1.Lan J Q, Liang X, Hong T, et al. On the effects of glasses on the SAR in human head resulting from wireless eyewear devices at phone call state[J]. Progress in biophysics and molecular biology, 2018.(已接收,SCI,三区,第一作者)
2.Lan J, Hong T, Liang X, et al. Evaluation of Microwave Microdosimetry for Human Eyes with Glasses Exposed to Wireless Eyewear Devices at Phone Call State[J]. Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 2018, 63: 71-81.(EI, 已发表,第一作者)
3.Liao Y, Lan J, Zhang C, et al. A Phase-Shifting Method for Improving the Heating Uniformity of Microwave Processing Materials[J]. Materials, 2016, 9(5):309.(SCI, 二区,第二作者)
4.Lan J Q, Huang K M*. Evaluation of SAR in a human head with glasses exposed to radiation of a mobile phone [J]. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2013, 27(15): 1919 (SCI, 四区,第一作者)
5.Lan J Q, Chen X R, Bai Y L, et al. Structures and absorption spectra of sulfur cluster S9 via first-principles calculations [J]. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2010, 405(1): 148-152.(SCI,四区,第一作者)
6.兰俊卿, 江戈扬, 黄卡玛. 混合法计算城市微蜂窝小区上空电场分布(英文) [J]. 四川大学学报自然科学版, 2015, 52(2).(核心,一作)
7.Zhang C, Lan J, Hong T, et al. Dynamic analysis and simulation on continuous flow processing of biodiesel production in single-mode microwave cavity[J]. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics & Mechanics, 2016, 51(2):199-213.(SCI, 四区,第二作者)
8.Zhu H C, Lan J Q, Wu L, et al. Bivariate characterization and measurement for effective permittivity of esterification reactions at 2450 MHz for multiphysics simulation[J]. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics & Mechanics, 2015, 47(4):927-937. (SCI, 四区,第二作者)
9.兰俊卿, 黄卡玛*,城市微蜂窝小区上空电波传播损耗模型预测,2013年全国微波毫米波会议论文集,pp.422,2013 (中文会议,第一作者)
10.兰俊卿,洪涛,王敏,杜国宏*,眼镜对于眼部无线可穿戴设备用户眼睛微波吸收功率影响研究[C]// 全国微波毫米波会议,2018(已接收)