2015-2019 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France: FEMTO-ST, FCLAB.
2015-2018 Université Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France. Electrical Engineering,Ph.D.
2012-2015 Beijing Jiaotong University. Electrical Engineering, Academic master's degree.
2008-2012 Beijing Jiaotong University. Electrical Engineering & Automation, Bachelor’s degree.
Working Experience:
2019-Present Shenzhen University, Assistant Professor
Dr. Bei LI's research interest focuses on Hydrogen storage based multi-energy supply microgrids planning and operation. His work includes multi-energy supply microgrids modeling, microgrids optimal operation, microgrids planning, optimization algorithms, artificial intelligence
1. Li Bei*, Robin Roche, and Abdellatif Miraoui. “Microgrid sizing with combined evolutionary algorithm and MILP unit commitment." Applied energy 188 (2017): 547-562. (ESI 高被引论文)
2. Li Bei*, Robin Roche, Damien Paire, and Abdellatif Miraoui. “Sizing of a stand-alone microgrid considering electric power, cooling/heating, hydrogen loads and hydrogen storage degradation." Applied Energy 205 (2017): 1244-1259.
3. Li Bei*, Robin Roche, Damien Paire, and Abdellatif Miraoui. “Optimal sizing of distributed generation in gas/electricity/heat supply networks." Energy 151 (2018): 675-688.
4. Li Bei*, Robin Roche, Damien Paire, and Abdellatif Miraoui. “Coordinated scheduling of a gas/electricity/heat supply network considering temporal-spatial electric vehicle demands.” Electric power systems research 163 (2018): 382-395.
5. Li Bei*, Robin Roche, Damien Paire, and Abdellatif Miraoui. “A price decision approach for multiple multi-energy-supply microgrids considering demand response”. Energy 167 (2019): 117 -135.
Conference Presentations:
1. Li Bei, Robin Roche, Damien Paire, and Abdellatif Miraoui. “A price decision approach for multiple multi-energy-supply microgrids considering demand response.” In EnergyCon, 2018 IEEE Cyprus. IEEE, 2018.
2. Li Bei, Robin Roche, and Abdellatif Miraoui. “A temporal-spatial natural disaster model for power system resilience improvement using DG and lines hardening." In PowerTech, 2017 IEEE Manchester, pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2017.
3. Li Bei, Robin Roche, and Abdellatif Miraoui. “Sizing of a stand-alone microgrid considering electric power, cooling/heating and hydrogen." In PowerTech, 2017 IEEE Manchester, pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2017.
4. Li Bei, Robin Roche, and Abdellatif Miraoui. “System resilience improvement using multiple energy supply systems under natural disasters." In Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2016-42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE, pp. 3912-3917. IEEE, 2016.
5. He Jinghan, Li Bei, Yip Tony, et al. A new secure method for the transmission of protection information between substations based on compressed sensing[C]// PES General Meeting | Conference & Exposition. IEEE, 2014.