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学习与工作经历 1987.9-1991.7,石油大学(华东),应用化学学士; 1991.9-1994.7,石油大学(华东),油气田开发工程硕士; 1995.9-1998.12,中国石油大学(华东),油气田开发工程博士。 主讲课程 《界面化学》、《提高采收率原理与方法》(研究生课程) 《化学原理Ⅱ》、《油田化学》等(本科生课程); 《油田化学》省级精品课程负责人 指导研究生 2019级:张真瑜(博士)、陈密发(博士)、朱毅仁; 2018级:赵 宁; 2017级:李宗阳(博士)、赵 敏、何臻培、曲正天、陈 旭、钱 程; 2016级:李 强(博士)、高 苗、仲 东、白 羽; 2015级:杨 震(博士)、刘瑞珍、张希喜; 2014级:韩玉贵(博士后)、刘瑞东、严佳城、黄 勇; 2013级:史胜龙(博士)、韩 盼、赵曾浩、李忠鹏;; 2012级:侯宝锋(博士)、白世勋、翟文亚、陈庆国; 2011级:何 宏(博士)、元福卿(博士)、李丹丹、徐晓丽、刘 鹏、史胜龙、程利民; 2010级:张 鹏(博士)、齐自远(博士)、杨 艳、张 雁、郭茂雷; 2009级:于海洋(博士)、刘 晨、吕 鹏、何 宏、杨秀壮; 2008级:于维钊(博士后)、李堪运、齐自远、王所良; 2007级:周 伟、安志杰; 2006级:于海洋、高莎莎、于 群; 2005级:贾艳平、穆里那、刘廷廷; 2004级:崔 亚、王本哲、曲萍萍; 2003级:何 龙、由 庆、熊生春、熊 伟、杨会丽。 承担科研课题 负责主持了国家“十五”攻关项目一级子课题“三次采油用表面活性剂的研制与开发”;作为课题负责人之一完成了“863计划”青年基金项目“纳米微粒分散体成胶机制及调驱机理研究”;作为课题负责人主持完成了国家十一五、十二五重大油气专项和多项油田科研合作项目。 目前在研的科研项目有: (1)国家十三五重大油气专项“渤海复杂河流相油田高效化学驱油体系优化与应用示范”; (2)国家自然基金项目《强化CO2-原油传质作用的化学改性CO2驱油体系构筑及其驱油特征研究》; (3)塔里木油田碎屑岩油藏滚动开发与提高采收率; (4)普通稠油降粘复合驱油体系驱油机理研究; (5)B-PPG在多孔介质中的渗流规律研究; (6)七东1区克下组砾岩油藏聚窜机理实验研究与现场典型实例分析; (7)砾岩油藏不同渗透率条件下弱碱三元复合驱体系协同作用研究。 获奖情况 (1)“高含水油田优势通道定量描述与调控技术及工业化应用”获国家科技进步二等奖,2010年,排名第五; (2)“区块整体调剖堵水的PI决策技术”先后获教育部科技进步三等奖和山东省技术发明二等奖,2001年,排名第五; (3)“油田化学品的产业化开发及应用示范”先后获山东省科学技术进步一等奖和中国石油和化学工业协会科技进步一等奖,2005年,排名第三; (4)“油井选择性堵水技术研究与应用”先后获山东省科技进步一等奖和中国石油和化学工业协会科技进步一等奖,2008年,排名第三; (5)“聚驱后地层残留聚合物再利用提高采收率技术研究与应用”先后获山东省科技进步一等奖和中国石油和化学工业协会科技进步一等奖,2009年,排名第三; (6)“聚合物驱后提高采收率接替技术研究与应用”获教育部科技进步二等奖,2009年,排名第八; (7)“二次采油与三次采油的结合技术研究”获山东省高等学校优秀科研成果三等奖(自然科学类),2006年,排名第二; (8)“胜利胜坨11南整体深部调驱技术”、 “埕东油田东区北部NG32层“2+3”提高采收率研究”、“三次采油用表面活性剂的研制与开发”、“孤岛油田聚合物驱后提高采收率技术研究”等获石油大学(华东)优秀科研成果一等奖。 荣誉称号 1、青岛经济技术开发区第一批优秀青年人才; 2、中国石油大学第一届“良师益友”活动优秀研究生指导教师。 教材与著作 1、普通高等教育国家“十三五”规划教材【应用物理化学】,中国石化出版社,2018年,主编; 2、石油与天然气工程专业学位研究生规划教材【油田化学工程与应用】,中国石油大学出版社,2018年,主编; 3、国家“十一五”规划重点教材【油田化学】,中国石油大学出版社,2002年,参编。 专利 (1)“一种化学吞吐与油井堵水相结合的采油方法”(ZL 00 1 29385.0) (2)“一种以醚羧酸盐作为驱油体系的采油方法”(ZL 00 1 29383.4) (3)“一种用于油藏深部液流转向的冻胶分散体制备方法”(ZL 2008 1 0237685.6) (4)“一种无机凝胶泡沫体系及其制备方法与应用”(ZL 2015 1 0131275.3) 学术交流 1、2006年7月-2006年8月赴澳大利亚悉尼大学进行短期英语培训; 2、2007年9月-2008年9月作为访问学者在美国密苏里大学交流学习; 3、多次参加在美国举行的SPE会议并宣读论文。 CURRICULUM VITAE Prof. Yefei Wang Department of Oilfield Chemistry, School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum(East China) Address No.66 Changjiang West Road China University of Petroleum Huangdao District, Qingdao City Shandong Province, PRC Postal Code: 266580 Phone Cell: +86 159-5323-0699 Office: +86 532-86981709 Email wangyf@upc.edu.cn Academic Qualifications 1987.9-1991.7, B.Sc., Applied Chemistry, University of Petroleum (East China); 1991.9-1994.7, M.Sc., Oil & Gas Field Development Engineering, University of Petroleum (East China); 1995.9-1998.12, Ph.D., Oil & Gas Field Development Engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China). Research Interest Profile controlling and water shut-off; chemical flooding; chemical treatment of production and injection wells; oilfield chemical products. Professional Experience Member of Chinese Petroleum Society (CPS) and Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE); 2012 to date, key member of “Theory and Technology of the Development and EOR of Complex Reservoirs” researching team under “Development Plan of Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team” initiated by Chinese Ministry of Education. 2012 to date, key member of “Excellent Innovative Team” of oilfield development, Shandong Province. Academic Exchange Experience 2006.7-2006.8, University of Sydney for Language Training; 2007.9-2008.9, as visiting scholar in University of Missouri; Attended the SPE Conferences held in the US and presented thesis several times. Courses Taught Postgraduate courses: Interfacial Chemistry, Principle and Methods of Enhanced Oil Recovery; Undergraduate courses: Principles of ChemistryⅡ, Oilfield Chemistry; Person responsible for teaching Oilfield Chemistry as “High-quality Course of the Province” Postgraduate Students Guided 2013: Shenglong Shi (Ph.D.), Pan Han, Zenghao Zhao, Zhongpeng Li; 2012: Baofeng Hou (Ph.D.), Shixun Bai, Wenya Zhai, Qingguo Chen; 2011: Hong He (Ph.D.), Fuqing Yuan (Ph.D.), Dandan Li, Xiaoli Xu, Peng Liu, Shenglong Shi, Limin Cheng; 2010: Peng Zhang (Ph.D.), Ziyuan Qi (Ph.D.), Yan Yang, Yan Zhang, Maolei Guo; 2009: Haiyang Yu (Ph.D.), Chen Liu, Peng Lv, Hong He, Xiuzhuang Yang; 2008: Weizhao Yu (Post Doc), Kanyun Li, Ziyuan Qi, Suoliang Wang; 2007: Wei Zhou, Zhijie An; 2006: Haiyang Yu, Shasha Gao, Qun Yu; 2005: Yanping Jia, Liina Mu, Tingting Liu; 2004: Ya Cui, Benzhe Wang, Pingping Qu; 2003: Long He, Qing You, Shengchun Xiong, Wei Xiong, Huili Yang. Research Projects Led a sub topic, “Research and Development of Surfactants for Tertiary Oil Recovery”, under “the 10th Five-Year Key Programs for Science and Technology Development of China”; As one of the responsible researchers, completed the project “Study on the Gelation of Nanoparticle Dispersion and Its Profile Controlling and Flooding Mechanisms” supported by the Youth