新型钢渣吸附剂的制备及其在工业废水处理中的应用.二等奖,四川省环境保护厅, 2017
1.Junyuan Guo, Yang Huang, Cheng Chen, Yu Xiao, Jing Chen, Biyu Jian. Enhanced anaerobically digested swine wastewater treatment by the composite of polyaluminum chloride (PAC) andBacillus megatheriumG106 derived EPS. Scientific Reports. 2017, 7: 8605.
2.Junyuan Guo, Cheng Chen. Removal of arsenite by a microbial bioflocculant produced from swine wastewater. Chemosphere, 2017, 181: 759-766.
3.Junyuan Guo, Cheng Chen. Sludge conditioning using the composite of a bioflocculant and PAC for enhancement in dewaterability. Chemosphere, 2017, 185: 277-283.
4.Junyuan Guo, Jiali Du, Peilan Chen, Xiandong Tan, Xinyi Huang, Pengfei Gan, Lin Fu. Enhanced efficiencies of sludge dewatering and domestic wastewater treatment by using the bioflocculant from rice stover.Water and Environmental Journal,2017, 31(1): 120-126.
5.Junyuan Guo. Pretreatment of landfill leachate by using the composite of poly ferric sulfate and bioflocculant MBFR10543.Desalination and Water Treatment, 2016, 57(41): 19262-19272.
6.Junyuan Guo. Adsorption characteristics and mechanisms of high-levels of ammonium from swine wastewater using natural and MgO modified zeolites.Desalination and Water Treatment,2016, 57(12): 5452-5463.
7.Junyuan Guo, Jing Ma. Bioflocculant from pre-treated sludge and its applications in sludge dewatering and swine wastewater pretreatment.Bioresource Technology, 2015, 196: 736-740.
8.Junyuan Guo, Jing Yu, Xin Xin, Changwu Zou, Qingfeng Cheng.Characterization and flocculation mechanism of a bioflocculant from hydrolyzate of rice stover.Bioresource Technology, 2015, 177: 393-397.
9.Junyuan Guo, Yuzhe Zhang, Jing Zhao, Yu Zhang, Xiao Xiao, Bin Wang, Bi Shu. Characterization of a bioflocculant from potato starch wastewater and its application in sludge dewatering.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2015, 99(13): 5429-5437.
10.Junyuan Guo,Anthony K. Lau, Yuzhe Zhang, Jing Zhao. Characterization and flocculation mechanism of a bioflocculant from potato starch wastewater.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,2015, 99: 5855-5861.
11.Junyuan Guo, Lichao Nengzi, Jing Zhao, Yuzhe Zhang. Enhanced dewatering of sludge with the composite of bioflocculant MBFGA1 and P(AM-DMC) as a conditioner.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,2015, 99(7): 2989-2998.
12.Junyuan Guo. Characteristics and mechanisms of Cu(II) sorption from aqueous solution by using bioflocculant MBFR10543.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,2015, 99(1): 229-240.
13.Junyuan Guo, Jing Yu. Sorption characteristics and mechanisms of Pb(II) from aqueous solution by using bioflocculant MBFR10543.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2014, 98(14): 6431-6441.
14.Junyuan Guo, Chunping Yang, Lanyan Peng. Preparation and characteristics of bacterial polymer using pre-treated sludge from swine wastewater treatment plant.Bioresource Technology, 2014, 152: 490-498.
15.Junyuan Guo, Chunping Yang, Guangming Zeng. Treatment of swine wastewater using chemically modified zeolite and bioflocculant from activated sludge.Bioresource Technology, 2013, 143: 289-297.
16.郭俊元,陈诚,张萍,何山.壳聚糖的改性及其去除废水中染料物质的性能研究.环境科学学报. 2017
17.郭俊元,陈诚,刘文杰.微生物絮凝剂及与壳聚糖复配处理亚甲基蓝废水.中国环境科学. 2017,37(9): 3346-3352.
18.郭俊元,周心甜.屠宰废水制备微生物絮凝剂及改善污泥脱水性能的研究.中国环境科学. 2017,37(7): 2615-2622.
19.郭俊元,周明杰,甘鹏飞,谭显东,郭子豪,付琳,黄婉怡,柏雪.沸石生物滴滤器处理分散式生活污水的性能及生物膜特征研究.中国环境科学, 2016, 36(12): 3601-3609.
20.郭俊元,赵净,付琳.水稻秸秆制备微生物絮凝剂及改善污泥脱水性能的研究.中国环境科学, 2016, 36(11):3360-3367.