1.Chen,GX(陈功新)等, The isotopic and chemical characteristics of groundwater from Shihongtan uranium deposit and its surrounding area,GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA [SCI检索:460YS],2009, GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 73(13):A212-A212 Suppl. S JUN 2009。
2.Chen,GX(陈功新)等, Study on bioleaching of uranium ore in magnetic stirring reactor and gas stirring reactor,GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA [SCI检索:676TL],2010, GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 74(12):A168-A168 Suppl. 1 JUN 2010。
3.Chen,GX(陈功新)等,Application 3D numerical simulation on fundation pit dewatering design of nanchang intermational finanical center,Advanced Materials Research[ EI检索:20102713054752],2010,2010 International conference on advanced measurment and Test, AMT2010,p1482-1485。
4. Chen,GX(陈功新)等,Hydrogeochemical Characteristic of Natural Water in Zhoukouzi Basin, Beishan Basin Group, [ EI检索:20094712472551],2010 The 2nd Conference on Environmental Science and Information Application Technology(ESIAT2010),p36-39 .
5. Chen,GX(陈功新)等,Evaluation of Groundwater Resource in Huaian Region of Jiangsu Province, China,[ EI检索:20094712472551],2009,2009 International Conference on Environmental Science and Information Application Technology, p244-247。
6.The isotopic and chemical characteristics of geothermal fluids from the Western Fjords, Iceland and two selected hot spring areas in Jiangxi province, SE-China. Gongxin Chen 陈功新(独著), UNU-GTP, Iceland, Reports 2008,Number 13.
7.陈功新等, 不同搅拌方式下某铀矿石的细菌浸出效果. 金属矿山[核心], 2010(08): p. 79-81+131.
8.陈功新等, 某中小城市垃圾堆埋场污染组分在浅层地下水中的迁移模拟. 水文地质工程地质[核心], 2008(06): p. 112-116.
9.陈功新等, 中国西北中小型盆地天然地下水水化学特征——以公婆泉盆地为例. 干旱区研究[核心], 2008(06): p. 812-817.
13.紫外线诱变获得耐极低pH的氧化亚铁硫杆菌突变株,陈功新(3),有色金属(冶炼部分)(核心期刊),2005年第3期, CN21-1478/TD。