Foundation of China under Chinese National Programs for High Technology Research and Development (863 Project); Participated in the project “Study on the New Technologies of oil production Using Black Liquor System” under “the 9th Five-Year Key Programs for Science and Technology Development of China”; Led several National 863 Projects and key research projects on the provincial and ministerial level. Projects in research “Study on the Overall Profile Control and Flooding Technologies in Off-shore Chemical Flooding” as one of the “Major Projects under Oil & Gas Special Programs of National 12th Five-Year Plan”. “Study on Improvement of Chemical Flooding in Off-shore Oilfields” as one of the “Major Projects under Oil & Gas Special Programs”. Awards “Quantitative Description and Controlling of Dominant Channels in High Water-cut Oilfields and Its Industrial Application”, Second-Class National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology, 2010, ranked 5th “PI Decision-making Technology on the Sectional Overall Profile Controlling and Water Shut-off”, Third-Class Prize for Progress in Science and Technology (Ministry of Education in China), Second-class Prize for Technological Invention(Shandong Province), ranked 5th “Industrialization of the Development of Oilfield Chemical Products and Their Application”, First-class Prize for Progress in Science and Technology (Shandong Province), First-class Prize for Progress in Science and Technology (China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association), 2005, ranked 3rd “Research and Application of Selective Water Shut-off Technology in Production Wells”, First-class Prize for Progress in Science and Technology in Shandong Province, First-class Prize for Progress in Science and Technology (China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association), 2008, ranked 3rd “Research and Application of EOR Technology by Reusing the Residual Polymer in the Formation after Polymer Flooding”, First-class Prize for Progress in Science and Technology in Shandong Province, First-class Prize for Progress in Science and Technology (China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association), 2008, ranked 3rd “Research and Application of Subsequent EOR Technology after Polymer Flooding”, Second-class Prize for Progress in Science and Technology (Ministry of Education), 2009, ranked 8th “Study on the Combination of Secondary and Tertiary Oil Recovery Technologies”, Third-class Prize for Outstanding Achievements in Scientific Research amongst Universities in Shandong Province, 2006, ranked 2nd “In-depth Profile Control and Flooding Technology in Formations in Shengtuo-11 South, Shengli Oilfield”, “Research on 2+3 EOR Technologies in NG32 Formation in Northern Section of Eastern Chengdong Oilfield”, “Research and Development of Surfactants for Tertiary Oil Recovery”, “Study on the EOR of Gudao Oilfield after Polymer Flooding”, First-class Prize for Outstanding Achievements in Scientific Research, UPC. Titles Young Elite Talents of Economic and Technological Development District, Qingdao ”Outstanding Tutor for postgraduate students” of UPC Publications Co-authored the textbook of Oilfield Chemistry for National 11th Five-year Plan,China University of Petroleum Press, 2002 Papers 1. Li Dandan, Wang Yefei, Zhang Peng, He Hong, Xu Xiao-Li, “Research Progress of Determination of Polymer Molecular Weight for Oil Recovery in Low Permeability Reservoirs”, Oilfield Chemistry, 2014; (in Chinese) 2. Qi Ziyuan, Wang Yefei, Wang Tao, Wang Guijie, Yu WeiZhao, “Selective Water Control of A Relative Permeability Modifier”, Journal of Southwest Petroleum University (Science & Technology Edition), 2014; (in Chinese) 3. Qi Ziyuan, Wang Yefei, Xu Xiaoli, “Optimization of a Relative Permeability Modifier for Oil Recovery Improvement”, Science Technology and Engineering, 2014; (in Chinese) 4. Xu Xiaoli, Wang Yefei, He Hong, Li Dandan, Qi Ziyuan, “Research Advances in Influencing Factors of Dynamic Gelling Process of Cross-linked Polymer System in Porous Media”, Oilfield Chemistry, 2014; (in Chinese) 5. Yu Haiyang, Liu Xianjun, Xu Binbin, Wang Yefei, “Influence of Permeability and Injection Speed on Dynamic Gelation of Phenol Formaldehyde Resin Gel in Porous Media”, PGRE, 2014; (in Chinese) 6. Liu Peng, Wang Yefei, Zhang Guoping et al. “Study of Emulsification Effect on Oil Recovery in Surfactant Flooding”, PGRE, 2014; (in Chinese) 7. Zhang Peng, Huang Wenzhang, Jia Zhenfu, Zhou Chengyu, Wang Yefei, “Conformation and Adsorption Behavior of Associative Polymer for Enhanced Oil Recovery Using Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy”, Journal of Polymer Research, 2014; (in Chinese) 8. Jian Zhang, Hong He, Yefei Wang, “Gelation Performance and Microstructure Study of Chromium Gel and Phenolic Resin Gel in Bulk and Porous Media”, Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 2014; 9. Hong He, Yefei Wang, Jian