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教育经历: 2009/09-2013/06,天津大学,化工学院应用化学系,工学博士,应用化学专业 2003/09-2006/06,天津城市建设学院,环境与市政工程系,工学硕士 1999/09-2003/06,武汉理工大学,资源与环境工程学院,学士 科研与学术工作经历: 2006/12-2013/04天津城市建设学院,材料学院,教师 2013/05-至今天津城建大学,理学院,教师




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.Lijuan Liu, Xuening Fei, Sen Zhu*, Lu Yu, Baolian Zhang. Self-Asse)mbly of Anionic GeminiSurfactant: Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer and Simulation Study[J], Langmuir, 2013, 29(17): 5132-5137 2.Fei Xuening, Li Weiwei,Zhu Sen*, Liu Lijuan*. Simultaneous treatment ofdye wastewater and surfactant wastewater by foam separation: Experimental andmesoscopic simulation study[J]. Separation ScienceandTechnology, 2017:1-7 3. Xuening Fei, Yanjun Xing,Buqing Zhang, Sen Zhu & Lijuan Liu*. A novel dicationicQuinoline-Carzole fluorescent probe: preparation and labellingof Microthrix parvicella[J], EnvironmentalTechnology, 2019, DOI:10.1080/09593330.2019.1567606 4.FeiXuening, Su Fanming, Zhu Sen*,LiuLijuan*. Effect of inorganic cores on dye properties of inorganic-organichybrid pigments yellow 12[J]. Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2016,89(12): 2035-2042 5. Xuening Fei, Yong Zhang, Sen Zhu, LU Yu*,Lijuan Liu*.Spectral Study and ProteinLabeling of Inclusion Complex between Dye and Calixarene Sulfonate[J],AppliedSpectroscopy, 2013, 67(5): 520-525 6. SenZhu,Lijuan Liu, Fa Cheng*. Influence of Spacer Nature onthe Aggregation Properties of AnionicGemini Surfactants in Aqueous Solutions[J], Journal of Surfactants andDetergents, 2011, 14(2):221-225 7. SenZhu*,Lijuan Liu,Fa Cheng. Experimental and simulation of lyotropicmesophase formation of sulfonateGemini surfactants in aqueous solutions[J], Chalcogenide Letters, 2011, 8(6):391-395
