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Liang,C., Jiang, Z.X., Cao, Y.C., et al., Sedimentary characteristicsand origin of lacustrine organic-rich shales in the salinizedEocene Dongying Depression. GSA Bulletin, 2018,130 (1-2): 154-174. (SCI,IF=4.2)
Liang,C., Cao, Y.C., Jiang, Z.X., et al. Diageneticvariation at the lamina scale in lacustrine organic-rich shales:Implications for hydrocarbon migration and accumulation.Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2018,online. (SCI,IF=4.6)
Liang,C., Cao, Y.C., Jiang, Z, X., et al., Shale oil potential oflacustrine black shale in the Eocene Dongying Depression:implications for geochemistry and reservoir. AAPG Bulletin, 2017,101 (11): 1835-1858.(SCI,IF=2.77)
Liang,C., Jiang, Z.X., Cao, Y.C., et al., Deepwater depositionmechanisms and significance for unconventional hydrocarbonexploration: A case study from the Lower Silurian Longmaxi shalein the Sichuan Basin, South China. AAPG Bulletin, 2016,100(5):773-794. (SCI,IF=2.77)
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Yang,Y.T., Liang, C.*, Zhang, J.C., et al., A developmental model oflacustrine shale gas genesis: A case from T3y7 shale inthe OrdosBasin, China. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering.2015, 22(1):395-405.(SCI,IF=2.72)
Liang,C., Jiang, Z. X., Cao, Y. C., et al., The sedimentarycharacteristics and palaeo-environment restoration ofWufeng-Longmaxi Formation shale, North Guizhou Province, and ItsShale Gas Potential. Journal of Earth Science, 2017,28(6):1020-1031.(SCI,IF=0.98)
Wang,Y.S., Liang, C.*., The reservoir characteristics and shale oilenrichment of the Jiyang Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, East China.Journal of Earth Science. 2017, 28(6): 977-986.(SCI,IF=0.98)
Liang,C.*, Jiang, Z.X., Yang, Y.T., et al., Shale lithofacies andreservoir space of the Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation, Sichuan Basin,China, Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2012, 39(6):736-743.(SCI,IF=1.9)
Zhang,J.G.,Jiang,Z.X.,Liang,C.,Lacustrinemassive mudrock in the Eocene Jiyang Depression, Bohai Bay Basin,China: Nature, origin and significance,Marineand Petroleum Geology,2016,77,1042-1055.(SCI,IF=2.88)
担任AAPGBulletin、Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology、Fuel、Marineand Petroleum Geology、Energy&Fuel等期刊审稿人。