2014/09-2015/06 北京大学 物理学院 访问学者导师:龚旗煌
2009/09-2013/06 南开大学 物理科学学院 博士 导师:田建国
2003/09-2006/06 南开大学 物理科学学院 硕士 导师:陈云琳
1998/09-2002/06 山西师范大学 物理学院 本科 导师:侯晋川
2013/09-今 天津城建大学 理学院副教授
2007/06-2013/09 天津城市建设学院 理学院 讲师
1.Yan Wei-Guo,Li Zu-Bin*, Tian Jian-Guo* " Tunable Fabrication and Optical Properties ofMetal Nano Hole Arrays" Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 201515(2): 1704-1707.
2. Yan, Wei-Guo*,Luo, Chun-Li, Zhao, Jian, Guo, Mei-Li, Ye, Qing, Li, Zu-Bin, Tian, Jian-Guo*,Fabrication of Au nanoparticle composite TiO2 shell arrays by controlleddecomposition of polymer particles, Superlattices and Microstructures 2014 75:371-377.
3.Yan Wei-Guo,Ji-Wei Qi, Li Zu-Bin*, Tian Jian-Guo* "Fabrication and Optical Propertiesof Au-Coated Polystyrene Nanosphere Arrays with Controlled Gaps"plasmonics, 2014 9(3): 565-571.
4.Yan Wei-Guo, KongXiang-Tian, Li Zu-Bin*, Tian Jian-Guo* "Nanostructure fabricated bynanosphere lithography assisted with O2 plasma treatment" Journal of Nanoscience andNanotechnology 2013 13(6): 4311-4315.
5. Yan Wei-Guo, Ying Cui-feng, Kong Xiang-Tian, Li Zu-Bin*, TianJian-Guo* "Fabrication and Optical Properties of Inclined AsymmetricalAu-Nanocup Arrays Using Nanosphere Template" plasmonics 2013 8 (4):1607-1611.
6.Chun-Li Luo, Wei-Guo Yan*, Jianhua Han, Weiben Chen,Jian Zhao, Wei Xin, Jiwei Qi, Zhifeng Liu*, Fabrication and PhotoelectricProperties of Large Area ZnO Nanorod with Au Nanospheres, plasmonics 201611(1):131-137.
7. Yu Haiyan Yu, LiuJunqi, Fan Xiaowei, Yan Weiguo*, HanLi, Han Jianhua, Zhang Xueqi, Hong Tiantian, Liu Zhifeng*, Bionicmicro-nano-bump-structures with a good self-cleaning property: The growth ofZnO nanoarrays modified by polystyrene spheres, Materials Chemistry and Physics2016 170: 52-61.
8. Chen, Y. L.; Yan, W. G.; Guo, J.; Chen, S. L.; Zhang, G. Y.; Xia, Z. G., Effectof Mg concentration on the domain reversal of Mg-doped LiNbO3. AppliedPhysics Letters 2005, 87 (21).
9. Chen, Y.; Yan, W.; Wang, D.; Chen, S.; Zhang, G.; Zhu, J.; Wei, Z., Submicrondomain inversion in Mg-doped LiNbO3 using backswitched poling with shortvoltage pulses. Applied Physics Letters 2007, 90 (6).
10. Kong, X.-T.; Yan, W.-G.; Li, Z.-B.; Tian, J.-G., Optical properties ofmetal-multi-insulator-metal plasmonic waveguides. Optics Express 2012,20 (11), 12133-12146.
11. Hong, T.; Liu, Z.; Yan, W.; Liu, J.; Zhang, X., Inorganic-organic solar cells based onquaternary sulfide as absorber materials. Physical Chemistry ChemicalPhysics 2015, 17 (46), 30993-30998.
12. Hong, T.; Liu, Z.; Yan, W.; Wang, B.; Zhang, X.; Liu, J.; Wang, J.; Han, J., A novelquaternary solid solution photo-absorber material for photoelectrochemicalhydrogen generation. Chemical Communications 2015, 51(71), 13678-13681.
13. Liu, Z.; Zhang, J.; Yan, W., Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting ofPhotoelectrode Simultaneous Decorated with Cocatalysts Based on Spatial ChargeSeparation and Transfer. Acs Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2018,6 (3), 3565-3574.
14. Luo, C.-L.; Yang, R.-X.; Yan, W.-G.; Zhao, J.; Yang, G.-W.; Jia,G.-Z., Rapid fabrication of large area binary polystyrene colloidal crystals. Superlatticesand Microstructures 2016, 95, 33-37.
15. Qi, J.; Xiang, Y.; Yan, W.; Li, M.; Yang, L.; Chen, Z.; Cai, W.; Chen, J.; Li, Y.; Wu,Q.; Yu, X.; Sun, Q.; Xu, J., Excitation of the Tunable LongitudinalHigher-Order Multipole SPR Modes by Strong Coupling in Large-Area Metal Sub-10nm-Gap Array Structures and Its Application. Journal of Physical Chemistry C2016, 120 (43), 24932-24940.
16. Chen, D.; Liu, Z.; Guo, Z.; Yan, W.; Xin, Y., Enhancing lightharvesting and charge separation of Cu2O photocathodes with spatially separatednoble-metal cocatalysts towards highly efficient water splitting. Journal ofMaterials Chemistry A 2018, 6 (41), 20393-20401.