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2000年9月-2004年7月,清华大学化学系,获理学学士学位 2004年9月-2008年7月,清华大学化学系,获理学博士学位,师从李广涛教授 2008年7月-2011年12月,大连理工大学化工学院,讲师 2011年12月-2016年12月,大连理工大学化工与环境生命学部,副教授 2012年-2013年,美国加州大学河滨分校,访问学者 2016年12月-2023年4月,大连理工大学化工学院,教授 2023年4月至今,大连理工大学化学学院,教授,常务副院长


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刘静, Lyu, Ying-Di, Liu, Jian-Hang, 杨文博, 陶胜洋.微流控制备包覆含能材料模拟物的核壳结构微球[J],2024,47(6):506-512 冯时, 潘存亮, 薛春东, 陶胜洋.Droplet drinking in constrictions[J],LAB ON A CHIP,2024,24(14):3412-3421 冯时, 潘存亮, 刘文东, 叶宏飞, 杨文博, Lv, Yingdi, 陶胜洋.Magnetic Non-Spherical Particles Inducing Vortices in Microchannel for Effective Mixing.[J],Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany),2024,19(19):e2207383 Liu, Junbo, 陶胜洋.Selective electroreduction of levulinic acid by controlling the crystalline structure of PbO on e...[J],Applied Surface Science,616 Guo, Pengfei, 陶胜洋.Chirality enhanced shear-free mixing of highly viscous fluids in an origami reactor[J],AIChE Journal,2024,69(6) 刘静, 杨文博, 吕英迪, 陶胜洋.喷雾-反溶剂结晶法制备掺杂铝粉的复合微球[J],化工学报,2024,75(04):1724-1734 周明宇, Han, Peng, Qi, Guicun, Gao, Dali, Abdel-Ghafar, Hamdy Maamoun, 王玉超, 陶胜洋.Magnetic field induced the assembling of Photothermal evaporator for efficient solar-driven desal...[J],ECOMAT,2024 刘浚博, 陶胜洋.Laser Promoting Oxygen Vacancies Generation in Alloy via Mo for HMF Electrochemical Oxidation.[J],Advanced science (Weinheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany),e2302641 李富军, Guo, Zhaoyan, 杨文博, 周雨萌, Ru, Yue, Qi, Guicun, Gao, Dali, 陶胜洋.Preparation of Insoluble Bis(2-bromoacetyl)biphenyl via a Photoultrasound Enhanced Continuous Flo...[J],Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,62(37):15290-15299 欧阳吉虹, 李富军, 郭鹏飞, 陶胜洋, 杨文博, Zhaoyan Guo, 刘文东, 周雨萌, Dali Gao, 张利静, Shengyang Tao, Wenbo Yang.Modular Cascade of Flow Reactors: Continuous Flow Synthesis of Water-Insoluble Diazo Dyes in Aque...[J],ChemSusChem,2024 周明宇, 张利静, 陶胜洋, Li, Renyuan, 王玉超.Recent research advances in efficient solar-driven interfacial evaporation[J],Chemical Engineering Journal,2024,489 李雪, 周明宇, 韩朋, 戚桂村, 高达利, 陶胜洋, 王玉超.高效太阳能驱动海水淡化的最新研究进展[J],材料导报,2024 刘文东, 王晓静, 连跃畅, Xiang, Siyuan, 陶胜洋.Stretchable Superhydrophobic Surfaces: From Basic Fabrication Strategies to Applications[J],PROCESSES,2024,12(1) 王艳君, 陶胜洋, 周雨萌, Han, Peng, Qi, Guicun, Gao, Dali, 张利静, Wang, Chan, Che, Jian, 王玉超.Improved Water Collection from Short-Term Fog on a Patterned Surface with Interconnected Microcha...[J],Environmental Science and Technology,2024 Wang, Honglei, Niu, Caiyun, Liu, Wen, 陶胜洋.d-Electron tuned CoMoP for enhance 5-hydroxymethylfurfural oxidation and HER[J],Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,2024,340 刘静, 杨文博, 吕英迪, 陶胜洋.喷雾-反溶剂结晶法制备掺杂铝粉的复合微球[J],化工学报,2024 Nie, Kun, An, Qi, 陶胜洋, Zhang, Zepeng, Luan, Xinglong, 张倩, Yihe.Layer-by-layer reduced graphene oxide (rGO)/gold nanosheets (AuNSs) hybrid films: significantly...[J],RSC Advances,2022,5(71):57389-57394 Li, Zhongchun, Han, Jie, Fan, Lei, Wang, Minggui, 陶胜洋, Guo, Rong.The anion exchange strategy towards mesoporous alpha-Ni(OH)(2) nanowires with multinanocavities...[J],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2022,51(15):3053-3056 Sun, Xueyan, 王志刚, 李冲, 张利静, 杨文博, 陶胜洋.Three-dimensional-printed holistic reactors with fractal structure for heterogeneous reaction[J],AICHE JOURNAL,2022,67(7) 吴硕, 张丽丽, 戚琳, 陶胜洋, 兰晓芹, 刘志广, 孟长功.Ultra-sensitive biosensor based on mesocellular silica foam for[J],BIOSENSORS BIOELECTRONICS,2022,26(6):2864-2869 吴硕, Zhang, Lili, 戚琳, 陶胜洋, Lan, Xiaoqin, 刘志广, 孟长功.Ultra-sensitive biosensor based on mesocellular silica foam for organophosphorous pesticide det...