Zhang, “Novel Gel with Controllable Strength for In-Depth Conformance Control: Bulk Gelation Performance and Propagation Properties in Porous Media”, Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2014; 10. Hong He, Yefei Wang, Sun X, “Development and Evaluation of Organic/Inorganic Combined Gel for Conformance Control in High Temperature and High Salinity Reservoirs”, Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 2014; 11. SHI Sheng-Long,WANG Lu-Sham, JIN Yan-Xim, WANG Tao, WANG Ye-Fei, “Application Progress and Developmental Tendency of Emulsion System Used in Flooding, Profile Control and Water Plugging”, Oilfield Chemistry, 2014; (in Chinese) 12. Shenglong S, Yefei W, Lushan W, “Potential of Spontaneous Emulsification Flooding for Enhancing Oil Recovery in High Temperature and High Salinity Oil Reservoir”, Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2014; 13. HOU Baofeng, WANG Yefei, LIU Honggang, WANG Guijie, “Progress in Research Work with Respect to Synthesis of Symmetric Gemini Surfactants”, China Surfactant Detergent & Cosmetics, 2014; (in Chinese) 14. Hong He, Yefei Wang, Ziyuan Qi, et al, “The Study of an Inorganic Gel for Profile Modification in High-Temperature and Low-Permeability Sandstone Reservoirs”, Petroleum Science and Technology, 2013, 31(19): 1940-1947; 15. Shi Shenglong, Wang Yefei, Jiang Weidong, Zhang Jian, Yu Haiyang, Lv Peng “A Study on Dynamic Gelation of Phenolic Resin Gel in Different Shear Modes”, China Offshore Oil and Gas, 2013; (in Chinese) 16. CHENG Li-Min, WANG Ye-Fei, HE Hong, LIU Hong-Gang, LIU Peng, “Research and Application Progress of Profile Control and Displacement with Foam”, Oilfield Chemistry, 2013; (in Chinese) 17. WANG Ye-Fei, LIU Chen, QI Zi-Yuan, PAN Ling, ZHU Guo-Hua, LIU Hua, “Polymer Flooding in High Temperature and Low Permeability Reservoir”, Oilfield Chemistry, 2013; (in Chinese) 18. ZHAO wensen, GAO Jianchong, CUI Yingxian, YANG Guang, LIU Changlong, WANG Yefei, “The Research of An Associated Polymer Profile Control Agent for an Oilfield in Bohai Bay”, Journal of Chongqing University of Science and Technology, 2013; (in Chinese) 19. JIANG Weidong, ZHANG Jian, HE Hong, WANG Yefei, “Development and Parameter Optimization of In-depth Profile Control and Oil Displacement Agent for Bohai Oilfield”, Journal of Northeast Petroleum University, 2013; (in Chinese) 20. Yang Yan, Wang Yefei, Zheng Jiapeng, Luo Hongmei, Zhang Peng, “Approximate Calculation Method to Identify High Permeable Channel Based on Pipe Flow Model”, Fault-block Oil & Gas Field, 2013, 20(2); (in Chinese) 21. Xu Xiaoli, Wang Yefei, Li Dandan, Liu Chen, Pan Ling, Wang Weiji, Wang Guorui, “Influence of Emulsification Performance Difference on Oil Displacement Efficiency of Medium-low Permeability Cores”, Fault-block Oil & Gas Field,2013,20(3); (in Chinese) 22. Peng Zhang, Yefei Wang, Yan Yang, Jian Zhang, Xulong Cao, Xinwang Song, “The Effect of Microstructure on Performance of Associative Polymer: In Solution and Porous Media”, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (2012) 90-91: 12–17, [EI、SCI]; 23. Shi Shenglong, Wang Yefei, Yu Haiyang, Lv Peng, “Dynamic Gelation in Porous Media of Phenol Resin Gel”, Journal of Daqing Petroleum Institute, 2012,36 (1); (in Chinese) 24. YANG Yan, WANG Ye-Fei, ZHANG Peng, WANG Guo-Rui, “Mechanisms and Influencing Factors of Selective Water Shut-off Agents”, Oilfield Chemistry, 2012,29(4); (in Chinese) 25. Wang Suoliang, Wang Xiaoyu, Huang Chao, Chai Qiaoling, Jing Jianchun, Jiang Wenxue, Wang Yefei, “Research Progress of EOR with Alteration of Rock Wettability in Low-permeability Reservoir”, Fault-block Oil & Gas Field, 2012,19(4); (in Chinese) 26. LV Peng, WANG Yefei, YU Haiyang, SHI Shenglong, “Gelling Behavior of HPAM/Cr(Ⅲ) under the Shearing of Porous Media”, Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University(Natural Science Edition),2012,27(1); (in Chinese) 27. HE Hong, WANG Ye-Fei, WANG Guo-Rui, QI Zi-Yuan, KAN Kai, “Research Advances in Profile Control and Oil Displacement Agents for High Temperature and High Salinity Reservoirs”, Oilfield Chemistry,2012,29(3); (in Chinese) 28. ZHANG Yan, WANG Lushan, WANG Tao, JIN Yanxin, WANG Yefei, “Study on Particle Size and Plugging Performance of New Absorbent Resin Microspheres”, Oil Drilling-Production Technology,2012,34(6); (in Chinese) 29. P. Zhang, Y. Wang, Y. Yang, J. Zhang, X. Cao, “One Factor Influencing the Oil-displacement Ability of Polymer Flooding: Apparent Viscosity or Effective Viscosity in Porous Media? ”, Petroleum Science and Technology, (2012) 30:1424–1432,[EI、SCI]; 30. Hong He, Yefei Wang, Mengyun Zhao, et al, “Laboratory Evaluation of Thermo-reversible Gel for In-Depth Conformance Control in Steam-Stimulated Wells”, SPE 157871-MS, paper presented at SPE Heavy Oil Conference Canada, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 12-14 June 2012,[EI、SCI]; 31. Wang Ye-fei, Xu Huai-min, Qi Zi-yuan, Xu