Qu,Y., Huang, J., Li, Z., et al., 2017, A hybrid grid method in anauxiliary coordinate system for irregular fluid-solid interfacemodeling. Geophysical Journal International, 208(3), 1540-1556.doi.org/ 10.1093/gji/ggw429 (SCI 2区,IF=2.484,ISSN:0956-540X)
Qu,Y., Li, J., Huang, J., and Li, Z., 2017, Elastic least-squaresreverse time migration with velocities and density perturbation.Geophysical Journal International, 202(2), 1033-1056.doi:org/10.1093/gji/ggx468 (SCI 2区,IF=2.484,ISSN:0956-540X)
Qu,Y., Huang, J., Li, Z., et al., 2017, Attenuation compensation inanisotropic least-squares reverse time migration. Geophysics.82(6), S411-S423. doi: org/10.1190/geo2016-0677.1 (SCI3区,IF=2.017,ISSN:0016-8033)
Qu,Y., Li, Z., Huang, J., et al., 2017, Elastic full waveforminversion for surface topography. Geophysics, 82(5), R269-R285.doi.org/10.1190/geo2016-0349.1 (SCI 3区,IF=2.017,ISSN:0016-8033)
Qu,Y., Li, Z., Huang, J., et al., 2017, Viscoacoustic anisotropicfull waveform inversion. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 136,484-497. doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2016.12.001.(SCI,IF=1.355,ISSN:0926-9851)
Qu,Y., Li, Z., Huang, J., et al., 2016, Multi-scale full waveforminversion for areas with irregular surface topography in anauxiliary coordinate system. Exploration Geophysics. 49(1),70-82. doi:10.1071/EG16037. (SCI,IF=1.197,ISSN:0926-985)
Qu,Y., Li, Z., Huang, J., et al., 2017, An elastic full waveforminversion based on wave-mode separation. Exploration Geophysics.52(4): 422-444.doi: org/10.1071/EG16158.(SCI,IF=1.197,ISSN:0926-985)
Qu,Y., Huang, J., Li, Z., et al., 2015, Elastic wave modeling andpre-stack reverse time migration of irregular free-surface basedon layered mapping method. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 58(8),544-560. doi:10.1002/cjg2.20194. (SCI,IF=0.984,SSN:0001-5733)
Qu,Y., Huang, J., Li, Z., et al., 2016, Prismatic and full-waveformjoint inversion. Applied Geophysics, 13(3), 511-518.doi:10.1007/s11770-016-0568-7. (SCI,IF=0.804,SSN:1672-7975)
Huang,J., Qu, Y., Li, Z., et al., 2015, Variable coordinate systemforward modeling method for irregular surface based ondual-variable grid. Applied Geophysics, 12(1): 101-110. doi:10.1007/s11770-014- 0476-2. (SCI 四区,IF=0.804,SSN:1672-7975)
Wang,Z. J., Cao, S. Y., Zhang, H. R. Qu, Y. M., et al., 2015,Estimation of quality factors by energy ratio method. AppliedGeophysics, 12, 86-92. doi:10.1007/s11770-014-0471-7.(SCI,IF=0.804,SSN:1672-7975)
YingmingQu, Jinli Li. 2018, Q-compensated reverse time migration inviscoacoustic media including surface topography. Geophysics.(SCI三区,Accepted)
YingmingQu, Zhenchun Li.2018, Topographic elastic least-squares reversetime migration based on vector P- and S-wave equations in thecurvilinear coordinates. (SCI 三区,Accepted)
YingmingQu, Zhenchun Li, Jianping Huang, Haipeng Li. 2018, Ocean bottomcable seismic forward modelling and wave-mode separation forfluid-solid elastic media with irregular seabed interface.(SCI,Accepted)
YingmingQu, Zhenchun Li, Jianping Huang, Haipeng Li. 2018,Multi-parameter least-squares reverse time migration foracoustic-elastic coupling media based on ocean bottom cable data.(SCI,Accepted)
曲英铭,黄建平,李振春,等.分层映射法起伏自由地表弹性波正演模拟与波场分离.石油地球物理勘探,2016, 51(2): 261-271. (EI,IF=1.559,SSN:1000-7210)
曲英铭,黄建平,李振春,等.一种基于非规则网格的地震波射线追踪方法.石油物探,2014, 53(6): 627-632. (EI,IF=1.902,SSN:1000-1441)
曲英铭,黄建平,李振春,等.基于单元交错网格的变坐标系正演模拟方法在声-弹介质中的应用.石油物探,2015, 54(5): 582-591. (EI,IF=1.902,SSN:1000-1441)
曲英铭,李振春,黄建平,等.自适应匹配预测滤波压制可控震源谐波.石油地球物理勘探,2016, 51(6): 1075-1083. (EI,IF=1.559,SSN:1000-7210)
李庆洋,黄建平,李振春,李娜,曲英铭,苏云.伪深度域声波数值模拟方法及应用[J].石油地球物理勘探,2015, 50(2): 283-289
曲英铭,李振春,黄建平,等.基于多尺度双变网格的时间域全波形反演.石油物探,2016, 55(2): 241-250. (中文核心,IF=1.902,SSN:1000-1441)
曲英铭,李振春,韩文功,等.可控震源高效采集数据特征干扰压制技术.石油物探,2016, 55(3): 395-407. (中文核心,IF=1.902,SSN:1000-1441)
李振春,曲英铭,韩文功,等.可控震源两种谐波产生机理与特征研究[J].石油物探,2016, 55(2): 159-172. (中文核心,IF=1.902,SSN:1000-1441)
韩文功,曲英铭,胡立新,李振春,等.基于反射系数和地面力信号的谐波干扰消除法.地球物理学进展,2015, 30(6): 2647-2659. (中文核心,IF=1.587,SSN:1004-2903)
Qu,Y., Huang, J., Li, Z., et al., 2015, Pre-stackReverse Time Migration Based on layered Mapping Methodfor Irregular Surface. 68th EAGE Conference and Exhibition,Expanded Abstract. doi:10.3997/ 2214-4609.201402310. (国际会议)
