教育经历:2012.1-2017.3:加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学工程与应用科学学院,石油与天然气工程博士研究生,博士;2010.9-2011.12:中国石油大学(北京),硕士研究生,硕士在读;2006.9-2010.6:中国石油大学(北京),本科,工学学士 工作经历:2017.12-今:西安石油大学,讲师;2017.4-2017.9:加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学博士后;
代表性论著: Cao, J., Zhang, N., James, L.A., and Johansen, T.E., Modeling Semi-Steady State Near-Well Flow Performance for Horizontal Wells in Anisotropic Reservoirs. Computational Geoscience, 2018, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10596- 018 -9722-z Johansen, T.E., Cao, J., and James, L.A., Analytical Coupled Axial-Radial Semi-Steady State Productivity Model for Horizontal Wells in Anisotropic Medium, International Journal of Petroleum Engineering, 2016, 2(3): 225-245 Cao, J., James, L.A., and Johansen, T.E., Modelling Near-well Flow Performance for Horizontal Wells in Anisotropic Media, ECMOR XV - 15th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, 2016. Nekouie, H, Cao, J., James, L.A., Johansen, T.E., Analytical Gas-Oil Relative Permeability Interpretation Method for Immiscible Flooding Experiments under Constant Differential Pressure Conditions, International Symposium of Society of Core Analysis, Colorado, USA, 2016. Cao, J., James, L.A., and Johansen, T.E., A New Coupled Axial-Radial Productivity Model with Application to High Order Numerical Well Modeling, SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition, Abu Dhabi, UAE, September 2015. Cao, J., Liu, X., James, L.A., and Johansen, T.E., Analytical Interpretation Methods for Immiscible Core Flooding Experiments under Constant Pressure Boundaries, International Symposium of Society of Core Analysis, St. John's, NL, Canada, August 2015. Johansen, T.E., James, L.A., and Cao, J., Analytical Coupled Axial and Radial Productivity Model for Steady-State Flow in Horizontal Wells, International Journal of Petroleum Engineering, 2015, 1(4): 290-307 Cao, J., James, L.A., and Johansen, T.E., Determination of Two Phase Relative Permeability From Core Floods with Constant Pressure Boundaries, International Symposium of Society of Core Analysis, Avignon, France, 8-11 September, 2014.
学术兼职与荣誉称号: SPE 会员,EAGE会员,SCA会员