Xiao-li, Song Xin-wang, “Effects of Crude Fractions on Quartz Surface Wettability and Characterization Method”, Journal of China University of Petroleum,2012,36(5),[EI]; (in Chinese) 32. “Study on Components and Formulation of Liquid Gel Packer in Air Drilling”, Petroleum Science and Technology, (2011) 29:837–849,[EI、SCI]; 33. Liu Chen, Wang Yefei, Yu Haiyang, et al., “The Laboratory Study on Surfactant Flooding System for Low Permeable Reservoir”, Chemical Engineering of Oil & Gas,2011, 40(5); (in Chinese) 34. Wang Yefei, Xu Huaimin, Yu Haiyang, Zhang Jian, Li Xianjie, Wang Suoliang, “Study on Dynamic Gelation of Hydrophobic Associating Polymer/Cr3+ Gel in Porous Media ”, PGRE, 2011, 18(6); (in Chinese) 35. Yu Haiyang, Zhang Jian, Wang Yefei, Ji Wenjuan, Wang Suoliang, “Rheological Behaviors and Viscoelasticity of Phenolic Resin Gel”, Journal of Southwest Petroleum University (Science & Technology Edition), 2011,33(3); (in Chinese) 36. Wang Yefei, Wang Suoliang, Xu Huaimin et al. “Interaction Between Asphaltene and Quartz Surface and Mechanisms of Wettability Alteration”, PGRE, 2011,18(4); (in Chinese) 37. Song Xinwang, Lv Peng, Wang Yefei, “Research on Dynamic Gelling Process of HPAM/Cr(Ⅲ) under Shearing”, Oilfield Chemistry, 2011,28(4); (in Chinese) 38. Qi Ziyuan, Wang Yefei, Liu Chengjie, Wang Tao, YuWeizhao, Wang Suoliang, “Study on Relative Permeability Modifier Static Adsorption”, Petroleum Drilling Techniques, 2011,39(3); (in Chinese) 39. Lv Peng, Wang Yefei, Yu Haiyang, He Hong, Shi Shenglong, “The Gelling Behavior of Phenol Resin Gel Under the Shearing of Oscillator”, Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2011,24(6); (in Chinese) 40. Liu Dexin, Wang Yefei, Zhao Xiutai, Fan Zexia, “Application of Multi Teaching Models in the Course of Oilfield Chemistry for Petroleum Engineering Majors”, Journal of Higher correspondence Education ( Natural Sciences), 2011,24(4); (in Chinese) 41. Liu Dexin, Feng Qihong, Zhao Xiutai, Wang Yefei, Lv Kaihe, Fan Zexia, “Application of Heuristic Education in Teaching Courses for Petroleum Engineering Majors”, Journal of Higher Correspondence Education (Natural Sciences), 2011,24(5); (in Chinese) 42. Wang Yefei, Xu Huaimin, Yu Weizhao, Bai Baojun, Song Xinwang, Zhang Jichao, “Surfactant Induced Reservoir Wettability Alteration: Recent Theoretical and Experimental Advances in Enhanced Oil Recovery”, Petroleum Science(2011)8:462-475,[SCI]; 43. Peng Zhang, Yefei Wang, Wuhua Chen, Haiyang Yu, Ziyuan Qi, Kanyun Li, “Preparation and Solution Characteristics of A Novel Hydrophobically Associating Terpolymer for Enhanced Oil Recovery”, Journal of Solution Chemistry (2011) 40: 447–457,[SCI]; 44. Wang Yefei, Yu Weizhao, Hu Songqing, “Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Hydroxyl Substituting Dialkyl Benzene Sulfonate Self-assembly Membrane at Air-Water Interface”, Journal of China University of Petroleum, 2011,35(6),[EI]; (in Chinese) 45. Wang Yefei, Wang Suoliang, Xu Huaimin, Yu Weizhao, Qi Ziyuan, Lv Hengyu, “Interaction Between Asphaltene and Quartz Surface and Mechanisms of Wettability Alteration”, PGRE, 2011, 18(4):72一74. (in Chinese) 46. Yu H, Wang Y, Ji W, Zhang J, Zhang P, Chen W, Qi Z, “Study of A Profile Control Agent Applied in An Offshore Oilfield”, Petroleum Science and Technology, (2011) 29:1285–1297,[EI、SCI]; 47. Yu H, Wang Y, Ji W, Zhang, “A Laboratory Study of the Microgel Used for Polymer Flooding”, Petroleum Science and Technology, (2011) 29:715–727,[EI、SCI]; 48. Yu Haiyang, Wang Yefei, Zhang Yan, Zhang Peng, Chen Wuhua, “Effects of Displacement Efficiency of Surfactant Flooding in High Salinity Reservoir: Interfacial Tension, Emulsification, Adsorption”, Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2011, 1(1): 32~39; 49. Wang Yefei, Zhao Fulin, Bai Baojun, “Optimized Surfactant IFT and Polymer Viscosity for Surfactant-Polymer Flooding in Heterogeneous Formation”, SPE 127391 paper presented at the 2010 SPE IOR Symposium to be held 24-28 April 2010 in the Tulsa, Oklahoma, U.S.A.; 50. You Qing, Zhou Wei, Wang Yefei, Zhao Fulin, Ji Chengwei, Fan Saihua, “Crosslinking Reaction Process and Influencing Factors for Formation of Hydro-phobically Associating Polymer/Phenolic Resin Gel”, Oilfield Chemistry, 2010,27(3); (in Chinese) 51. Zhou Wei, Wang Yefei, Zhao Fangjian, Li Kanyun, Qi Ziyuan, Wang Suoliang, Liu Chen, He Hong, Zhao Fulin, “Preparation and Evaluation on Temporary Blocking Agent of Organic Chromium Gel Type”, Fault-block Oil & Gas Field, 2010,17(4); (in Chinese) 52. Zhu Yangwen, An Zhijie, Wang Yefei, Wang Suoliang, “Influencing Factors of EOR Abilities of Polymer Flooding”, Oil-Gas Field Surface Engineering, 2010,29; (in Chinese) 53. Zhang Peng, Wang Yefei, Zhang Jian, Wang Yan, Li Xianjie, Yu Haiyang, “Some Factors Influencing Oil-Displacement Capability of Hydrophobically Associating Polyacrylamide Used in Polymer Flooding”, Oilfield Chemistry, 2010,72(4); (in Chinese) 54. Wang