1. 清洁低污染燃烧行为研究
2. 强化传热过程特性研究
3. 特种过程装备设计与控制技术研究
4. 重气扩散CFD模拟与灾害评估
Pengpeng Zhang, Yihui Zhou, Xingyan Cao, Xuliang Gao, Mingshu Bi. Mitigation of methane/air explosion in a closed vessel by ultrafine water fog. Safety Science 62 (2014) 1–7 EI:201335166754271.
Yi-hui Zhou, Ming-shu Bi*, Feng QiExperimental research into effects of obstacle on methane-coal dust hybrid explosion. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 25 (2012) 127-130 EI:20122815235255 SCI:000300747400013 他引1次
Liu Yu, Zhou Yi-Hui*, Bi Ming-Shu. 3D numerical simulation on mixing process in ducts of rotary pressure exchanger. Desalination and Water Treatment 42 (2012) 269–273 Taylor&Francis ST数据库
Chengjie Dong, Mingshu Bi, Yihui Zhou. Effects of obstacles and deposited coal dust on characteristics of premixed methane–air explosions in a long closed pipe. Safety Science 50 (2012) 1786–1791 EI:20122815235255 SCI:000307142000008
Mingshu Bi, Chengjie Dong*, Yihui Zhou. Numerical simulation of premixed ethane-air deflagration in large L/D closed pipes. Applied Thermal Engineering 40 (2012) 337-342 EI:20121514942214 SCI:000306380200037 他引4次
由宏新,韩冰,刘润杰,戴行涛,周一卉,胡军. 气瓶水压爆破试验装置关键硬件的选择.压力容器.2013.5(30):14-17第30卷第5期
毕明树,董呈杰,周一卉. 密闭长管内甲烷-空气爆炸火焰传播数值模拟.煤炭学报.2012.1(37):127-130他引3次
周一卉,丁信伟,姜海峰,张立冬. 旋转式压力能交换器孔道内液柱活塞数值模拟研究.大连理工大学学报.2010.12(50):884-892
周一卉,胡佰龙.杜宁. C/S架构下的工业锅炉培训与考核仿真系统.自动化仪表.2011.9(32):29-35他引1次
胡佰龙(研究生),周一卉*.锅炉多级网络监测系统设计与实现.自动化仪表.2012.1(33):32-36 他引1次
Liu Yu(研究生), Zhou Yi-Hui*, Bi Ming-Shu. 3D numerical simulation on mixing process in ducts of rotary pressure exchanger. International Conference on Desalination and Water Reuse,2011 Qingdao
Zhou Yihui,Jiang fengyin,Bi Mingshu,Ren Jingjie,Wang Yunan. Similation and Optimization of Multi-effect Distillation Coupless with Vapor Compression to Desalinate oilfield Wastewater. International Conference on Desalination and Water Reuse,2013 Qingdao