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[1]周义朋,沈照理,孙占学,刘金辉,何江涛.应用粒子示踪模拟技术确定地浸采铀溶浸范围.中国矿业,2015(2):36-41. [2]周义朋,沈照理,史维浚,孙占学,刘金辉,刘亚洁.地浸采铀工艺分类方法的探讨.有色金属(冶炼部分),2015(01):39-43. [3]周义朋,沈照理,何江涛,刘金辉,史维浚.某砂岩型铀矿床矿石微生物浸出试验.有色金属(冶炼部分),2014(10):59-62. [4]周义朋,沈照理,孙占学,刘金辉,何江涛.地浸采铀抽注平衡关系对溶浸液流失与地下水流入的影响研究.有色金属(矿山部分),2013,65(2):1-4. [5]Zhou Yipeng, Shen Zhaoli , He Jiangtao, Liu Jinhu,A tracer test of chemical residues transportation inlow permeability groundwater system in a retired stope of in-situ leaching of uranium, NW-China,40thIAH International Congress 2013. [6]Zhou Yipeng, Shen Zhaoli,, Shi Weijun, Liu Jinhu,The comparison experiments of acid leaching andbioleaching of sand-type uranium ore,Goldschmidt 2013. [7] Zhou Yipeng, Shen Zhaoli, Shi Weijun, Liu Jinhui, Liu Yajie. A Method for Setting the Artificial Boundary Conditions of Groundwater Model, Open Journal of Geology, 3,50-55, 2013 [8]周义朋,沈照理,孙占学,刘金辉,何江涛.某砂岩型铀矿地浸采铀试验溶浸液化学组分运移模拟.中国矿业,2012(S1):298-300。 [9] Zhou Yipeng,Shen Zhaoli,Sun Zhanxue,Liu Jinhui,Shi WeiJun,The study of Quaternary groundwater recharge in Turpan Basin,NW-China, Goldschmidt 2010 - Earth, Energy, and the Environment, 2010,A1230, Knoxville, America, 2010. [10] 周义朋,孙占学,马新林等. MT3DMS中混合欧拉-拉格朗日数值解法分析.水文,2006, 26(6):38-41. [11]高柏, 汪勇, 张文,周义朋,孙占学,史维浚. 新疆某铀矿淡化少试剂地浸关键技术和工艺参数现场试验研究. 中国矿业, 2015, (1). [12]张勇,周义朋,张青林,吉宏斌,费子琼,蒙其古尔矿床微酸地浸采铀碳酸钙饱和状态研究.有色金属(冶炼部分),2014(12):24-27. [13]高柏,杜洋,孙占学,刘金辉,胡宝群,周义朋.十红滩砂岩型铀矿床南段地浸条件分析.中国矿业,22(6),89-92,2013. [14]郝毅,刘金辉,周义朋.新疆某砂岩型铀矿地浸对采区外围地下水的影响.有色金属工程,2013,3(5):50-52. [15]李健健, 刘金辉, 周义朋. 某铀矿石生物浸出[J]. 有色金属工程, 2013, 3(5):28-30. [16]刘金辉, 周义朋, 刘亚洁等. 生物地浸采铀研究新进展. 中国矿业, 2012:262-264. [17]Jinhui Liu, Yipeng Zhou, Yajie Liu, Zhanxue Sun, Weijun Shi, The progress of study on the in-site bioleaching in a sand stone uranium mine, China. Proceedings of the 19th International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium, Central South University Press, 2011, P718-720. [18]程永进,刘金辉,周义朋,示踪法在地浸采铀溶浸液流速测定中的应用.现代矿业, 2010,26 (12):72-73. [19]高柏, 邢拥国, 张文, 周义朋, 孙占学, 刘金辉, 史维浚. 淡化地下水对缓解某矿床地浸化学堵塞的探讨. 铀矿冶, 2010,29(2):61-65. [20]刘金辉,孙占学,周义朋,李学礼,史维浚.适合十红滩铀矿床地浸采铀的水文地球化学条件.金属矿山,2010, 405(3):77-79. [21] J. Liu, Y. Zhou, Y. Liu & Z. Sun, Study on some influence factors of in-situ leaching of uranium mining in Shihongtan deposit, Water-Rock Interaction Birkle & Torres-Alvarado(eds), 2010Taylor & Francis Group, London, P 535-538.
