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[01]Xie YJ, Xie YH, Xiao HY. 2019.Differential responses of litter decomposition to climate between wetlands and terrestrial ecosystems in China. Plant and Soil, DOI: 10.1007/s11104-019-04022-z. [02]Xie YJ, Xie YH, Xiao HY, Chen XS, Li F. 2019. The effects of simulated inundation duration and frequency on litter decomposition: a one-year experiment.Limnologica,74(1): 8-13. [03]Xie YJ, Xie YH, Xiao HY, Chen XS, LiF. 2017.Controls on litter decomposition of emergent macrophyte in Dongting Lake wetlands. Ecosystems, 20(7): 1383-1389. [04]Xie YJ, Xie YH, Xiao HY, Deng ZM, Pan Y, Pan BH,Hu JY.2017. Inhibition of litter decomposition of two emergent macrophytes by addition of aromatic plant powder.Scientific Reports, 7: 16685. [05]Xie YJ, Xie YH, Chen XS, Li F, Hou ZY, Li X. 2016. Non-additive effects of water availability and litter quality on decomposition of litter mixtures. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 16(2): 153-168. [06]Xie YJ, Xie YH, Hu C, Chen XS, Li F. 2016. Interaction between litter quality and simulated water depths on decomposition of two emergent macrophytes. Journal of Limnology, 75(1): 36-43. [07]谢亚军,梁越,肖红伟,朱仁果,罗笠,郭威, 曹彦圣, 张忠义, 潘媛媛, 郑能建, 潘春蓉, 熊辉. 2018. 中国陆地生态系统叶凋落物分解的格局及控制因素. 东华理工大学学报: 自然科学版. 41(3): 271-276. [08]谢亚军, 谢永宏, 陈心胜, 李峰, 邓正苗, 侯志勇, 李旭. 2014. 洞庭湖湿地土壤持水能力及其影响因素研究. 长江流域资源与环境, 23(8): 1153-1160. [09]谢亚军, 谢永宏, 陈心胜, 李峰. 2012. 湿地土壤水源涵养功能研究进展. 湿地科学, 10(1): 109-115. [10]梁越, 肖化云, 刘小真, 胡倩倩, 谢亚军, 曹彦圣, 丁新航. 2018. 碳氮稳定同位素示踪鄱阳湖流域蚌湖丰水期的氮污染. 湖泊科学, 30(4): 957-966. [11]梁越, 肖化云, 刘小真, 谢亚军. 2018. N2O产生机制的同位素方法研究进展. 地球与环境, 46(6): 606-612. [12]罗笠, 王宏青, 肖红伟, 朱仁果, 梁越, 郭威, 谢亚军, 徐泸峰, 朱文麒, 肖化云. 2017. 湖泊水体尿素源汇研究进展. 安徽农业科学, 45(36): 44-49. [13]Deng ZM, ChenXS,Xie YH,Xie YJ,Hou ZY, Li F.2015. The role of seedling recruitment fromjuvenile populations of Carex brevicuspis(Cyperaceae)at the Dongting Lakewetlands,China. Scientific Reports, 5: 8646. [14]Pan Y, Pan BH, Xie YH, Hou ZY, Li X, Xie YJ, Pan DD. 2014. Ability to acclimate to sedimentation gradually decreases with burial time in two emergent macrophytes from Dongting Lake wetlands in China. Annales Botanici Fennici, 51: 29-38. [15]Deng ZM, Chen XS, Xie YH, Pan Y, Li F, Hou ZY, Li X, Xie YJ. 2013. Plasticity of the clonal growth in the wetland sedge Carex brevicuspisalong a small-scale elevation. Annales Botanici Fennici,50: 151-159.