[J],BIOSENSORS BIOELECTRONICS,2022,26(6):2864-2869 李冲, Liu, Xiaoshuo, Han, Yulan, Guo, Qing, 杨文博, 刘琦, 宋波, Zheng, Xiaolong, 陶胜洋.Ultra-stable anti-counterfeiting materials inspired by water stains[J],CELL REPORTS PHYSICAL SCIENCE,2022,2(9) 张利静, Wang, Jie, 陶胜洋, Geng, Chong, Yan, Qingfeng.Universal Fluorescence Enhancement Substrate Based on Multiple Heterostructure Photonic Crystal...[J],Advanced Optical Materials,2022,6(11) Li, Chong, 丁保君, 张利静, Song, Kepeng, 陶胜洋.3D-printed continuous flow reactor for high yield synthesis of CH3NH3PbX3 (X = Br, I) nanocryst...[J],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2022,7(30):9167-9174 Zhuang, Yuan, Song, Wentong, Ning, Gang, Sun, Xueyan, Zhongzheng, Xu, Guowei, Zhang, Bo, Chen, Yening, 陶胜洋.3D-printing of materials with anisotropic heat distribution using conductive polylactic acid co...[J],MATERIALS DESIGN,2022,126:135-140 王玉超, 陶胜洋, 安永林.利用受限空间制备具有高度石墨化结构的多孔碳单块[A],中国化学会,2022,1-1 陶胜洋, Li, Xingbo, Wang, Chan, 孟长功.A Dual-Emission Amphiphile/Dye Modified Mesoporous Silica as Fluorescent Sensor for the Detecti...[J],ChemistrySelect,2022,1(12):3208-3214 王玉超, Tang, Bo, Han, Peng, Qi, Guicun, Gao, Dali, Pu, Shengyan, 陶胜洋.Adjustable photothermal device induced by magnetic field for efficient solar-driven desalination[J],ECOMAT,2022,3(5) 王玉超, Shi, Da, 陶胜洋, Song, Wentong, 王洪敏, 王新葵, Li, Guangtao, 邱介山, 纪敏.A General, Green Chemistry Approach for Immobilization of Inorganic Catalysts in Monolithic Por...[J],ACS Sustainable Chemistry Engineering,2022,4(3):1602-1610 Sun, Xueyan, Li, Shaofeng, Cao, Jinzhe, 王玉超, 杨文博, 张利静, Liu, Yijin, 邱介山, 陶胜洋.A Hierarchical-Structured Impeller with Engineered Pd Nanoparticles Catalyzing Suzuki Coupling Re...[J],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2022,13(15):17429-17438 张利静, Liu, Bofan, Wang, Jie, 陶胜洋, Yan, Qingfeng.A general strategy to fabricate photonic crystal heterostructure with Programmed photonic stopb...[J],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2022,509:318-326 Sun, Xueyan, 张利静, 陶胜洋, 于永鲜, Li, Sijie, Wang, Han, 邱介山.A General Surface Swelling-Induced Electroless Deposition Strategy for Fast Fabrication of Copp...[J],Advanced Materials Interfaces,2022,4(14) 陶胜洋.A facile and efficient method for rapid detection of trace nitroaromatics in aqueous solution[J],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY,2022,18(37):4426-4432 吴硕, Lan, Xiaoqin, 崔丽钧, 张丽慧, 陶胜洋, 王海楠, 韩梅, 刘志广, 孟长功.Application of graphene for preconcentration and highly sensitive stripping voltammetric analys...[J],ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA,2022,699(2):170-176 陶胜洋, Wei, Ying, Wang, Chan, Zhaoqi, Fan, Pan, Shi, Da, 丁保君, 邱介山.A quinoline-functionalized amphiphilic fluorogenic probe for specific detection of trivalent ca...[J],RSC Advances,2022,4(87):46955-46961 王玉超, 陶胜洋, 安永林.A reverse membrane emulsification process based on a hierarchically porous monolith for high ef...[J],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2022,1(5):1701-1708 陶胜洋, 胡涛, 孟长功.A smart multifunctional nanocomposite for intracelluar targeted drug delivery and self-release[J],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2022,22(41):1-8 Wang, Chan, Lv, Piping, 魏炜, 陶胜洋, 胡涛, Yang, Jingbang, 孟长功.A smart multifunctional nanocomposite for intracellular targeted drug delivery and self-release[J],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2022,22(41):415101 王洪敏, Wang, Chan, 陶胜洋, 邱介山, 于永鲜, Gu, Minfen.Biomimetic Preparation of Hybrid Porous Adsorbents for Efficiently Purifying Complex Wastewater[J],ACS Sustainable Chemistry Engineering,2022,4(3):992-998 王玉超, 陶胜洋, 安永林, 吴硕, 孟长功.Bio-inspired high performance electrochemical supercapacitors based on conducting polymer modif...[J],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2022,1(31):8876-8887 Song, Wentong, Shi, Da, 陶胜洋, Li, Zhaoliang, 王玉超, 于永鲜, 邱介山, 纪敏, 王新葵.Bio-inspired immobilization of metal oxides on monolithic microreactor for continuous Knoevenag...