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1. 国家自然科学基金(81171591)“弓形虫感染致垂直传播的分子免疫机制研究” 2011,1---2015,12,经费58万。 2.国家自然科学基金(81273243)“过继转输T调节细胞对弓形虫感染致不良妊娠结局影响的分子机制研究” 2012,1---2015,12,经费70万。 3. 国家自然科学基金(30471507)“弓形虫感染致不良妊娠结局的免疫分子机制研究”2005,1---2007,12 经费20万元。 4. 山东省科学技术发展计划(2012GSF11809)“蜕膜淋巴细胞在弓形虫感染致不良妊娠结局中的作用机制研究” 2012.1---2014.12,经费15万。 5. 上海市浦江人才计划( G5034)“补体调节蛋白和T调节细胞在早孕期弓形虫感染致不良妊娠结局中的分子机制”2008.10---2010.9,经费20万。 6. 上海市科委科技计划( 08-A06)“nTreg 和NK细胞在早孕期弓形虫感染致不良妊娠结局中的作用机制研究”2009.1---2010.12,经费15万元。 7. 973子课题( 2001CB510306)“孕期弓形虫感染与出生缺陷的关系”2002.4-2007.3,经费30万元。 8. 山东省自然科学基金(ZR2010HM012) “蜕膜NK及DC在弓形虫感染致垂直传播中的作用机制研究”2010.11---2013.11 经费7万。 9. 教育部留学回国人员基金 “蜕膜NK细胞及其受体在早孕期弓形虫感染致不良妊娠结局中的作用机制研究” 2010.1---2012.12,经费3. 5万元。 10. 烟台市科学技术发展计划(2010172 ) “孕期弓形虫感染致不良妊娠结局发生的免疫预防及治疗手段的探索”2009.9---2012.9,经费2. 5万。 近几年发表SCI论文(*通讯作者): 1.Xiaoyan Xu, Qiang Fu, Qun Zhang, Mingdong Zhao, Zonghua Gao, Xianbing Liu, Yang Liu, and Xuemei Hu*. Changes of human decidual natural killer cells cocultured with YFP-Toxoplasma gondii: implications for abnormal pregnancy. Fertility and Sterility 2013,99:427-432. (SCI IF:4.174) 2. Xiaoyan Xu, Mingdong Zhao, Xianbing Liu, Yuzhu Jiang, Xiaoyu Zhai, Xuemei Hu*. Toxoplasma gondii infection regulates the balance of activating and inhibitory receptors on decidual natural killer cells. Plos One 2013,8(2):e55432. (SCI IF:4.351) 3. Haixia Zhang, Xuemei Hu*, Xianbing Liu, Ruijin Zhang, Qiang Fu, Xiaoyan Xu. The Treg/Th17 imbalance in Toxoplasma gondii infected pregnant mice. America J Reproductive of Immunology 2012,67:112-121. (SCI IF:3.05) 4. Zhao M, Zhang R, Xu X, Liu Y, Zhang H, Zhai X, Hu X*. IL-10 Reduces Levels of Apoptosis in Toxoplasma gondii-Infected Trophoblasts. PLoS One 2013,8(2):e56455.(SCI IF:4.351) 5. Liu Y, Zhang L, Gao M, Zhang F, Xu X, Liu X, Hu X*. Changes of inhibitory receptors on NK-92 cells and HLA-G on BeWo cells with Toxoplasma gondii infection. nflammation. 2013,36(6):1440-7.(SCI IF:2.45) 6. Liu X, Zhao M, Yang X, Han M, Xu X, Jiang Y, Hu X* . Toxoplasma gondii Infection of Decidual CD1c+ Dendritic Cells Enhances Cytotoxicity of Decidual Natural Killer Cells. Toxoplasma gondii Infection of Decidual CD1c+ Dendritic Cells Enhances Cytotoxicity of Decidual Natural Killer Cells. Inflammation. 2014 Feb 27. (SCI IF:2.45) 7. Ruijin Zhang, Haixia Zhang, Xianbing Liu, Ruijin Zhang, Qiang Fu, Xiaoyan Xu, Xuemei Hu*. The Immunoprotective Role of Interleukin-10 in Abnormal Pregnancy Outcome Induced by Toxoplasma gondii Infection. Gynecol Obstet Invest 2012,73:223-229. (SCI IF:1.27) 8. Wu Hai-Wei a,1, Hu Xue-Mei a,1, Wang Yong a, Kurtis J.D.b, Zeng Fan-Jie c,McGarvey S.T.b, Wu Guan-Ling a, Zhang Zhao-Song a, Hua Zi-Chun. Protective immunity induced by phage displayed mitochondrial related peptides of Schistosoma japonicum. Acta Tropica. 2006,99:200-207. (co first author) (SCI IF:2.21) 9. Ming-Dong Zhao, Xue-Mei Hu*, Dian-Jing Sun, Qun Zhang, Yu-Hao Zhang, Wei Meng. Expression of some tumor associated factors in human carcinogenesis and development of gastric carcinoma World J Gastroenterol, 2005,11(21)5: 3217-3221. (SCI IF:3.31) 获奖: 1.