2015年1月毕业于清华大学控制科学与工程专业,获工学博士学位,2009年7月毕业于电子科技大学自动化学院获工学学士学位。2015年2月入职成都信息工程大学,现为计算机学院讲师。2016-2017在美国范德比特大学图像科学研究所(VUIIS,Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science,Vanderbilt University)从事功能磁共振分析处理技术研究。
1. Jing Hu, Baxter P. Rogers, Xi Wu, et al. Characterization of structural and functional connectivity in epilepsy by integrating diffusion and functional tensor imaging. ISMRM 2017 (accepted).
2. Jing Hu, Baxter P. Rogers, Xi Wu, et al. Structural and functional connectivity in white matter: combined diffusion and functional tensor imaging of epilepsy. ISMRM workshop on Quantitative MRI in White Matter Disorders: Useful, Usable, Used? (accepted).
2. Jing Hu*, Yanfang Wang, Jiliu Zhou. Regression-based single image super-resolution via adaptive patches, ICSIP, 2016, Accepted.
3. Jing Hu, Xi Wu*, Jiliu Zhou. Single Image Super Resolution of 3D MRI Using Local Regression and Intermodality Priors, ICDIP, 2016, Accepted.
4. 胡靖*, 吴锡, 周激流. 基于边缘变化率的无参考模糊图像质量评价方法,NCIG,2016.
5. Jing Hu*, Yupin Luo. Noise-robust video super-resolution using an adaptive spatial-temporal filter. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2015, 74(21): 9259-9278.(SCI, IF = 1.331)
6. Jing Hu*, Yupin Luo. Single-image superresolution based on local regression and nonlocal self-similarity. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2014, 23(3): 033014-033014-14. (SCI, IF = 0.616)
7. Jing Hu*, Yupin Luo. Non-local means algorithm with adaptive patch size and bandwidth. International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2013, 124(22):5639-5645. (SCI, IF = 0.742)