Yanling, Jiang Guancheng, Wang Yefei, Zheng Jingjing, Ma Li, Qiu Dongxu, “Microstructure and Optical Properties of Nano-composite CTNI/PMMA Thin Film”, Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society, 2010,29(3); (in Chinese) 55. An Zhijie, Wang Yefei, Zhang Jian, Song Xinwang, Chen Wuhua, Wang Suoliang, “Optimization of Polymer Flooding for Shengtuo Oilfield”, Oilfield Chemistry, 2010,27(3); (in Chinese) 56. Fan Zexia, Wang Yefei, Zhao Xiutai, Lv Kaihe, Liu Dexin, “Establishment of High-quality Course of Oilfield Chemistry for Petroleum Engineering Majors”, Journal of Shengli College China University of Petroleum, 2010,24(2); (in Chinese) 57. Lv Kaihe, Fan Zexia, Wang Yefei, “Reform to the Teaching of Experiments of Oilfield Chemistry for Petroleum Engineering Majors”, Journal of Higher Continuing Education (Natural Science Edition), 2010,23(5); (in Chinese) 58. Wang Yefei, Yu Haiyang, Zhangjian, Li Xianjie, Chen Wuhua, Wang Suoliang, “Study on Decompression and Augmented Injection by Surfactants During Hydrophobically Associating Polymer Flooding in Bohai Oilfield”, Journal of China University of Petroleum, 2010,34(6),[EI]; (in Chinese) 59. You Qing, Wang Yefei, Zhou Wei, Zhao Fulin, Zhang Jian, Yang Guang, “Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide on Polymer Gel for Water Shut-off”, the 2009 SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry to be held 20-22 April 2009 in the Woodlands, Texas.; 60. Yu Haiyang, Zhang Jian, Yang Guang, Zhao Wensen, You Qing, Wang Yefei, “An Experimental Study on Factors to Influence Gelation of a Hydrophobic Associated Polymer Gel in Suizhong 36-1 Oilfield”, China Offshore Oil and Gas, 2009,21(6); (in Chinese) 61. You Qing, Yu Haiyang, Wang Yefei, Zhang Jian, Yang Guang, Zhao Wensen, Zhao Fulin, “Progress on the Domestic Research of In-depth Profile Controlling”, Fault-block Oil & Gas Field, 2009,16(4); (in Chinese) 62. Yu Qun, Wang Yefei, Jiao Cui, Zhang Chuangan, “Study on Chemical Flooding Formulas in Huoshaoshan Oilfield in Xinjiang”, Fault-block Oil & Gas Field, 2009,16(6); (in Chinese) 63. “The Application on Oily Sludge for In-depth Water Shut-off in Chinese Oilfield”, Petroleum Science and Technology, October 2009; 64. Wang Yefei, Bai Baojun, Gao Hengda, He Hong, Zhao Fulin, “Enhanced Oil Production through a Combined Application of Gel Treatment and Surfactant Huff-Puff Technology”, SPE 112495 paper presented at the 2008 SPE International Symposium and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control held in Lafayette, Louisiana, U.S.A., 13–15 February 2008, [EI]; 65. Yefei Wang, “Property Variations of Produced Polyacrylamide from Polymer Flooding Reservoirs and Their Effects on Concentration Detection”, Paper presented at AIChE's 2008 Spring National Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A,April 6-10, 2008,[EI]; 66. Wang Y, Bai B, Zhao F, “Study and Application of a Gelled Foam Treatment Technology for Water Shut-off in Naturally Fractured Reservoir”, Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference/SPE Gas Technology Symposium 2008 Joint Conference (the Petroleum Society’s 59th Annual Technical Meeting), Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 17-19 June 2008; 67. Wang Yefei, Mu Lina, Yu Peizhi, You Qing, Wang Xianguang, He Long, “Effect of Hydrogen Sulfide on Gel Typed Plugging Agents”; Journal of China University of Petroleum (Edition of Natural Science), 2008(6),[EI]; (in Chinese) 68. Jia Yan-Ping, Wang Ye-fei, He Long, Zhao Fu-lin, “Influencing Factors for Polyacrylamide/ Polyethyleneimine Gelling fluid as Water Shutoff /Profile Modification Agent”, Oilfield Chemistry, 2007(4); (in Chinese) 69. Wang Yefei, Qu Pingping, Liu Wei, Zhao Fulin, “Lab Research on Temperature and Salt Resistant Inorganic Profile Control Agent”, Petroleum Geology & Oilfield Development in Daqing, 2007(5) (in Chinese) 70. Wang Yefei, You Qing ,Zhao Fulin, “Inhibition Properties Of A Novel Imidazoline Complex For A3 Steel In Salt Water Saturated By CO2”, ACTA PETROLEI SINICA (Petroleum Processing Section), 2006(3),[EI]; (in Chinese) 71. Zhao Fulin, Dai Caili, Wang Yefei, Feng Decheng, Chen Kai, “Comprehension of Water Shut-off in Oil Wells and Its Technical Keys”, ACTA PETROLEI SINICA, 2006(5),[EI]; (in Chinese) 72. Chen Kai, Zhao Fulin, Dai Caili, Wang Yefei, Han Li, Shi Guoxin, Lu Jianguo, “Controlling Technique for Water Coning in Thin Oil Reservoir with Bottom Water in Luliang Oilfield”, ACTA PETROLEI SINICA, 2006,27(6),[EI]; (in Chinese) 73. Zhao Fulin, Wang Yefei, Dai Caili, Ren Shang, Jiao Cui, “Techniques of Enhanced Oil Recovery After Polymer Flooding”, Journal of China University of Petroleum (Edition of Natural Science), 2006(1),[EI]; (in Chinese) 74. Zhao Fulin, Dai Caili, Wang Yefei, “Water Control Technique of Enhanced Oil Recovery for Offshore Oil Field”, Journal of China University of Petroleum (Edition of Natural Science), 2006(2),[EI]; (in Chinese) 