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教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”、广西“新世纪十百千人才工程”第二层次人选、广西“教学名师”。主要从事生物材料及其生物效应的研究、纳米材料表/界面性质及其生物效应、具有诊治功能的“智能”生物材料的设计与合成。先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目等4项,主持广西自然科学基金创新团队项目、杰出青年基金项目等省部级科研项目10余项,在Chem. Sci.、Small、ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces、Carbon、Chem. Commun.、ACS Macro Lett.、Chem. Eur. J.等国内外SCI期刊发表论文100余篇,论文正面他引逾千次,获国家发明专利授权10多项;作为主要完成人获广西科学技术特别贡献奖、广西科技进步一等奖、广西自然科学二等奖各1项。 教育背景 2000年,获广西师范大学硕士学位 2003年,获南开大学博士学位 2011~2012年,美国哈佛大学访问学者 工作经历 2000年至今,广西师范大学化学化工学院工作,任教授,博士生导师. 现任化学与药学学院院长。兼任广西化学化工学会理事、广西高等教育学会化学专业委员会副秘书长。


生物材料及其生物效应的研究 纳米材料表/界面性质及其生物效应 具有诊治功能的“智能”生物材料的设计与合成


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Zhou B, Guo Z, Lin Z, Zhang L, Jiang B-P, Shen X-C. Recent insights into near-infrared light-responsive carbon dots for bioimaging and cancer phototherapy [J]. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2019. 6(5): 1116-1128. Zhang J-Z, Peng X-Y, Liu S, Jiang B-P, Ji S-C, Shen X-C. The Persistence Length of Semiflexible Polymers in Lattice Monte Carlo Simulations [J]. Polymers, 2019. 11(2). Wang W-L, Guo Z, Lu Y, Shen X-C, Chen T, Huang R-T, Zhou B, Wen C, Liang H, Jiang B-P. Receptor-Mediated and Tumor-Microenvironment Combination-Responsive Ru Nanoaggregates for Enhanced Cancer Phototheranostics [J]. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2019. 11(19): 17294-17305. Ruan C, Liu C, Hu H, Guo X-L, Jiang B-P, Liang H, Shen X-C. NIR-II light-modulated thermosensitive hydrogel for light-triggered cisplatin release and repeatable chemo-photothermal therapy [J]. Chemical Science, 2019. 10(17): 4699-4706. Liu C, Ruan C, Shi R, Jiang B-P, Ji S, Shen X-C. A near infrared-modulated thermosensitive hydrogel for stabilization of indocyanine green and combinatorial anticancer phototherapy [J]. Biomaterials Science, 2019. 7(4): 1705-1715. Lin Z, Jiang B-P, Liang J, Wen C, Shen X-C. Phycocyanin functionalized single-walled carbon nanohorns hybrid for near-infrared light-mediated cancer phototheranostics [J]. Carbon, 2019. 143: 814-827. Jiang B-P, Zhou B, Lin Z, Liang H, Shen X-C. Recent Advances in Carbon Nanomaterials for Cancer Phototherapy [J]. Chemistry-a European Journal, 2019. 25(16): 3993-4004. Zhou B, Jiang B-P, Sun W, Wei F-M, He Y, Liang H, Shen X-C. Water-Dispersible Prussian Blue Hyaluronic Acid Nanocubes with Near-Infrared Photoinduced Singlet Oxygen Production and Photothermal Activities for Cancer Theranostics [J]. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018. 10(21): 18036-18049. Zhang L, Lin Z, Yu Y-X, Jiang B-P, Shen X-C. Multifunctional hyaluronic acid-derived carbon dots for self-targeted imaging-guided photodynamic therapy [J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2018. 6(41). Wang Y-Y, Wang W-L, Shen X-C, Zhou B, Chen T, Guo Z-X, Wen C-C, Jiang B-P, Liang H. Combination-Responsive MoO3-x-Hybridized Hyaluronic Acid Hollow Nanospheres for Cancer Phototheranostics [J]. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018. 10(49): 42088-42101. Jiang B-P, Yu Y-X, Guo X-L, Ding Z-Y, Zhou B, Liang H, Shen X-C. White-emitting carbon dots with long alkyl-chain structure: Effective inhibition of aggregation caused quenching effect for label-free imaging of latent fingerprint [J]. Carbon, 2018. 128: 12-20. Guo X-L, Ding Z-Y, Deng S-M, Wen C-C, Shen X-C, Jiang B-P, Liang H. A novel strategy of transition-metal doping to engineer absorption of carbon dots for near-infrared photothermal/photodynamic therapies [J]. Carbon, 2018. 134: 519-530. Gao C, Liang X, Guo Z, Jiang B-P, Liu X, Shen X-C. Diiron Hexacarbonyl Complex Induces Site-Specific Release of Carbon Monoxide in Cancer Cells Triggered by Endogenous Glutathione [J]. Acs Omega, 2018. 3(3): 2683-2689. Gao C, Dong P, Lin Z, Guo X, Jiang B-P, Ji S, Liang H, Shen X-C. Near-Infrared Light Responsive Imaging-Guided Photothermal and Photodynamic Synergistic Therapy Nanoplatform Based on Carbon Nanohorns for Efficient Cancer Treatment [J]. Chemistry-a European Journal, 2018. 24(49): 12827-12837. Chen H, Liang W, Zhu Y, Guo Z, Jian J, Jiang B-P, Liang H, Shen X-C. Supercharged fluorescent protein functionalized water-soluble poly(N-phenylglycine) nanoparticles for highly effective imaging-guided photothermal therapy [J]. Chemical Communications, 2018. 54(73): 10292-10295. Jiang B-P, Zhang L, Guo X-L, Shen X-C, Wang Y, Zhu Y, Liang H. Poly(N-phenylglycine)-Based Nanoparticles as Highly Effective and Targeted Near-Infrared Photothermal Therapy/Photodynamic Therapeutic Agents for Malignant Melanoma [J]. Small, 2017. 13(8). Dong P, Jiang B-P, Liang W-Q, Huang Y, Shi Z, Shen X-C. Synthesis of white-light-emitting graphene quantum dots via a one-step reduction and their interfacial characteristics-dependent luminescence properties [J]. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2017. 4(4): 712-718. Jiang B-P, Tan X, Shen X-C, Lei W-Q, Liang W-Q, Ji S-C, Liang H. One-Step Fabrication of a Multifunctional Aggregation-Induced Emission Nanoaggregate for Targeted Cell Imaging and Enzyme-Triggered Cancer Chemotherapy [J]. Acs Macro Letters, 2016. 5(4): 450-454. Wen C-C, Lei W-Q, Shen X-C, Ji S-C, Jiang B-P, Liang H. Comparative Interaction Mechanisms Between Cells and Gold Nanoparticles Modified with Different Chemical Functional Groups [J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2015. 31(9): 1903-1912. Jiang B-P, Zhou B, Shen X-C, Yu Y-X, Ji S-C, Wen C-C, Liang H. Selective Probing of Gaseous Ammonia Using Red-Emitting Carbon Dots Based on an Interfacial Response Mechanism [J]. Chemistry-a European Journal, 2015. 21(52): 18993-18999.
