1、A numerical solution of a singular boundary value problem arising in boundary layer theory,SpringerPlus,2016年2月,SCI,独撰
2、Coupled Gas–Liquid Two-Phase Model in Perforated Vertical Wells for Petroleum and Natural Gas,Energy Technology,2015年10月,SCI,独撰
3、Analyzing and Forecasting Crude Oil Price Based on Stochastic Process Model, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing,2015年7月,EI,独撰
4.1、An Optimal Model for Predicting the Productivity of Perforated Vertical HTHP Wells, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2014年7月,SCI,第一作者
5、A Reservoir Wellbore Coupling Model for the Pressure, Flow Rate, and Optimum Perforation Distribution in Gas Well,Energy Technology,2013年10月,SCI,独撰
6、Prediction of Temperature and Pressure Distribution in HTHP Injection Gas Wells with Thermal Effect of Wellbore,Petroleum Science and Technology,2013年6月,SCI,第二作者
7、Optimization of perforation distribution in HTHP vertical wells,The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2013年2月,SCI,第二作者