75. Wang Yefei, You Qing, Feng Gang, “Determination Method of Relative Molecular Weight and Degree of Hydrolysis of Polyacrylamide in Produced Fluid with Polymer Flooding”, Journal of China University of Petroleum (Edition of Natural Science), 2006(1),[EI]; (in Chinese) 76. Wang Yefei, He Ying, Xiong Chunsheng, Dai Caili, “Experimental Study on the Jellied Deep Profile Control Agents for Gudao Oilfield”, Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University (Natural Science Edition), 2006(1),[EI]; (in Chinese) 77. Wang Yefei, You Qing, Zhao Fulin, “A New Method for Determining the Mass Concentration of the Polymer in the Produced Fluid of Polymer Displacement”, Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University (Natural Science Edition), 2006(3), [EI] (in Chinese) 78. Wang Dongmei, Wang Gangyue, Wang Yefei, Yu Qin, Bi Hongjun, “The PH Value Optimization of Modified Injection Water in Linnan Oilfield”, Journal of Southwest Petroleum Institute, 2006(6); (in Chinese) 79. Wang Yefei, Xiong Wei, Jiao Cui, He Long, You Qing, Zhao Fulin, “Research of Technology of Formation Polymer Flocculation Residue Recycle after Polymer Flooding”, Petroleum Geology & Oilfield Development in Daqing, 2006(3); (in Chinese) 80. Xiong Chunsheng, Wang Yefei, He Ying, Zhao Fulin, “Cross- linking HPAM/Cr3+ Gelling System for In-depth Profile Control After Polymer Flooding”, Drilling & Production Technology, 2005(6),[EI]; (in Chinese) 81. Cui Zhikun, Wang Yefei, Ma Weidong, Wang Jian, “A New Selective Water Plugging Technology and Its Field Application”, Oilfield Chemistry, 2005(1); (in Chinese) 82. Yin Wenjun, Wang Qingqing, Wang Yefei, Kang Yuanyong, “Mechanism Study on Successive Decline of Incremental Oil Effect During Multicycle profile Control”, Petroleum Geology and Recovery Efficiency, 2004(2); (in Chinese) 83. Li Yikun, Zhao Fulin, Jiao Cui, Wang Yefei, Dai Caili, “Studies on Changes and Implacement Made of Conventional Polymer Gels in High Temperature and High Salinity Environment”, Oilfield Chemistry, 2004(3); (in Chinese) 84. Li Yikun, Zhao Fulin, Wang Yefei, “Synthesis of Alkyl Phenol Polyoxyethylene Ether Carboxylate with Acetone as Solvent”, ACTA PETROLEI SINICA (Petroleum Processing Section), 2003(2),[EI]; (in Chinese) 85. Guo Lizhi, Wang Yefei, Dai Caili, Zhao Fulin, “Mechanism of Synergism between Two Chinese Petroleum Sulfonates”, ACTA PETROLEI SINICA(Petroleum Processing Section), 2003(6),[EI]; (in Chinese) 86. Dai Caili, Wang Yefei, Leng Qiang, Zhao Fulin, “Studies on Profile-control Oil-displacement Agent with Long Gelation Time for the Formation Far from Wellbore”, Journal Of Xi'An Petroleum Institute, 2003(1); (in Chinese) 87. Guo Lizhi, Wang Yefei, Dai Caili, Zhao Fulin, “Effects of Gudong Crude Fractions for Oil and Petroleum Sulfonate Optimum Formulation on Low Interfacial Tension”, Journal of the University of Petroleum, China, 2003(6); (in Chinese) 88. Guo Lizhi, Dai Caili, Wang Yefei, Zhao Fulin, “Formulation Of Oil Displacement Agent For Profile Control-Active Water-Drive Experiment On Ng32 Layer In Northwest Part Of East Block In Chengdong Oil Field”, Journal of the University of Petroleum, China, 2003(2); (in Chinese) 89. Wang Yefei, Zhang Dingyong, Le Xiaoming, “Absorption Of Anionic Surfactant On The Surface Of Sandstone Before And After Solvent Extraction”, Journal of the University of Petroleum, China, 2002,26(3); (in Chinese) 90. Dai Caili, Wang Yefei, Zhao Fulin, “Influencing Factors on Chromium Gel Systems of Retarded Crosslinking”, Journal of the University of Petroleum, China, 2002,26(6); (in Chinese) 91. Dai Caili, Zhao Fulin, Wang Yefei, “Some Combined Technology for Enhancing the Oil Recovery”, Complex Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, 2002(3); (in Chinese) 92. Wang Yefei, Li Jiyong, Zhao Fuiln, “Surfactants Oil Displacement System in High Salinity Formations”, SPE68770,SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition held in Jakarta, Indonesia, 17–19 April 2001; 93. Wang Yefei, Huang Jianbin, “Synthesis and Surface Activity of Alkyl Oxyethylenated Propane Sulfonates”, Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin, 2001,17(6); v 94. Wang Yefei, Zhao Fulin, “Synthetic Kinetics of Nonionic Sulfonate Surfactants Synthesized by Using Propane Sultnde”, Journal of the University of Petroleum, China, 2000,24(2); (in Chinese) 95. Wang Yefei, Zhao Fulin, “The Salt Tolerance Of Nonionic-Anionic Surfactants”, Oilfield Chemistry, 1999,16(4); (in Chinese) 96. Wang Yefei, Zhao Fulin, “A Study On Ethereal Carboxylates And Their Mixtures With Petroleum Sulfonate And Sodium Carbonate As Flooding Chemicals”, Oilfield Chemistry, 1998,15(4); (in Chinese) 97. Wang Yefei, Zhao Fulin, “Hydrolytic Stability of Lauryl Polyoxyethylene Phosphate”, Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry, 1998,15(3); (in Chinese) 98. Wang Yefei, Yang Huaicheng, “Study of Scale Control by Nonionic-Anionic Amprolytic Surfactants”, Journal of the University of Petroleum, China, 1997,21(4); (in Chinese) Patents 1. “A Combined Oil Production Method of Chemical huff and puff & Water Shut off in oil production wells”(ZL 00 1 29385.0) 2. “An Oil Production Method Using Ether carboxylate as Flooding Agent”(ZL 00 1 29383.4) 3. “A Method of Preparing Gelation Dispersion for In - depth Fluid Diversion in Reservoirs”(ZL 2008 1 0237685.6)




