2011年,中国遥感卫星辐射测量和定标重点开放实验室学术年会 一等奖
2010年,中国遥感卫星辐射测量和定标重点开放实验室学术年会 一等奖
2007年,中国气象学会学术年会 大会优秀论文奖
1. Xingying Zhang,Jos van Geffen,Hong Liao,Peng Zhang,Sijia Lou,2012,Spatiotemporal variations of tropospheric SO2 over China by SCIAMACHY observations during 2004-2009,Atmospheric Environment, 60(2012), 238-246.(SCI)
2. Xingying Zhang, Wenguang Bai, Peng Zhang, 2011, Study on three-dimensional structure of tropospheric methane over China based on satellite observations, Chinese Science Bulletin,56(31): 3321-3327 (SCI)
3. Zhang, X., Guoshun Zhuang,Kenneth A Rahn, Hui Yuan, Zifa Wang,2009, The aerosol particles from dried salt-lakes and saline soils in dust storm in Beijing, Terrestrial, Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences, Vol. 20, No. 4,619-628. (SCI)
4. Zhang X., Zhang P., Zhang Y., Li X., Qiu H.,2007,The trend, seasonal cycle, and sources of tropospheric NO2 over China during 1997~2006 based on satellite measurement,Sci China Ser D-Earth Sci, vol. 50(12), 1877-1884 .(SCI)
5. Zhang, X., Zhuang, G., Guo, J., Yin, k., Zhang, P, 2007,Characterization of aerosol over the Northern South China Sea during two cruises in 2003, Atmospheric Environment, 41(36), 7821-7836.(SCI)
6. Zhang, X., Zhuang, G., Chen, J., Wang, Y., Wang, X., An, Z., Zhang, P., 2006, Heterogeneous reactions of sulfur dioxide on mineral particles. Journal of Physical Chemistry
B, 110(25), 12588-12596. (SCI)
7. Zhang, X., Zhuang, G., Chen, J., Xue, H., 2005. Speciation of the elements and compositions over the surfaces of dust storm particles. Chinese Science Bulletin,50(8), 738-744. (SCI)
8. Weihe Wang, Xingying Zhang*, Yongmei Wang et al., 2011, Introduction to the FY-3A Total Ozone Unit (FY-3A TOU): Instrument, Performance, and Results, International Journal of remote sensing, 32(17),4749-4758 (SCI)
9. Weihe Wang, Xingying Zhang*, Xingqin An et al., 2010, Analysis for retrieval and validation results of FY-3 Total Ozone Unit(TOU), Chinese Science Bulletin,2010 Vol. 55 (26): 3037-3043 (SCI)
10. Wenguang Bai, Xingying Zhang*, Peng Zhang, 2010, Temporal and spatial distribution of tropospheric CO2 over China based on satellite observations, Chinese Science Bulletin,55 (31): 3612–3618(SCI)