Ke Wang*, Zhan Xu, Fujin Ling, Yahong Wang, Shuo Dong, Annealing and thickness effects on magnetic properties of Co2FeAl alloy films, Applied Surface Science 435 (2018) 1125–1135
Ke Wang*, Yahong Wang, Fujin Ling, Zhan Xu, Perpendicular exchange coupling effects in ferrimagnetic TbFeCo/GdFeCo hard/soft structures, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 452 (2018) 153-156
K. Wang*,F. Ling,D. Gong,G. Wang, R. Chen,Y. Huang, Temperature dependent magnetic, electrical and optical properties in CoFeAlSi Heusler alloy thin films, Materials Chemistry & Physics, 214, 2018, 355-358
Ke Wang*, Shuo Dong, Ya Huang, Yuzhen Qiu, Magnetic and thermal properties of amorphous TbFeCo alloy films, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials ,434 (2017)169-173
Ke Wang* , Zhan Xu, Ya Huang, Ruofei Chen, Interfacial perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and magnetic properties of Pd/Co2FeAl0.5 Si0.5 /MgO structured films, Materials & Design, 114 (2017) 557-562
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Ke Wang*, Zhan Xu, Shuo Dong, Qiu Yuzhen, Ya Huang, Magnetic, thermal, electrical properties and crystallization kinetics of Co60Fe20B20 alloy films, SCIENCE CHINA Materials 59 (2016) 639-647
Ke Wang*, Ruofei Chen, Ya Huang, Sputtering preparation and magnetic properties of amorphous TbFeCo films, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2016Vol. 450, 82-86, 2016
Ke Wang*, Ruofei Chen, Zhan Xu, Shuo Dong, Ya Huang, Thermal effect on structure and magnetic properties in CoFeAlSi alloy films, Materials & Design, Vol.107, 290-294, 2016
Ke Wang*, Shuo Dong, Zhan Xu, Ya Huang, Crystallization and magnetic properties in amorphous Co2MnSi alloy films, Materials Letters, Vol.180, 140-143, 2016
Ke Wang*, Ya Huang, Zhan Xu, Yiyang Hu, Shuo Dong, Crystallization and high temperature functional properties in CoFeB films, Solid State Communications, Vol. 234-235, 31-34, 2016
Ke Wang*, Ya Huang, Ruofei Chen, Zhan Xu, Investigation of magnetic properties in thick Co40Fe40B20 alloy films for controllable anisotropy, Applied Physics A, 122(2), 1-5, 2016
Y. Xiang, C.W. Chen, K. Wang, Micromagnetic study of magnetization reversal in exchange spring systems with mutually orthogonal anisotropies, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 682, 370-374, 2016
Ke Wang*, Ya Huang, Ruofei Chen, Zhan Xu, Structural and electrical properties of heterojunction devices formed by spinning TIPS Pentacene thin films on n-Si substrates, Applied Surface Science 388, 376–380, (2016)
K. Wang*, Y. Huang, Y. Z. Qiu, R. F. Chen, P. Heard, S. Bending, Magnetic properties of ultrathin Co/Pt multilayer Hall devices irradiated using focused ion beam, Physica B, Vol.476, 158-160, 2015
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K. Wang*,R. F. Chen, C. W. Chen,R. C. Ward, Patterning effects on magnetic reversal properties in epitaxial-grown Laves phase DyFe2/YFe2 superlattice, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 377, 295–297, 2015
K. Wang*, R. F. Chen, F. J. Zhuang, C. W. Chen, S. J. Su, Y. Xiang, Study of Triisopropylsilyl Pentacene thin film and its interfacial properties for device applications, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 584, 359-362, 2015
K. Wang*, Y. Qiu, Y. Huang, P. Heard, S. Bending, Investigation of temperature dependent magnetic properties in irradiated Co/Pt multilayer devices using Extraordinary Hall effect measurements, IEEE International Magnetics Conference, INTERMAG 2015, DOI: 10.1109/INTMAG.2015.7157634
K. Wang*, R. C. C. Ward, P.A.J.de Groot, A simple approach for characterization of spring-type superlattice magnets using magneto-optical Kerr effect, Materials Letters, Vol.116, 143–145, 2014
K. Wang*, J. Stark, Dispersion of nano-Au suspension using novel pulsed jet nanoelectrospraying approach, Materials Letters, Vol.123, 120–123, 2014