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(1)“Performance of a good-emulsification-oriented surfactant-polymer system in emulsifying and recovering heavy oil”, Energy Science & Engineering, (2019) 00:1–13.[SCI, EI收录] 第一作者 (2)“Wormlike micelles with a unique ladder shape formed by a C22-tailed zwitterionic surfactant bearing a bulky piperazine group”, Soft matter, (2019) 15:7644-7653[SCI, EI收录] 通讯作者 (3)“Experimental investigation of bypassed-oil recovery via CO2 soaking and huff and puff injection: Effects of miscibility and bypassed-oil size”. Fuel. (2019) 248:152-160.[SCI收录] 通讯作者 (4)“The role of IFT and emulsification in recovering heavy oil during S/SP flooding”. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, (2019)77: 198-208.[SCI收录] 通讯作者 (5)“Oil recovery performance of a modified HAPAM with lower hydrophobicity, higher molecular weight: A comparative study with conventional HAPAM, HPAM”. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, (2019) 72: 298-309.[SCI收录] 通讯作者 (6)“Experimental study on CO2-EOR in fractured reservoirs: Influence of fracture density, miscibility and production scheme”. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, (2019) 174: 476-485.[SCI收录] 通讯作者 (7)High-efficiency Corrosion Inhibitor for Acidizing: Synthesis, Characterization and Anti-corrosion Performance of Novel Indolizine Derivative, SPE-193587-MS SPE International Conference on Oilfield Chemistry held in Galveston, Texas, USA, 8–9 April 2019. 第一作者 [EI收录] (8)“喹啉季铵盐二聚体吲哚嗪衍生物的合成与酸化缓蚀性能”. 石油学报, (2019) 40(1): 67-73,114. [EI收录] 第一作者,通讯作者 (9)“新型喹啉季铵盐酸化缓蚀剂氯化苯甲酰甲基喹啉 (PCQ) 的合成及缓蚀性能”. 材料导报, (2019) 33(4): 699-704.[EI收录] 第一作者,通讯作者 (10)“新型耐温抗盐聚合物驱油体系设计评价及应用”. 油气地质与采收率, (2019) 26(2): 106-112. 通讯作者 (11)“两性表面活性剂复配构筑的高效抗老化黏弹性驱油体系研究”, 西安石油大学学报(自然科学版), (2019) 34(4): 37-42. (12)“Indolizine Quaternary Ammonium Salt Inhibitors: A reinvestigation of an Old Fashioned Strong Acid Corrosion Inhibitor Phenacyl Quinolinium Bromide and Its Indolizine Derivative”. New Journal of Chemistry, (2018) 42(15): 12977-12989.[SCI收录] 第一作者,通讯作者 (13)“Interaction between polymer and anionic/nonionic surfactants and its mechanism of enhanced oil recovery”. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, (2018) 39(8): 1178-1184.[SCI收录] 第一作者 (14)“一微泡沫直径与地层孔隙直径的匹配关系”, 中国石油大学学报(自然科学版), (2018) 42(5): 114-125. [EI收录] (15)“基于Box-Behnken Design法的底水油藏氮气泡沫驱影响因素分析”, 油气地质与采收率,(2018) 25(2): 77-82. 第一作者,通讯作者 (16)“阳离子/非离子复合表面活性剂改变油湿性砂岩表面润湿性机制”, 中国石油大学学报(自然科学版)(2018) 42(2): 165-171. 第一作者,通讯作者 (17)“聚合物驱数值模拟参数敏感性研究”, 油气地质与采收率,(2017) 24(1): 75-79. 第一作者,通讯作者 (18)“微泡沫体系直径影响因素及微观稳定性”, 东北石油大学学报, (2016) 40(1): 103-110 通讯作者 (19)“生物柴油的等温胶凝特性”, 石油学报(石油加工), (2016) 32(1): 207-214. (20)“不同酯基结构的棕榈油生物柴油的性能研究”,燃料化学学报,(2016) 44(21): 1356-1362. (21)“对称型双子表面活性剂的合成研究进展”. 日用化学工业, (2014) 44(2): 94-99 通讯作者 (22) “乳状液体系在驱油和调剖堵水中的应用进展”, 油田化学, (2014) 31(1): 141-145 通讯作者 (23)“泡沬调驱旳研究与应用进展”. 油田化学, (2013) 30(4): 620-624 通讯作者 (24)“管流模型概算法识别大孔道”,断块油气田,2013,20(2); (25)“乳化性能差异对中低渗岩心驱油效果的影响”,断块油气田,2013,20(3); (26)“多孔介质中酚醛树脂冻胶动态成胶规律”, 大庆石油学院学报,2012,36(1); (27)“Laboratory Evaluation of Thermoreversible Gel for In-Depth Conformance Control in Steam-Stimulated Wells”, SPE 157871-MS, paper presented at SPE Heavy Oil Conference Canada, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 12-14 June 2012,[EI、SCI收录]; (28)“The effect of microstructure on performance of associative polymer: In solution and porous media”, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (2012) 90-91: 12–17,[EI、SCI收录]; (29)“One Factor Influencing the Oil-displacement Ability of Polymer Flooding: Apparent Viscosity or Effective Viscosity in Porous Media?”, Petroleum Science and Technology, (2012) 30:1424–1432,[EI、SCI收录]; (30)“选择性堵水剂的作用机理及应用影响因素研究”,油田化学,2012,29(4); (31)“改变低渗透油藏润湿性提高采收率技术研究进展”,断块油气田,2012,19(4); (32)“多孔介质剪切下铬冻胶体系成胶行为研究”,西安石油大学学报(自然科学版),2012,27(1); (33)“高温高盐油藏用调驱体系的研究进展”,油田化学,2012,29(3); (34)“原油组分对石英表面润湿性的影响与表征方法”, 中国石油大学学报(自然科学版),2012,36(5),[EI收录]; (35)“新型吸水树脂微球的制备及封堵性能研究”,石油钻采工艺,2012,34(6); (36)“Study of a Profile Control Agent Applied in an Offshore Oilfield ”, Petroleum Science and Technology, (2011) 29:1285–1297,[EI、SCI收录]; (37)“A Laboratory Study of the Microgel Used for Polymer Flooding ”, Petroleum Science and Technology, (2011) 29:715–727,[EI、SCI收录]; (38)“Effects of Displacement Efficiency of Surfactant Flooding in High Salinity Reservoir: Interfacial Tension, Emulsification, Adsorption”, Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2011, 1(1): 32~39; (39)“低渗油藏表面活性剂驱室内研究”, 石油与天然气化工,2011, 40(5); (40)“疏水缔合聚合物/Cr3+冻胶在多孔介质中动态成胶研究”,油气地质与采收率,2011, 