1、 Yiran Li,Binbin Zhou,Fengyu Xu,Hao Jiang,Weimin Zhang,The advantages of a superconducting magnetic intensity greater than 1 T for phosphate–ferric flocs separation in HGMS,Separation and Purification Technology,2015,141(12):331-338。
2、 Yiran Li,Hao Jiang,Weimin Zhang,Lingling Xu,Improvement of brightness of kaolin by superconducting magnetic separation and characterization of the impurities,Clay Minerals,2014,49(5):693-702。
3、 Yiran Li,Haoshu Chen,Jun Wang,Fengyu Xu,Research on red mud treatment by a circulating superconducting magnetic separator,Environmental Technology,2014,35(10):1243-1249。
4、 Yiran Li,Jun Wang,Yi Su,Xianjia Peng,Jinhui Liu,Evaluation of chemical immobilization treatments for reducing arsenic transport in red mud,Environmental Earth Sciences,2013,70(4):1775-1782。
5、 Yiran Li,Jun Wang,Yi Su,Zhaokun Luan,Jinhui Liu,Coagulation of arsenic adsorbed ferrihydrite with the use of polyaluminium chloride (PAC) or polyferric sulfate (PFS),Desalination and Water Treatment,2012,49(1-3):157-164。
6、 Yiran Li,Jun Wang,Xianjia Peng,Fan Ni,Zhaokun Luan,Evaluation of arsenic immobilization in red mud by CO2 or waste acid acidification combined ferrous (Fe2+) treatment,Journal of Hazardous Materials,2012,199(15):43-50。
7、 Yiran Li,Xianjia Peng,Wenjun Li,Zhaokun Luan,Preparation of iron hydroxide coated ceramic granules as adsorbent for arsenic removal from water,Fresenius Environmental Bulletin,2012,21(6B):1695-1702。
8、 Yiran Li,Jun Wang,Xiaojun Wang,Baoqiang Wang,Feasibility study of iron mineral separation from red mud by high gradient superconducting magnetic separation,Physica C-Superconductivity and Its Applications,2011,471(3-4):91-96。
9、 Yiran Li,Jun Wang,Ying Zhao,Zhaokun Luan,Research on magnetic seeding flocculation for arsenic removal by superconducting magnetic separation,Separation and Purification Technology,2010,73(2):264-270。14,
10、 Yiran Li,Jun Wang,Zhaokun Luan,Zhen Liang,Arsenic removal from aqueous solution using ferrous based red mud sludge,Journal of Hazardous Materials,2010,177(1-3):131-137。
11、 陈丽昆,李亦然,王军,徐风雨,陈浩树,马仲英,王炜,超导磁分离工艺替代化学漂白用于高岭土除杂增白的可行性 研究,非金属矿,2014,37(3):57-59。
12、 Zhao, Ying,Xi, Beidou,Li, Yiran,Wang, Meifen,Zhu, Zian,Xia, Xunfeng,Zhang, Lie-yu,Wang, Lijun,Luan, Zhaokun,Removal of phosphate from wastewater by using open gradient superconducting magnetic separation as pretreatment for high gradient superconducting magnetic separation,Separation and Purification Technology,2012,86(15):255-261。
13、 Fan Ni,Xianjia Peng,Ying Zhao,Jingsong He,Yiran Li,Zhaokun Luan,Preparation of coagulant from red mud and semi-product of polyaluminum chloride for removal of phosphate from water,Desalination and Water Treatment,2012,40(1-3):153-158。
14、 陈浩,李亦然,王军,王红宇,栾兆坤,赤泥亚铁混合材料强化混凝除铬研究,水处理技术,2011,(12):15-19。
15、 倪帆,赵长伟,李亦然,王涛,佟洁,何劲松,王军,栾兆坤,聚合氯化铝和聚合硫酸铁对水中亚硒酸盐的去除研究, 环境工程学报,2011,(11):2401-2404。
16、 Liang, Zhen,Wang, Jun,Peng, Xianjia,Li, Yiran,Zhao, Ying,Luan, Zhaokun,Red mud and modified red mud for remediation of soil contaminated with arsenic,Fresenius Environmental Bulletin,2010,19(3):489-494。
17、 李亦然,张跃武,马仲英,徐风雨,陈浩树,乐国平,一种滚轮型脉动超导磁选设备,中国,201220181003.6。专利
18、 李亦然,张跃武,马仲英,徐风雨,陈浩树,乐国平,一种不易堵塞的往复式高梯度超导磁分离中心管,中国,201220 185249.0。 专利