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查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Xingqi Zou , Lei Jin, Dandan Jiang*, Yu Zhang , Guoxing Chen, and Zongliang Huo*,Investigation of Cycling-Induced Dummy Cell Disturbance in 3D NAND Flash Memory,IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS, VOL. 39, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 2018,通讯作者 SCI二区 2. Yu Zhang , Lei Jin , Dandan Jiang ⁎ , Xingqi Zou , Zhiguo Zhao , Jing Gao , Ming Zeng ,Wenbin Zhou, Zhaoyun Tang , Zongliang Huo*, Leakage characterization of top select transistor for program disturbance optimization in 3D NAND flash,Solid State Electronics,141,2018,通讯作者 SCI三区 3. Yu Zhang , Lei Jin, Dandan Jiang*, Xingqi Zou , Hongtao Liu, and Zongliang Huo*,A Novel Read Scheme for Read Disturbance Suppression in 3D NAND Flash Memory,IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS, VOL. 38, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2017 通讯作者 SCI二区 4.Dandan Jiang, Lei Jin,et al., Investigation of tunneling layer and inter-gate-dielectric engineered TaN floating gate memory, Integrated Ferroelectrics, Vol. 169, 2016, pp.146-152 SCI 5.Dandan Jiang, Lei Jin,et al., A quantitatively approach to characterize total ionizing dose effect of periphery device for 65 nm flash memory,Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, In press SCI 6. Dandan Jiang, Lei Jin, et al., Performance Enhancement of Metal Floating Gate Memory By Using a Bandgap Engineered High-k Tunneling Barrier, ECS Transactions, 72 (2), 2016, pp.51-55 EI 7. Dandan Jiang, Zhiliang Xia, Jin Lei, et al., Analysis of the Retention Characteristic in Three dimensional Junction-less Charge Trapping Memory, ECS Transactions, 72 (4), 2016, pp. 233-238 EI 8. Dandan Jiang, Zhiliang Xia, Jin Lei, et al., Impact of Critical Geometry Dimension on Channel Boosting Potential in 3D NAND Memory, 2016 IEEE 13th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology, P1-090, 2016 EI 9. Xingqi Zou, Zhiliang Xia, Lei Jin, Yu Zhang, Dandan Jiang, et al.,Simulation On Threshold Voltage Of L-Shaped Bottom Select Transistor In 3D NANDFlash Memory,2016 IEEE 13th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology, P1-050, 2016 EI 10. Yu Zhang, Lei Jin, Zhiliang Xia, Dandan Jiang, et al., String Select Transistor Leakage Suppression By Threshold Voltage Modulation In 3DNAND Flash Memory, 2016 IEEE 13th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology, S56-6, 2016 EI 11. Li Xinkai(李新开)、*Huo Zongliang(霍宗亮)、Jin Lei(靳磊)、Jiang Dandan(姜丹丹)、Hong Peizhen(洪培真)、XuQiang(徐强)、Tang Zhaoyun(唐兆云)、Li Chunlong(李春龙)、Ye Tianchun(叶甜春) ,Impact of continuing scaling,Journal of on the device performance of 3D cylindrical junction-less charge trapping memorySemiconductors, 36(9), pp 094008-1-094008-6, 2015/9/1 ,EI 12、 Xiaonan Yang、Zhiwei Zheng、Yan Wang、Zongliang Huo、Lei Jin、Dandan Jiang、Zhongyong Wang、ShengfenChiu、Hanming Wu、*Ming Liu ,Gate Bias Dependence of Complex Random Telegraph Noise Behavior in 65-nm NOR,IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS, 36(1), pp 26-28, 2015/1/1 ,EI,SCI 13、Xiaonan Yang、Jing Liu、Zhiwei Zheng、Yan Wang、Dandan Jiang、Shengfen Chiu、Hanming Wu、*Ming Liu ,Impact of P/E Cycling on Read Current Fluctuation of NOR Flash Memory Cell: A Microscopic Perspective Based on Low ,2015 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium, 2015/4/14-2015/4/23, Frequency Noise Analysis 2015/4/14 ,ISTP
