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教育经历:1997.1-2000.12:美国路易斯安那州立大学石油工程系,博士研究生,博士(Ph.D.);1988.9-1992.7:西南石油学院石油机械工程系,博士研究生,工学博士;1985.9-1988.6:西南石油学院石油机械工程系,硕士研究生,工学硕士;1981.9-1985.7:北京航空航天大学飞行器设计与应用力学系,本科生,工学学士。工作经历:2010.1-今:西安石油大学石油工程学院,教授;1992.7-1995.12:西南石油大学石油机械工程系,讲师、副教授。主讲课程: 本科生课程《采油工程》,《采油新技术》,《采油气科学与技术》研究生课程《页岩气开采技术》,《油气藏增产技术》。




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代表性论著: Desheng Zhou, Peng Zheng, Pei He, Jiao Peng. Hydraulic fracture propagation direction during volume fracturing in unconventional reservoirs, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, May 2016, Vol141: 82–89. Zhou, D., Zheng, P., Peng, J., He, P.. Induced stress and interaction of fractures during hydraulic fracturing in shale formation. ASME J. Energy Res. Nov. 2015,Vol137(6): 062902. Zhou, Desheng and He, Pei. Major Factors Affecting Simultaneous Frac Results. Society of Petroleum Engineers. SPE 173633, SPE Production and Operations Symposium, 1-5 March, 2015, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA. Zhou, Desheng,et al. Wellbore Section Contribution in Fractured Horizontal Openhole Wells,SPE 153326,SPE Europec/EAGE Annual Conference, 4-7 June 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark. Zhou, D., et al. Comparison of fracture conductivities from field and lab,Society of Petroleum Engineers - International Petroleum Technology Conference 2012, IPTC 2012,IPTC 14706,February 7, 2012 - February 9, 2012, Bangkok, Thailand. Zhou, Desheng and Wojtanowicz, A.K. Annular Pressure Reduction During Primary Cementing, Journal of Energy Resources Technology,Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Transactions of the ASME, 2011, Vol133, n3. Zhou, D. and Yuan, H. Stage isolation failure of non-packer reasons in openhole horizontal completion, SPE 142367, SPE Production and Operations Symposium, 2011, p.795-801. Zhou, D. and Yuan, H. A New Model for Predicting Gas-Well Liquid Loading. SPE Prod & Oper., 2010, 25 (2): 172-181. Yuan, H. and Zhou, D. A New Model for Predicting Inflow Performance of Fractured Horizontal Wells. SPE 133610, SPE Western North American Regional Meeting, 27-29 May 2010, Anaheim, California. Yuan, H. and Zhou, D. Evaluation of Two-Phase-Flow Correlations and Mechanistic Models for Small-Diameter Pipelines at Slightly Inclined Downward Flow. SPE Proj, Fac & Const, 2010, 5 (1): 5-12. Zhou, Desheng, and Sachdeva, Rajesh. Simple model of electric submersible pump in gassy well, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, February 2010, Vol.70(3-4):204-213. Wojtanowicz , A.K. and Zhou ,D. Shallow casing shoe integrity interpretation technique. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Feb. 2010, Vol.70(3-4) : 183-190. Zhou, D. and Wojtanowicz , A.K. Cement Seal Failure at Casing Shoe in Shallow Marine Sediments. J. Energy Res., 131(023101-1-8),June 2009. Yuan, H., and Zhou, D. Simulating a Hilly Terrain Pipeline Using Twophase Flow Correlations and Mechanistic Models, SPE 120280, SPE Production and Operations Symposium, , April 2009, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA. Zhou, D., and Yuan, H.: New Model for Gas Well Loading Prediction, SPE Production and Operations Symposium, SPE 120580, April 2009, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA. Yuan, H., and Zhou, D. Evaluation of Twophase Flow Correlations and Mechanistic Models for Pipelines at Horizontal and Inclined Upward Flow, SPE 120281, SPE Production and Operations Symposium, April 2009, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA. Yuan, H., and Zhou, D. Evaluation of Two-Phase Flow Correlations and Mechanistic Models for Pipelines at Inclined Downward Flow, SPE 117395, SPE Eastern Regional/AAPG Eastern Section Joint Meeting, Oct. 2008, Pittsburgh, PA. Zhou, Desheng, and Yuan, Hong. Slip Calculation of Rotational Speed of Electrical Submersible Progressive Cavity Pumps, SPE 112881, SPE Progressing Cavity Pump Conference, April 2008, Houston, TX. Zhou, Desheng, and Yuan, Hong. Design of Progressive Cavity Pump Wells, SPE 113324, SPE Progressing Cavity Pump Conference, April 2008, Houston, TX. Zhou, Desheng, and Sachdeva, Rajesh. Design Tapered Electric Submersible Pumps for Gassy Wells, SPE 113661, Indian Oil and Gas Technical Conference and Exhibition, March 2008, Mumbai, India.


学术兼职与荣誉称号: 陕西省特聘专家;教育部“来华留学英文授课品牌课程” 《采油气科学与技术》负责人《石油钻采工艺》编委;《西安石油大学学报》编委;SPE 会员。