18(6); (41)“酚醛树脂冻胶流变性及粘弹性研究”,西南石油大学学报(自然科学版),2011,33(3); (42)“沥青质与石英表面相互作用及润湿性改变机理”,油气地质与采收率,2011,18(4); (43)“剪切条件下铬冻胶体系动态成胶研究”,油田化学,2011,28(4); (44)“一种相对渗透率调节剂的静态吸附研究”,石油钻探技术,2011,39(3); (45)“振荡剪切下酚醛树脂冻胶成胶规律研究”,石油化工高等学校学报,2011,24(6); (46)“石油工程专业油田化学课程教学中多种教学模式的应用”,高等函授学报(自然科学版),2011,24(4); (47)“启发式教学在石油工程专业课程教学中的应用”,高等函授学报(自然科学版),2011,24(5); (48)“羟基取代双烷烃链苯磺酸盐水气界面单层膜的分子动力学模拟”,中国石油大学学报(自然科学版),2011,35(6),[EI收录]; (49)“Study on Components and Formulation of Liquid Gel Packer in Air Drilling”, Petroleum Science and Technology, (2011) 29:837–849,[EI、SCI收录]; (50)“Surfactant induced reservoir wettability alteration: Recent theoretical and experimental advances in enhanced oil recovery”, Petroleum science(2011)8:462-475,[SCI收录]; (51)“Preparation and Solution Characteristics of a Novel Hydrophobically Associating Terpolymer for Enhanced Oil Recovery”, Journal of Solution Chemistry (2011) 40: 447–457,[SCI收录]; (52)“沥青质与石英表面相互作用及润湿性改变机理”,油气地质与采收率,2011,18(4):72-75 (53)“用于渤海油田疏水缔合聚合物驱的表面活性剂降压增注研究”,中国石油大学学报(自然科学版),2010,34(6),[EI收录]; (55)“疏水缔合聚合物/酚醛树脂冻胶反应进程及影响因素”,油田化学,2010,27(3); (56)“有机铬冻胶暂堵剂的研制及应用性能”,断块油气田,2010,17(4); (57)“聚合物驱采收率影响因素研究”,油气田地面工程,2010,29; (58)“疏水缔合聚丙烯酰胺驱油能力的几种影响因素”,油田化学,2010,72(4); (59)“CTNI/PMMA纳米复合薄膜的显微结构及光学性质研究”,硅酸盐通报,2010,29(3); (60)“胜坨油田聚合物驱优化控制条件研究”,油田化学,2010,27(3); (61)“石油工程专业油田化学精品课的建设”,中国石油大学胜利学院学报,2010,24(2); (62)“石油工程专业化学课程实验教学的改革”,高等函授学报(自然科学版),2010,23(5); (63)“Optimized Surfactant IFT and Polymer Viscosity for Surfactant-Polymer Flooding in Heterogeneous Formation”,SPE 127391 paper presented at the 2010 SPE IOR Symposium to be held 24-28 April 2010 in the Tulsa, Oklahoma, U.S.A.; (64)“Effects of Hydrogen ulfide on Polymer Gel for Water Shutoff”,the 2009 SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry to be held 20-22 April 2009 in the Woodlands, Texas.; (65)“The Application on Oily Sludge for In-depth Water Shutoff in Chinese Oilfield”,Petroleum Science and Technology,October 2009; (66)“绥中36~1油田疏水缔合聚合物冻胶成胶影响因素实验研究”,中国海上油气,2009,21(6); (67)“国内油田深部调剖技术的研究进展”,断块油气田,2009,16(4); (68)“新疆火烧山油田化学驱油配方研究”,断块油气田,2009,16(6); (69)“Enhanced Oil Production through a Combined Application of Gel Treatment and Surfactant Huff-Puff Technology”,SPE 112495 paper presented at the 2008 SPE International Symposium and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control held in Lafayette, Louisiana, U.S.A., 13–15 February 2008,[EI收录]; (70)“Property Variations of Produced Polyacrylamide from Polymer Flooding Reservoirs and Their Effects on Concentration Detection”,Paper presented at AIChE's 2008 Spring National Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A,April 6-10,2008[EI收录]; (71)“Study and Application of a Gelled Foam Treatment Technology for Water Shutoff in Naturally Fractured Reservoir”,Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference/SPE Gas Technology Symposium 2008 Joint Conference (the Petroleum Society’s 59th Annual Technical Meeting), Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 17-19 June 2008; (72)“硫化氢对冻胶型堵剂的影响”;中国石油大学学报,2008(6),[EI收录]; (73)“堵剂聚乙烯亚胺冻胶成冻影响因素研究”,油田化学,2007(4); (74)“耐温耐盐无机调剖剂的室内研究”,大庆石油地质与开发,2007(5)。 (75)“一种新型咪唑啉复配缓蚀剂对A3钢在饱和CO2盐水溶液中的缓蚀性能”,石油学报(石油加工),2006(3),[EI收录]; (76)“油井堵水概念的内涵及其技术关键”,石油学报,2006(5),[EI收录]; (77)“陆梁油田薄层底水油藏控制水锥技术研究”,石油学报,2006,27(6),[EI收录]; (78)“聚合物驱后提高采收率技术研究”,中国石油大学学报,2006(1),[EI收录]; (79)“海上油田提高采收率的控水技术”,中国石油大学学报,2006(2),[EI收录]; (80)“聚合物驱产出液中聚丙烯酰胺相对分子质量和水解度的测定方法”,中国石油大学学报,2006(1),[EI收录]; (81)“孤岛油田冻胶型深部调剖剂实验研究”,西安石油大学学报(自然科学版),2006(1),[EI收录]; (82)“用切向流超滤系统测定聚合物驱产出液中聚合物质量浓度”,西安石油大学学报(自然科学版),2006(3),[EI收录] (83)“临南油田水质改性最佳pH值的研究”,西南石油大学学报,2006(6); (84)“聚合物驱后地层残留聚合物絮凝再利用技术研究”,大庆石油地质与开发,2006(3); (85)“一种新型选择性堵水技术及其现场应用”,油田化学,2005(1); (86)“一种聚合物驱后深部调剖用HPAM/Cr3+冻胶体系”,钻采工艺,2005(6),[EI收录]; (87) “多轮次调剖效果逐次递减机理研究”,油气地质与采收率,2004(2); (88)“常规冻胶在高温高盐环境中的变化及应用方法研究”,油田化学,2004(3); (89)“以丙酮作溶剂合成烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚羧酸盐”,石油学报(石油加工),2003(2),[EI收录]; (90)“探讨两种国产石油磺酸盐间产生协同效应的机理”,石油学报(石油加工),2003(6),[EI收录]; (91)“长成冻时间的深部调驱剂研究”,西安石油学院学报,2003(1); (92)“孤东原油组分对油/石油磺酸盐最优配方低界面张力的影响”,石油大学学报,2003(6); (93)“埕东油田东区西北部Ng32层调驱试验中驱油剂的研究”,石油大学学报,2003(2); (94)“阴离子表面活性剂在油砂和净砂表面的吸附规律”,石油大学学报,2002,26(3); (95)“缓交联铬冻胶体系影响因素分析”,石油大学学报,2002,26(6); (96)“提高采收率的一些结合技术”,复杂油气田,2002(3); (97)“Surfactants oil displacement system in high salinity formations”,SPE68770,SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition held in Jakarta, Indonesia, 17–19 April 2001; (98)“氧乙烯化十二醇醚丙撑磺酸钠的合成及其表面活性”,物理化学学报,2001,17(6); (99)“使用丙烷磺内酯合成磺酸盐型活性剂的动力学研究”, 石油大学学报,2000,24(2); (100)“非离子-阴离子型表面活性剂的耐盐性能”, 油田化学,1999,16(4); (101)“十二烷基聚氧乙烯醚磷酸酯的水解稳定性”, 应用化学,1998,15(3); (102)“醚羧酸盐及其与石油磺酸盐和碱的复配研究” ,油田化学,1998,15(4); (103)“非离子-阴离子型两性表面活性剂防垢性能试验研究”, 石油大学学报,1997,21(4);


1、中国石油学会会员,SPE会员; 2、《Petroleum Science》、《油气地质与采收率》编委; 3、《Fuel》、《Energy&Fuels》、《J. Pet. Sci. Eng.》、《Colloids and Surfaces A》、《Ind Eng Chem Res》、《J Ind Eng Chem》等期刊的审稿人; 4、2012-目前,教育部“长江学者和创新团队发展计划”—“复杂油藏开发和提高采收率的理论与技术” 创新团队,骨干成员; 5、2012-目前,山东省 “油气田开发” 优秀创新团队,骨干成员。