Qu,Y., Li, Z., Huang, J., et al., 2015, Multisource elastic fullwaveform inversion method for irregular surface. SEG workshop,Beijing, 32-35. doi: 10.1190/FWI2015-008. (国际会议)
Qu,Y., Li, Z., Huang, J., et al., 2015, Multiple dual-variable gridencoding full time inversion based on an optimized encodingfunction. SEG workshop, Beijing,125-129. doi:10.1190/FWI2015-031. (国际会议)
Qu,Y., Li, Z., Huang, J., et al., 2015, The least-squares reversetime migration for viscoacoustic medium based on a stablereverse-time propagator. 85th Annual International Meeting, SEG,Expanded Abstracts, 3977-3980. doi: 10.1190/segam2015-5835196.1.(国际会议)
Qu,Y., Li, Z., Huang, J., et al., 2015, Elastic wave modeling andwavefield separation of irregular free-surface based onmultiblock mapping method. 85th Annual International Meeting,SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 3724-3728. doi:10.1190/segam2015-5833809.1. (国际会议)
Qu,Y., Li, Z., Huang, J., et al., 2015, The application ofpseudospectral method and a stable reverse-time propagator forviscoacoustic RTM. 85th Annual International Meeting, SEG,Expanded Abstracts, 4355-4359. doi: 10.1190/segam2015-5835086.1.(国际会议)
Qu,Y., Li, Z., Huang, J., et al., 2016, Viscoelastic modeling forirregular seabed interfaces. CPG/SEG International Conference,626-629. doi: 10.1190/IGCBeijing2016-192. (国际会议)
Qu,Y., Li, Z., Huang, J., et al., 2016, Vibroseis harmonicsuppression based on adaptive matched predictive filteringmethod. CPG/SEG International Conference, 690-693. doi:10.1190/IGCBeijing 2016- 210. (国际会议)
Qu,Y., Li, Z., Huang, J., et al., 2016, A mixed grid method in anauxiliary coordinate system for irregular fluid- solid interfacesmodeling. 78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, ExtendedAbstracts. (国际会议)
Qu,Y., Li, Z., Huang, J., et al., 2016, Least square reverse timemigration for viscoacoustic VTI media. 78th EAGE Conference &Exhibition, Extended Abstracts. (国际会议)
Qu,Y., Li, Z., Huang, J., et al., 2016, Irregular surface FWI in anauxiliary coordinate system based on the first-ordervelocity-stress equation. 86th Annual International Meeting, SEG,Expanded Abstracts, 1079-1083. doi: 10.1190/segam2016-13855408.1.(国际会议)
Qu,Y., Huang, J., Li, Z., et al., 2014, Pre-stack Elastic WaveReverse Time Migration of Free-surface Topography based onMapping Method. 2014 International Geophysical Conference &Exposition. 443-446. doi: 10.1190/IGCBeijing2014-114. (国际会议)
Qu,Y., Huang, J., Li, Z., et al., 2015, A Joint Waveform InversionStrategy - Combing Full Waveform Inversion with PrismaticWaveform Inversion. 77th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, ExtendedAbstracts. doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.201412766. (国际会议)
Qu,Y., Huang, J., Li, Z., et al., 2015, A New Reverse Time Migration Method for Viscoacoustic VTI Medium. 77th EAGEConference & Exhibition, Extended Abstracts. doi:10.3997/2214-4609. 201413401 . (国际会议)
Huang,J., Qu, Y.*,Li, Z., et al., 2013, Mapping forward modeling method based ondual-variable grid. 77th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, ExtendedAbstracts. doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.20130235. (国际会议)
Qu,Y., Li, Z., Huang, J., et al., 2015, Pre-stack elastic wavereverse time migration of irregular surface based on layeredmapping method. Near-Surface Asia Pacific Conference, Waikoloa,Hawaii, 104-107. doi: 10.1190/nsapc2015-026. (国际会议)
Guo,Y. D., Huang, J. P., Li, Z. C., Qu, Y. M.*, Hang, Y.T. Polarityencoding full waveform inversion with prior model based on blenddata. 78th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Extended Abstracts,2016. (国际会议)
JinliLi, Yingming Qu*, Zhenchun Li, and Jianping Huang, Attenuationcompensation in VTI full waveform inversion. InternationalGeophysical Conference, Qingdao, China, 17-20 April 2017,268-271. (国际会议)
Qu,Y., Li, Z., 2018. P- and S-wave separated elastic reverse timemigration for OBS data from fluid-solid media with irregularsebed interfaces.82th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, ExtendedAbstracts.(国际会议)
YingmingQu*, Zhenchun Li, and Jianping Huang, 2018. viscoacoustic forwardmodelling for irregular surface topography based on asecond-order viscoacoustic quasi-differential equation withoutmemory variables. 88th Annual International Meeting, SEG,Expanded Abstracts.(国际会议)