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裴新海(Xin-Hai Pei),博士,深圳大学医学部特聘教授,博士生导师,动物中心主任。曾任兰州大学附属一院住院医师,主治医师;美国北卡罗来纳大学 (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) 博士后,研究助理教授; 美国迈阿密大学 (University of Miami) 终身轨助理教授,副教授。主要从事细胞增殖和分化与疾病,及基因工程小鼠的的研究工作。有11年的临床肿瘤研究和23年的基础肿瘤研究经验。有自主制备基因敲除和转基因小鼠, 分子病理和生化分析, 复杂动物手术, 及病人标本全方位分析能力. 制备,鉴定了三十余种基因敲除小鼠。拥有多种基因敲除小鼠疾病模型, 如乳腺癌,肺癌,垂体瘤,和耳聋等. 首次证明Cul9和p19Ink4d均为抑癌基因,p18Ink4c基因受到GATA3调控,抑制雌激素受体阳性乳腺癌的发生。p16Ink4a或p18Ink4c可保护BRCA1功能缺失的细胞癌变。BRCA1功能缺失促使雌激素受体阳性乳腺癌变为三阴乳腺癌。上述结果发表在包括Cancer Cell, Molecular Cell, Cancer Research等一流杂志上。上述研究得到了美国联邦,佛罗里达州,迈阿密大学及多种研究基金共17项的奖励和资助 (16项独立主持,1项共同主持)。共发表SCI期刊收录论文43篇,累计影响因子255分,第一作者发表论文最高影响因子25.3分。通讯作者发表论文最高影响因子9.3分。



代表性科研项目 Representative Grants and Contracts completed in USA (4 out of 17, Total $2,836,798): 1. Title: BRCA1 controls mammary stem/progenitor differentiation and proliferation, epithelial-mesenchymal transition and tumorigenesis PI:  Pei XH Agency: Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP) Type:  Idea Award (W81XWH-10-1-0302) Amount: $554,491 Period: 4/15/2010 – 5/14/2012 2. Title: Adult stem cell cycle control and tumorigenesis PI:  Pei XH Agency: University of Miami, Startup Funding Amount: $978,522 Period:11/1/2010 – 5/31/2013 3. Title: The Role of BRCA1 in Suppressing Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Mammary Gland and Tumor Development PI:  Pei XH Agency: Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP) Type:  Idea Expansion Award (W81XWH1310282) Amount: $537,779 Period:9/1/2013 – 8/31/2016 4. Title: Targeting BRCA1 deficient breast cancers PI: Pei XH  Agency:Florida Department of Health (Bankhead Coley Cancer Research Grant Award - 7BC07) Amount: $97,880 Period: 3/1/17 - 2/28/18


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代表性成果 • Wang C, Bai F, Zhang LH, Scott A, Li E, Pei XH. (2018) Estrogen promotes estrogen receptor negative BRCA1-deficient tumor initiation and progression. Breast Cancer Research. 20(1);74:1-17.  • Bai F, Chan HL, Scott A, Smith MD, Fan C, Herschkowitz JI, Perou, CM, Livingstone AS, Robbins DJ, Capobianco AJ, Pei XH. (2014) BRCA1 suppresses epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and stem cell dedifferentiation during mammary and tumor development. Cancer Research. 74(21):6161-6172.  • Bai F, Smith MD, Chan HL, Pei XH. (2013) Germline mutation of Brca1 alters the fate of mammary luminal cells and causes luminal-to-basal mammary tumor transformation. Oncogene. 30;32(22): 2715-2725. Featured Article. Commentary in Oncogene: BRCA1 mutations and luminal-basal transformation. Ng T, Irshad S, Stebbing J. 2013 May 30;32(22):2712-2714. •  Pei XH, Bai F, Li Z, Smith MD, Whitewolf G, Jin R, and Xiong Y. (2011) Cytoplasmic CUL9/PARC ubiquitin ligase is a tumor suppressor and promotes p53-dependent apoptosis. Cancer Research. 71, 2969-2977. • Pei XH*, Bai F*, Smith MD, Usary J, Fan C, Pai SY, Ho IC, Perou CM, Xiong Y. (2009) CDK inhibitor p18INK4c is a downstream target of GATA3 and controls mammary luminal progenitor cell proliferation and tumorigenesis.  Cancer Cell, 15, 389-401. *equal contribution.
