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男,1962年生,博士,教授,博士生导师,安徽省教学名师,现任安徽理工大学化学工程学院院长,安徽省化学会理事。南京大学化学化工学院毕业,日本国立山梨大学博士后。安徽省首批高等学校青年骨干教师,安徽省高校中青年学科带头人培养对象,安徽理工大学物理化学学科带头人。 教育情况 理学博士学位(2000.09-2004.09),南京大学化学化工学院 物理化学专业 理学硕士学位(1987.09-1990.07),南京大学化学系 物理化学专业 理学学士学位(1980.09-1984.07),安庆师范学院化学系 化学专业 获奖情况 1、燃煤锅炉烟道气净化超重力机,中国煤炭学会,二等奖,2011 2、安徽省教学成果三等奖,2013 主要荣誉奖 1、安徽省教学名师 2、安徽理工大学物理化学学科带头人




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1、Jie He*, Andong Xu, Lifang Hu, et al., Layered KTiNbO5 photocatalyst modified with transitional metal ions (Mn2+, Ni2+): Investigation of microstructure and photocatalytic reaction pathways for the oxidation of dimethyl sulfide and ethyl mercaptan,Powder Technology, 2015,270:154–162 2、He J*,Hu, LF, Tang, Y, et al., Adsorption features and photocatalytic oxidation performance of M1/3NbMoO6 (M = Fe, Ce) for ethyl mercaptan,RSC ADVANCES,2014,4(43): 22334-22341 3、Rui Dong, Ning-ning Wang, Yuan Wang, Yim-xiang Lan, Jin-song Hu, Jie He*, Structure and Photocatalytic Performance of K1–3xMxTiNbO5 (M = Fe, Ce) for Ethyl Mercaptan, Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2014, 87(10): 1474?1480 4、何杰*,胡丽芳,王宁宁. 铌基复合氧化物纳米片与Fe2O3的可控组装及其在光催化降解中的应用,中国化学会第29届学术年会,口头报告,2014.8,北京 5、Jie He*, Qing-Jie Li, Yi-Ning Fan. Dispersion states and acid properties of SiO2-supported Nb2O5, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2013,202:121–127 6、Ning-ning Wang, Yun-xiang Lan, Jie He*, Rui Dong, and Jin-song Hu. Synthesis and Characterization of KTiNbO5 Nano-particles by Novel Polymerizable Complex Method, Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 2013, 34(9):2737-2740 7、Li-Fang Hu, Wei Gao, Jie He*, et al., Ni-Ti-layered double hydroxide intercalated with b-CD and CM-b-CD: Interaction between the interlayer guests and the laminates, Journal of Molecular Structure, 2013,1041:151–155 8、RUI LI, WEI GAO, JIE HE*, JINSONG HU. Interaction between the interlayer ligand ions and the laminate of Ni-Ti-layered double hydroxides novel photocatalytic materials. Optoelectronics and advanced materials - rapid communications, 2013,7(3-4):279-284 9、李瑞, 何杰*, 李安, 王元. 层状HNbWO6的结构特征及热稳定性研究, 中国粉体工程, 2013,19(2):28-32 10、Jie He*, Xiaotian Liu, Lin Li, Bin Wang, and Jinsong Hu. Experimental Investigation of the Interaction of Dimethyl Sulfide/Ethyl Mercaptan with Nano-Manganese Dioxide. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2012, 51, 15912?15917 11、J. He*, Q. J. Li, Y. Tang, P. Yang, A. Li, R. Li, H.Z. Li,Characterization of HNbMoO6, HNbWO6 and HTiNbO5 as solid acids and their catalytic properties for esterification reaction. Appl. Catal. A: General, 443-444 (2012) 145-152 12、Weimeng Cai, Guohui Lu, Jie He*, Yunxiang Lan. The adsorption feature and photocatalytic oxidation activity of K1-2xMxTiNbO5 (M = Mn, Ni) for methyl mercaptan in methane, Ceramics International, 2012,38:3167–3174 13、何杰*,范以宁. Nb2O5在t-ZrO2表面的分散状态与Brønsted 酸特征,物理化学学报, 2011, 27 (10): 2416-2420 14、何杰*, 范以宁. Nb2O5/γ-Al2O3表面铌氧物种的分散状态与酸性特征,物理化学学报,2010, 26(3):679-684 15、HE Jie*, FAN Yining. The state of the dispersed niobia species on γ-Al2O3 and their catalytic performance for the condensation of isobutylene and isobutyraldehyde, Frontiers of Chemistry in China, 2010,5:108-112 16、HE J.*, ZHAO J. B., LAN Y. X. Adsorption and Photocatalytic Oxidation of Dimethyl Sulfide and Ethyl Mercaptan Using Layered K1-2xMxTiNbO5 (M=Mn2+、Ni2+), Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology, 2009,37(4): 485-488 17、赵俊斌,何杰*,罗水源. Ni1.5 Ti5NbO14光催化剂的结构特征及性质,安徽大学学报,2009,33(5):81-85 18、何杰*,刘娟,邬成彪. Ag+、Ni2+改性复合钛铌酸钾盐对二甲基硫和乙硫醇吸附与光催化氧化研究,石油与天然气化工,2009,38(5):375-377 19、Jinsong Hu*, Maocan Wang, Jianjun Shi, Xiaoyu Wu, Jie He*, Structure and Photoluminescent Property of Three-fold Interpenetrated 2D Zn(II) Coordination Polymer Induced by H-bonding and π-π Interaction, Chinese J. Inorg. Chem., 2013,29(1):123-126 20、Ping Yang, An-Dong Xu, Jun Xia, Jie He, Hong-Long Xing, Xiao-Mei Zhang, Shu-Yang Wei, Ning-Ning Wang. Facile synthesis of highly catalytic activity Ni–Co–Pd–P composite for reduction of the p-Nitrophenol,Applied Catalysis A: General,2014,470:89– 96
