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Instructional Assistant Professor. B. S., 1981, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. M. A., 1983; Ph. D., 1986, Princeton University. Postdoctoral Fellow, 1986-88, University of Chicago. Chemical Education. Active learning and use of technology in education. Integration of chemistry with other subjects in the engineering curriculum.


Chemical Education

Chemical Education


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"Freshman Chemistry at TAMU: Limitations, Challenges and Horizons." Workshop on Freshman Chemistry, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. January 1995. "Active Learning for Large Enrollment Classes." Regional Chemical Education Conference, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR. October 1995. "Computer Based Testing: Why and How." American Chemical Society National Meeting, New Orleans, LA. March 1996. "Innovations in General Chemistry at Texas A&M University." Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC. July 1996. "Computer Assisted Personalized Homework Assignments in a Large General Chemistry Class." 14th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Clemson, SC. August 1996.
