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男,教授,生于1967年,双硕士学位。1990年西安交通大学无线电专业本科,1997年新加坡南洋理工大通信硕士,2000年多伦多大学微电子专业硕士。2000-2005年先后任职于加拿大MOTOROLA,加拿大SPAR,美国MIT ENGIM。 获奖情况 2010年中国全球定位系统卫星导航定位科学技术二等奖


1. 嵌入式系统与物联网技术 2. 通信集成电路与微电子系统 3. 人工智能与智能信息处理 4. RF SOC设计 5. 微系统集成及信号处理 6. 通信专用集成电路与微电子系统 7. 数模混合专用集成电路与系统 8. SOC/SIP系统芯片封装及测试技术 9. 集成电路制造技术 10.射频/微波/毫米波集成电路与系统


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

(1)Song Ye and C.A.T. Salama, “A 1V, 1.9GHz, Low Distortion Dual Gate CMOS on SOI Mixer”, IEEE International SOI Conference, 2000. (2)Song Ye, Koji Yano and C.A.T. Salama, “A 1V, 1.9GHz Mixer using a Lateral Bipolar Transistor in CMOS”, IEEE International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design, 2001. (3)Song Ye and Ye Lu, “A 1 V, 1.9 GHz Folded Dual-Gate Mixer in CMOS”, IEEE International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Tech, 2002. (4)Song Ye, et al, “A 200 – 2250 MHz / 400 –4500 MHz Regenerative Frequency Doubler in a 0.35um SiGe Process”, IEEE International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave, 2004. (5)Jun Li, Jingling Zhou and Song Ye, “A Wideband Low Noise Amplifier in 0.35um SiGe”, China-Japan Joint Microwave Conference, 2006. (6)Jie Wu, Zhiqun Li and Song Ye, “A High Linear Dual-Band PA Driver for GSM/CDMA/PHS Applications”, Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, 2007, Bangkok, 2007. (7)Wen-Tao Han, Qi Yu, Song Ye, and Mo-Hua Yang, “A Radio Frequency Low Noise Amplifier with Linearizing Bias Circuit”, Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 2008. (8)Song Ye, et al,“Low Spur Charge Pump In 0.35μm SiGe Process for PLL”,ASICON 2009. (9) Song Ye, et al, “An Ultra-high-speed Comparator for ADC in 90nm CMOS Technology”, IEEE International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Technologies For Wireless Communications, 2009. (10)Song Ye, Jun Li, “The Effects of a Deep N-well Junction on RF Circuit Performance”, 2010 International Workshop on Junction Technology (IWJT) proceedings, 2010. (11)Song Ye, et al, “A High Efficiency CMOS Rectifier Circuit for 900MHz Passive RFID Tags”, IEEE PACCS 2010. (12) Song Ye,“Beidou Time Synchronization Receiver for Smart Grid” , IEEE ICSGCE 2011. (13)Song Ye, et al, “ An Integrated L-Band Transceiver in 0.35um SiGe for Radar Applications“, ICWOC 2012