“胎盘免疫系统异常在弓形虫感染致不良妊娠结局中的作用”,山东省科技进步二等奖,第一位 2. “母胎界面淋巴细胞及相关细胞因子在弓形虫感染致不良妊娠结局中的作用机制研究”,山东高等学校优秀科研成果一等奖,第一位 3. “母胎界面免疫微环境在早孕期弓形虫感染致不良妊娠结局中的作用机制研究”烟台市科技进步二等奖,第一位 4. “蜕膜淋巴细胞及细胞因子与弓形虫感染致不良妊娠结局的相关性研究”,山东医学科技三等奖,第一位。 社会兼职: 山东省免疫学会常务理事,山东省微生物学会理事国家自然科学基金、中法合作、中国与港澳台合作基金等项目的评审专家。现为Am J Reprod Immunol、Celluar Molecular Immuno、OMICS、《中国免疫学杂志》的特约审稿人。《国际寄生虫病杂志》和《中华实用药学杂志》编委。 主编或参编教材: 1.《医学免疫学学习指南》,2011.3,科学出版社,副主编。 2. 卫生部十一五规划的医学英语双语教材《医学免疫学》,2010. 9,高等教育出 版社,参编。 3. 本科护理学专业用书《医学免疫学》,2012.7,人民卫生出版社,参编。 4. 医学英语双语教材《医学微生物学与寄生虫学》,2005,科学出版社,参编。 5. 高等学校基础医学系列教材《医学免疫学》,2014,1 高等教育出版社,参编




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.Xiaoyan Xu, Qiang Fu, Qun Zhang, Mingdong Zhao, Zonghua Gao, Xianbing Liu, Yang Liu, and Xuemei Hu*. Changes of human decidual natural killer cells cocultured with YFP-Toxoplasma gondii: implications for abnormal pregnancy. Fertility and Sterility 2013,99:427-432. (SCI IF:4.174) 2. Xiaoyan Xu, Mingdong Zhao, Xianbing Liu, Yuzhu Jiang, Xiaoyu Zhai, Xuemei Hu*. Toxoplasma gondii infection regulates the balance of activating and inhibitory receptors on decidual natural killer cells. Plos One 2013,8(2):e55432. (SCI IF:4.351) 3. Haixia Zhang, Xuemei Hu*, Xianbing Liu, Ruijin Zhang, Qiang Fu, Xiaoyan Xu. The Treg/Th17 imbalance in Toxoplasma gondii infected pregnant mice. America J Reproductive of Immunology 2012,67:112-121. (SCI IF:3.05) 4. Zhao M, Zhang R, Xu X, Liu Y, Zhang H, Zhai X, Hu X*. IL-10 Reduces Levels of Apoptosis in Toxoplasma gondii-Infected Trophoblasts. PLoS One 2013,8(2):e56455.(SCI IF:4.351) 5. Liu Y, Zhang L, Gao M, Zhang F, Xu X, Liu X, Hu X*. Changes of inhibitory receptors on NK-92 cells and HLA-G on BeWo cells with Toxoplasma gondii infection. nflammation. 2013,36(6):1440-7.(SCI IF:2.45) 6. Liu X, Zhao M, Yang X, Han M, Xu X, Jiang Y, Hu X* . Toxoplasma gondii Infection of Decidual CD1c+ Dendritic Cells Enhances Cytotoxicity of Decidual Natural Killer Cells. Toxoplasma gondii Infection of Decidual CD1c+ Dendritic Cells Enhances Cytotoxicity of Decidual Natural Killer Cells. Inflammation. 2014 Feb 27. (SCI IF:2.45) 7. Ruijin Zhang, Haixia Zhang, Xianbing Liu, Ruijin Zhang, Qiang Fu, Xiaoyan Xu, Xuemei Hu*. The Immunoprotective Role of Interleukin-10 in Abnormal Pregnancy Outcome Induced by Toxoplasma gondii Infection. Gynecol Obstet Invest 2012,73:223-229. (SCI IF:1.27) 8. Wu Hai-Wei a,1, Hu Xue-Mei a,1, Wang Yong a, Kurtis J.D.b, Zeng Fan-Jie c,McGarvey S.T.b, Wu Guan-Ling a, Zhang Zhao-Song a, Hua Zi-Chun. Protective immunity induced by phage displayed mitochondrial related peptides of Schistosoma japonicum. Acta Tropica. 2006,99:200-207. (co first author) (SCI IF:2.21) 9. Ming-Dong Zhao, Xue-Mei Hu*, Dian-Jing Sun, Qun Zhang, Yu-Hao Zhang, Wei Meng. Expression of some tumor associated factors in human carcinogenesis and development of gastric carcinoma World J Gastroenterol, 2005,11(21)5: 3217-3221. (SCI IF:3.31)
