interface System. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 2014.3: 95-99
3、YANG Jinxiang, ZHANG Mingxu, LI Xiaolong, et, al. Migration law of heavy metal cadmium in soil-root interface systems. Journal of coal science & engineering, 2013, 19(2):243-248.
4、Jinxiang YANG, Mingxu ZHANG, Xiaolong LI. Mercury Pollution Characteristics in the Soil around Landfill. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2011, vol(214), Part1: 336-340
5、Jinxiang Yang, Duoxi Yao, Xiaolong Li and Zhiguo Zhang. Research on Effect of Woody Plants Remediation Heavy Metal. Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 2011, Vol.106: 679-683
6、YANG Jin-xiang, ZHANG Zhi-guo, CHEN Yongchun, et.al. Study on Soil Improvement by Greening Tree Species in Coal Mine Reclamation Area,Proceedings of the 3RD International Conference on Environmental Technology and Knowledge Transfer, 2010.5:221-224
7、杨金香, 李小龙. 不同复垦类型木本植物重金属吸收积累差异研究. 安徽理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2012.32(3): 33-36
8、杨金香; 李小龙. 淮南市大气颗粒物中汞分布特征的初步研究. 安徽理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2010.1:5-8
9、杨金香, 张明旭, 毕思文, 等.基于遥感数据的青藏高原热环境调查. 地球学报, 2010, 31(1): 117-121
10、杨金香, 张明旭, 孙瑛. 淮南市秋季大气可吸入颗粒物中多环芳烃污染特征研究. 环境与健康杂志,2009,26(4): 343-345