1.Generation of single or double parallel breathing soliton pairs, bound breathing solitons, moving breathing solitons, and diverse composite breathing solitons in optical fibers,《Optics Express》,2018年6月,top期刊 (2区),第一作者。
2.Generation of straight-line shifting bright-dark soliton trains with a wide dip in the symmetric center or dark solitons in optical fibers, 《Optics & Laser Technology》,2018年2月,国外SCI期刊(3区),第一作者。
3.Novel self-accelerating pulses generation via soliton pulses with cubic temporal phases in optical fibers, Optics Communications, 2017年11月,国外SCI期刊(3区),第一作者。
4.Abnormal single or composite dissipative solitons generation, 《Optics Communications》, 2016年12月, 国外SCI期刊(3区),第一作者。
5.Evolution of finite energy Airy pulses and soliton generation in optical fibers with cubic-quintic nonlinearity,《Optics Express》,2015年11月,top期刊 (2区),第一作者。
6. Modulation instability with arbitrarily high perturbation frequencies in metamaterials with nonlinear dispersion and saturable nonlinearity, 《Journal of the Optical Society of America B》, 2014年7月, 国外SCI期刊(3区),第一作者。
7. Modulation instability in metamaterials with fourth-order linear dispersion, second-order nonlinear dispersion, and three kinds of saturable nonlinearites,《Optik》,2014年11月, 国外SCI期刊(4区),第一作者。