1、Wang XG,Zheng ZH,Sun ZX & Liu YJ. Recovery Uranium from Uranium-Bearing Waste Ore Using Heap Bioleaching, Advanced Materials Research, 2012, Vols.518-523:3187-3190(EI)
2、Wang XG,Li J,Sun ZX & Liu YJ.An industrial heap bioleaching of fluorine-bearing uranium ore,19th IBS Conference,2011:601-603.
3、Wang XG, Sun ZX, Liu J.Particle size effects in bioleaching of uranium waste ore, Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts,2011:2125
4、Wang XG, Liu J, Sun ZX, Liu Y & Zheng ZH.Uranium recovery from waste ores by an indigenous Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans in laboratory. Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts 2010:A1109(SCI)
5、王学刚,刘金辉,孙占学等. 不同条件下细菌池浸浸铀对比试验研究. 矿业研究与开发,2010,5(30):46-49(中文核心)
6、王学刚,孙占学,刘金辉等. 某铀矿石不同细菌浸出方式对比试验. 金属矿山,2010,4(406):81-83(中文核心)
7、王学刚,王光辉,谢志英. 交联壳聚糖吸附处理低浓度含铀废水. 金属矿山,2010,9(411):133-136(中文核心)
8、王学刚,王光辉,刘金生. 矿区重金属污染土壤的修复技术研究现状. 工业安全与环保,2010,4(36):29-31(中文核心)
9、王学刚,刘金辉,李学礼等. 低品位铀矿石细菌浸出试验研究.金属矿山,2009,11(401):179-182(中文核心)
10、Wang GH, Wang XG, Chai XJ, et al. Adsorption of uranium (VI) from aqueous solution on calcined and acid-activated kaolin. Applied Clay Science , 2010, 47:448–451 (SCI)
11、Wang GH,Wang XG, Deng NS et al, Photocatalytic degradation of azo dye acid red 14 based on molecular recognition interaction. Fresennius Environmental Bulletin, 17 (8A):1054-1060,2008 (SCI)