[J],JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2022,481:100-106 杨文博, 石峰, 张学, 王玉超, 李冲, 张利静, 赵建章, Gurzadyan, Gagik G., 陶胜洋.Bodipy-Containing Porous Microcapsules for Flow Heterogeneous Photocatalysis[J],ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2022,13(32):38722-38731 石峰, 杨文博, 张利静, Wang, Xintong, Sifang, 陶胜洋.Casein-Hydroxyapatite Composite Microspheres for Strontium-Containing Wastewater Treatment[J],ACS ES&T WATER,2022,1(4):900-909 陶胜洋, 代玉强, 邹久朋, Zhao, Ding.Characteristics of static pre-cyclonic steam ejector[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES,2022,120:244-251 Wang, Liang, 史彦涛, Yanxiang, Zhang, Hong, Zhou, Huawei, Wei, Ying, 陶胜洋, 马廷丽.Composite catalyst of rosin carbon/Fe3O4: highly efficient counter electrode for dye-sensitized...[J],CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2022,50(14):1701-1703 Sun, Jiawei, 李敏, Xueyan, 王璐, Han, Peng, Qi, Guicun, Gao, Dali, 张利静, 陶胜洋.Copper-Based Integral Catalytic Impeller for the Rapid Catalytic Reduction of 4-Nitrophenol[J],ACS OMEGA,2022,6(33):21784-21791 吴硕, Lan, Xiaoqin, 赵伟, Li, Yuping, 张丽慧, 王海楠, 韩梅, 陶胜洋.Controlled immobilization of acetylcholinesterase on improved hydrophobic gold nanoparticle/Pru...[J],BIOSENSORS BIOELECTRONICS,2022,27(1):82-87 Zhou, Yumeng, 张利静, 陶胜洋.Mesoporous ZrO2 Nanopowder Catalysts for the Synthesis of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural[J],ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2022,2(8):5125-5131 陶胜洋, Fan, Pan, 王玉超, Wang, Chan, 胡涛, 孟长功.Multifunctional fluorescent material based on metallomicelles trapped in silica nanochannels[J],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2022,2(11):1962-1965 Wang, Chan, 陶胜洋, 魏炜, 孟长功, 刘凤玉, 韩梅.Multifunctional mesoporous material for detection, adsorption and removal of Hg2+ in aqueous so...[J],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY,2022,20(22):4635-4641 Guo, Qing, 李冲, 杨文博, 于永鲜, 陶胜洋.Open Flow Reactors Prepared by Laser Sintering[J],ADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES,2022,8(6) Zhuang, Yuan, 董校, 陶胜洋, 王玉超, 杨文博, 张利静.Origami-Based Bionic Reactor[J],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022,60(11):4279-4289 王玉超, 张丽艳, 陶胜洋, 安永林, 孟长功, 胡涛.Phase change in modified hierarchically porous monolith: An extra energy increase[J],MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS,2022,193:69-76 Zhou, Yumeng, 张利静, 陶胜洋.Porous TiO2 with large surface area is an efficient catalyst carrier for the recovery of wastew...[J],RSC Advances,2022,8(7):3433-3442 陶胜洋, Zhu, Zheyuan, 孟长功, Wang, Chan.Preparation and morphology control of magnetic mesoporous silica via metalorganic amphiphiles s...[J],MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS,2022,171:94-102 Wei, Siqi, 张利静, Li, Chong, 陶胜洋, 丁保君, 朱慧超, 夏书峰.Preparation of soft somatosensory-detecting materials via selective laser sintering[J],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2022,7(22):6786-6794 Zhou, Yumeng, 杨文博, Wang, Xintong, Sifang, 王玉超, 张利静, Zhang, Jiangwei, 陶胜洋.Preparation of ZrO2-Based Catalytic Fibers via the Assistance of Microfluidic Chips[J],INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022,59(49):21592-21601 陶胜洋, Chen, Yandong, Wang, Huan, 邱介山, 王新葵.Preparing a highly dispersed catalyst supported on mesoporous microspheres via the self-assembl...[J],Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2022,4(17):6304-6312 丁保君, Wang, Hong, 陶胜洋, 王玉超, 邱介山.Preparing electrochemical active hierarchically porous carbons for detecting nitrite in drinkab...[J],RSC Advances,2022,6(9):7302-7309 陶胜洋, Wang, Huan, 王慧龙.Preparing highly-dispersed noble metal supported mesoporous silica catalysts by reductive amphi...[J],RSC Advances,2022,6(113):112193-112200
