Modern Drilling Fluid Technology
1. 胺类树枝状聚合物的制备及稳定泥页岩作用机理研究(2014M551986),中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目,2014-2015,1/7
2. 纳米胺类树枝状聚合物页岩抑制剂研制及其作用机理研究(201303060),山东省博士后创新项目专项资金,2013-2015,1/7
3. 基于树枝状聚合物修饰的纳米二氧化硅泥页岩稳定剂制备及特性研究(15-9-1-43-jch),青岛市自主创新计划应用研究专项项目,2015-2017,1/7
4. 哈法亚储层保护技术及分支井分支井壁稳定与完井方式的研究-1,企事业单位委托科技项目,2015-2016,1/8
5. 聚胺强抑制剂研制及其作用机理研究(LW110202A), 中国石油大学(华东)优秀博士学位论文培育计划,2011-2013,1/7
6. 新型聚胺高性能水基钻井液作用机理研究(12CX06023A),中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,2011-2013,1/5
7. 高温高密度高矿化度钻井液流变性的调控机理及新方法(U1562101),国家自然科学石油化工联合基金(A类),201,6-2018,4/10
8. 海洋深水浅层井壁稳定与水合物抑制的机理和新方法(51474246),国家自然科学基金面上项目,2015-2018,4/9
[1] 钟汉毅,邱正松,黄维安.新型聚胺高性能水基钻井液体系研制及特性评价[A].2010年全国钻井液完井液技术研讨会论文集[C].贵阳:中国石油学会,2010:18-154.
[2] Zhong Hanyi*, Qiu Zhengsong, Huang Weian, et al. Successful application of unique polyamine high performance water-based drilling fluid in Bohai Bay shale formations. IPTC-16721-PP, International Petroleum Technology Conference, Beijing, March 28-31, 2013.
[3] Zhong Hanyi*, Qiu Zhengsong, Chen Ganghua, et al. Inhibitive properties comparison of different polyetheramines in water-based drilling fluid. 2nd World Congress on Petrochemistry and Chemical Engineering, Las Vegas, October 27-29, 2014.
[4] Hanyi Zhong*, Zhengsong Qiu, Bingqiang Dong, et al. Improving the wellbore stability while drilling long open hole shale intervals in Tahe oil field. SPE 176165, SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Bali, Indonesia, 20-22 October 2015.
[1] Hanyi Zhong, Zhengsong Qiu*, Zhichuan Tang, Daoming Zhang, Weian Huang. Minimization shale hydration with the combination of hydroxyl-terminated PAMAM dendrimers and KCl[J]. Journal of Materials Science, 2016, 51(18): 8484-8501.
[2] Hanyi Zhong*, Zhengsong Qiu, Zhichuan Tang, Xin Zhang, Jiangen Xu, Weian Huang. Study of 4,4’-methylenebis-cyclohexanamine as a high temperature-resistant shale inhibitor[J]. Journal of Materials Science, 2016, 51(16): 7585-7597.
[3] HanyiZhong, ZhengsongQiu*, Weian Huang, Jie Cao, Poly(oxypropylene)- amidoamine modified bentonite as potential shale inhibitor in water-based drilling fluids[J]. Applied Clay Science, 2012, 67, 36-43.
[4] Hanyi Zhong, Zhengsong Qiu*, Weian Huang, Dong Sun, Daoming Zhang, Jie Cao. Synertistic stabilization of shale by a mixture of polyamidoamine dendrimers modified bentonite with various generations in water-based drilling fluid[J]. Applied Clay Science, 2015, 114: 359-369.
[5] Hanyi Zhong, Zhengsong Qiu*, Dong Sun, Daoming Zhang, Weian Huang. Inhibitive properties comparison of different polyetheramines in water-based drilling fluid[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2015, 26: 99-107.
[6] Hanyi Zhong, Zhengsong Qiu*, Daoming Zhang, Zhichuan Tang, Weian Huang, Weiji Wang. Inhibiting shale hydration and dispersion with amine-terminated polyamidoamine dendrimers[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 28: 52-60.
[7] Hanyi Zhong, Zhengsong Qiu*, Weian Huang, et al. Shale inhibitive properties of polyether diamine in water-based drilling fluid[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2011, 78: 510-515.
[8] H.Y. ZHONG*, Z.S. QIU, W.A. HUANG, J. Cao, F.W. Wang, B.Q. Xie, Inhibition comparison between polyether diamine and quaternary ammonium salt as shale inhibitor in water-based drilling fluid[J], Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2013, 35, 218-225.
[9] H.Y. Zhong*, W.A. Huang, Z.S. Qiu, et al. Inhibition Comparison Between Polyether Diamine and Formate Salts as Shale Inhibitor in Water-based Drilling Fluid[J]. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2015, 37: 1971-1978.
[10] H.Y. Zhong*, Z.S. Qiu, W.A. Huang, J. Cao, F.W. Wang, X.B. Zhang, Inhibition properties comparison of potassium chloride and polyoxypropylenediamine in water-based drilling fluid[J], Petroleum Science and Technology, 31, 2127-2133, 2013.
[11] H.Y. Zhong, Z.S. Qiu*, W.A. Huang, J. Qiao, H.B. Li, J. Cao, The Development and application of novel polyamine water-based drilling fluid [J]. Petroleum Science and Technology, 32, 497-504, 2014.
[12] HanyiZhong*, ZhengsongQiu, Weian Huang, BinqiangXie, Weiji Wang, Bis(hexamethylene) triamine as potential shale inhibitor in water-based drilling fluid[J]. The Open Petroleum Engineering Journal, 6, 49-56, 2013.
[13] Zhong Hanyi, Sun Dong, Huang Weian, Liu Yunfeng, Qiu Zhengsong*. Effect of cycloaliphatic amine on the shale inhibitive properties of water-based drilling fluid[J]. The Open Fuels & Energy Science Journal, 2015, 8: 19-27.
[14] KaiheLv*, HanyiZhong,GuanlongRen. A Chemical Lost Circulation Agent for Severe Leakage in Drilling[J], The Open Fuels& Energy Science Journal, 6, 48-54, 2013.
[15] 钟汉毅*,邱正松,黄维安,等.PAMAM树枝状聚合物抑制泥页岩水化膨胀和分散特性[J].中南大学学报(自然科学版),2016,47(12):4132-4140.
[16] 邱正松,钟汉毅*,黄维安.新型聚胺页岩抑制剂特性及作用机理[J].石油学报,2011,32(4):678-682.
[17] 钟汉毅*,黄维安,邱正松,黄达全,王富伟.聚胺与氯化钾抑制性的对比实验研究[J],西南石油大学学报,34(3),150-156,2012.
[18] 钟汉毅*,黄维安,邱正松,等.聚胺与甲酸盐抑制性对比实验研究[J],断块油气田,19(4),508-512,2012.
[19] 钟汉毅*,黄维安,邱正松,等.新型两亲性低分子多胺页岩抑制剂特性分析[J],东北石油大学学报,36(5),51-55,2012.
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[21] 钟汉毅*,邱正松,黄维安,等.聚胺高性能水基钻井液特性评价及应用[J],科学技术与工程,13(10),200-204,2013.
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[25] 钟汉毅,黄维安,林永学,等.新型聚胺页岩抑制剂性能评价[J].石油钻探技术,2011,39(6):44-48.
担任《Applied Clay Science》、《Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering》、《Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering》、《Colloid and Polymer Science》等期刊的审稿人