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学习经历 2017.10.15-至今 美国西北大学 访问学者 2016.9-2017.7 清华大学 访问学者 2006.3-2009.3 华东理工大学 博士 2001.9-2004.7 中国科学院煤炭化学研究所 硕士 1997.9-2001.7 哈尔滨工程大学 本科 工作经历 2016.12-至今 北京建筑大学 副教授 2009.3-2016.11 北京建筑大学 讲师 2004.8-2006.2 中国科学院煤炭化学研究所 助理工程师




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Qin Wang, Xinyou Cui, Jian Wang, Shiyu Li, Chunxiang Lv, Yichen Dong. Effect of Fly Ash on Rheological Properties of Graphene Oxide Cement Paste. Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 138: 35-44. (SCI) Qin Wang, Jian Wang, Chunxiang Lv, et al. Rheological behavior of fresh cement pastes with graphene oxide. New Carbon Materials, 2016, 31(12):574-584. (SCI) Qin Wang, Jian Wang, Chunxiang Lv, et al. Influence of Graphene Oxide on the Microstructure and Mechanical Strength of cement composites. New Carbon Materials, 2015, 30(4): 349-356. (SCI) Qin Wang, Chongzhi Li, Junchao Liu. Study and application of a modified agent GHPC-1 for green high-performance concrete. Advanced Materials Research. 2012, 535-537: 1955-1960. (EI) Qin Wang, Jialong Chen, ChangCheng Zhang, et al. Influence of mineralogical origin of limestone powder on the performance of complex binder material. Key Engineering Materials, 2011, 477:136-141. (EI) Qin Wang*, Chongzhi Li, Yuanbo Yao. Study on the compatibility of polyether-based polycarboxylate water-reducing agent and cement. Proceedings of the 4th international conference on contemporary problems in architecture and construction. 2012, 1: 326-332. 王琴,王健,等. 多壁碳纳米管水泥基复合材料的压敏性能研究. 硅酸盐通报. 2016, 35(9): 2733-2740. 刘伯伟,王琴,王健. 固化龄期对碳纤维水泥净浆试块电阻的影响研究.江西建材,2015,12:251-254. 刘伯伟,王琴,王健. 氧化时间对碳纤维水泥基复合材料性能的影响,第六届全国特种混凝土技术交流会论文集[C],2015年.
