1.Giant Piezoelectricity and High Curie Temperature inNanostructuredAlkali Niobate Lead-Free Piezoceramics through Phase Coexistence,《Journal of theAmerican Chemical Society》,2016年11月,SCI, 第一作者 (ESI高被引论文)
2.Modification of both d33 and TC in a potassium–sodium niobate ternary system,《Dalton Transactions》,2015年11月,SCI, 第一作者
3. Enhaced electrical propreties, phase structure, and temeprature-stable dielectric of (K0.48Na0.52)NbO3-Bi0.5Li0.5ZrO3 ceramics,《Ceramics International》, 2017年9月,SCI, 通讯作者
4.BiFeO3-modified (K, Na, Li) (Nb, Sb)O3 lead free ceramics with high Curie temperature,《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》, 2017年3月,SCI, 通讯作者
5.Evolution of microstructure and electrical properties of Aurivillius phase (CaBi4Ti4O15)1-x(Bi4Ti3O12)x ceramics, 《Ceramics International》, 2018年2月,SCI, 通讯作者