关伟杰,现为呼吸疾病国家重点实验室支气管扩张课题组主要负责人,近5年作为通讯、第一、共同第一作者发表56篇SCI文章(影响因子~250分,通讯作者文章共9篇),单篇最高影响因子为47.831分(The Lancet)。31篇为支扩研究方向的SCI文章,影响因子>100分。在钟南山院士牵头下,作为共同主要研究者主持两项全国多中心临床试验,主持广州市科创委“珠江新星”课题一项,以主持人身份完成国自然青年基金一项。于2016年获中华医学会呼吸分会“高影响力学术论文奖”,分别于2015、2017年获广州市医学会优秀论文奖一等奖。现为American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine、The Lancet Planetary Health、European Respiratory Journal、Thorax等10余个SCI杂志的审稿人。
1.Guan WJ, Gao YH, Yuan JJ, Chen RC *, Zhong NS. Additional important research priorities for bronchiectasis in China. Eur Respir J. 2017; 49(1). pii: 1601747.
2.Guan WJ, Zheng XY, Chung KF, Zhong NS*. Impact of air pollution on the burden of chronic respiratory diseases in China: time for urgent action. Lancet. 2016; 388(10054): 1939-1951.
3.Guan WJ, Ran PX, Zhong NS*. Prevention and management of COPD in China: Successes and major challenges. Lancet Respir Med. 2016; 4(6): 428-30.
4.Guan WJ, Chen RC, Zhong NS. The Bronchiectasis Severity Index and FACED score for bronchiectasis. Eur Respir J. 2016; 47(2): 382-4.
5.Gao YH #, Guan WJ #, Xu G, Lin Z, Tang Y, Lin Z, Gao Y, Li H, Zhong N, Zhang G, Chen R *. The role of viral infection in pulmonary exacerbations of bronchiectasis in adults: A prospective study. Chest. 2015; 147(6): 1635-43.