男,副教授,生于1984年,中共党员,研究生学历,博士学位。2009年7月起在成都信息工程大学电子工程学院任教,主要从事大气辐射传输和卫星遥感等方向的教学、科研工作。2013-2014年至国家卫星气象中心学术访问一年,2015年获中科院大气物理研究所大气物理与大气环境专业博士学位,《International Journal of Remote Sensing》等期刊审稿人。
1. Hailei Liu, Shihao Tang, Juyang Hu, Shenglan Zhang, Xiaobo Deng, An improved physical split-window algorithm for precipitable water vapor retrieval exploiting the water vapor channel observations, Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 194, 1 June 2017, Pages 366-378. (SCI)
2. Liu Hailei,Tang Shihao,Zhang Shenglan,Hu Juyang,Evaluation of MODIS water vapour products over China using radiosonde data,International Journal of Remote Sensing,2015,36 (2):680-690. (SCI)
3. Liu Hailei,Duan Minzheng,Lu Daren,Zhang Yan,Algorithm for retrieving surface pressure from hyper-spectral measurements in oxygen A-band,Chinese Science Bulletin,2014,59 (14):1492-1498. (SCI)
4. Liu Hailei,Zhang Shenglan,Tang Shihao,Land surface temperature retrieval from the medium resolution spectral imager thermal data,International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology,2015,8 (1):339-352. (EI)
6. Hailei Liu, Lisheng Xu, Jilie Ding, Ba Sang. An Atmospheric Correction Method for Medium Resolution Spectral Imager Thermal IR Soundings. Key Engineering Materials. Vol.500, pp397-402. (EI)
7. Hailei Liu; Lisheng Xu; Jilie Ding, et al. Atmospheric correction and land surface temperature retrieval method for FY-3 IR observations. International Conference on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 2, pp. 131-134. (EI)
8. Hailei Liu, Lisheng Xu; Ciren Bianba, et al. An NN-based atmospheric correction algorithm for Landsat/TM thermal infrared data. International Conference on Image Analysis and Signal Processing, Vol.2, pp. 591-594, 2010. (EI)
9. Shenglan Zhang, Lisheng Xu, Jilie Ding, Hailei Liu, XiaoBo Deng. Precipitable Water Vapor Retrieval Using Neural Network from Infrared Hyperspectral Soundings. Key Engineering Materials. Vol.500, pp. 390-396. (EI)